The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-four, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (4)


Carcosa College, Society Building.

"Ilia~ This is the club classroom of our 'SOS Group', what do you think?"

After the meeting in the auditorium, Naiya dragged her newly recruited "members" to visit the club classroom.

Kaos hugged the back of his head and followed behind in boredom, thinking seriously about whether this girl was too smart or really stupid.

Before the assembly in the auditorium, Naiya squeezed away a few female classmates surrounding Illya during class and invited her to join her SOS group. At that time, Illya's answer was:

"Okay, but what is your club going to do? I can't tell from the name, is it some kind of rescue enthusiast?"

Listen, she agreed to join first and then asked what she wanted to do. Wasn't she afraid of being tricked into joining some strange organization?

Hmm... Compared to being targeted by "foreign gods", that seems to be nothing.

Maybe those girls also had the idea of ​​inviting her to join their club, but most of them wanted to chat first to enhance their relationship. They never expected that Naia would directly invite her, let alone that the transfer student would directly agree.

At this time, the silver-haired girl was looking at the club classroom with almost no decorations: "Well... it's good, but didn't you say that our club has been established for a year? Why does this classroom look like new?"

Because Illya naturally changed her name to "our club", Naiya beamed with joy:

"Ah, wasn't that the alien invasion a year ago? When we went to evacuate, the original classroom was bombed. It took more than half a year to get a new one, but it was twice as big, so it was a profit."

It's written as "evacuation" and read as "burrowing". Who was the guy who comforted "Kaz" at first, but after he came out and found that the club classroom was in ruins, he clamored to take revenge on the aliens?

The small book kiosk that book lovers used before has been discontinued, and now they are basically using \\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app\\\\.

Although the current area is twice the original size, the usable area has become smaller since it has been transformed from a "meeting room" to a "lecture room".

"Hmm, 'Nyarlathotep group that makes the world more lively'?" Illya opened the club's public computer and read out the club's name.

"The purpose of our club at the beginning was to 'find aliens' so as to 'make the world more lively.' But now that it has been confirmed that there are aliens, the club's activities are naturally the study of extraterrestrial civilizations." Naiya said seriously. Eight ways.

"Yes, yes, I said at the beginning that my father was abducted by aliens, but no one believed it. No, aliens came to the door of the house and even came to work as teachers." Illya nodded repeatedly.

Hmm... This reason for joining the group is reasonable, but you clearly didn't know the activities of the SOS group before you agreed to join the group, right?

"Hey, yellow robe monster," while the two silver-haired girls were muttering over there to discuss the club's future policy, Crowley bumped Kaos with her shoulder: "Did you see anything special about that little girl? ?”

Special... That's really not true. When Naiya took the initiative to contact Illya, Kaos had "scanned" her. She was just an ordinary girl, but her identity was a little special. She was a person who made non-humanoid bionics. The CEO of the company "Kamsky" is here.

"Well...she originally claimed that the members she wanted to recruit were 'aliens', 'people from the future', 'magicians' and 'visitors from another world'," Kaos clapped his fingers and said, "Not counting her own words. You are an 'alien', I am a 'visitor from another world', Mikoto and Lina are considered 'magicians', so only the 'future people' are left."

"Impossible," Crowley shook her head: "The power of 'time' is in [that] hand. No one can make a time jump unless -"

"——Unless she is the incarnation of [that person]." Kaos answered.

"..." Kaos and Crowley looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.

"No, it's impossible, right?" "That's right, with Naiya's trouble-making ability, he won't be able to run far away when he sees [that person].

Where can I dare to invite people to join the group? "Look again, look again." "

"——So, since 'aliens' and 'magicians' are real, then 'future people' and 'visitors from another world' must also exist." At this time, Naia had completely entered the state of nonsense: "And our activity is to find them!"

According to her, I am not considered a "visitor from another world"?

"It's a very ambitious goal. I hope it can be achieved." Illya replied.

Just spoil her!

Although he knew that Naiya was a guy who felt uncomfortable without causing trouble, and what she was doing must be paving the way for trouble in the future, Kaos couldn't help but complain because her external performance was so stupid.

"So, what should we do in the next club activities?" Illya continued to ask.

"Of course - do a questionnaire on the evaluation of alien instructors by students from various colleges." Naiya waved his hand out the window: "The focus is on the attitude towards the instructor himself and his attitude towards his 'professional classification'."

This is of no use to the goals you set!

"Although we have lofty goals, we must also be down-to-earth." Noticing that everyone present was looking at her, Naia spread her hands: "Teacher Yueyong came to me before and said that if we don't carry out meaningful activities, we will cut back Our club funds.”

"So that's it... No, wait, we still have club funds?" Crowley's already huge eyes widened: "Why haven't I seen it? Did you eat them all?"

"Of course I haven't seen it before, because it was withheld as a 'fine' and 'compensation' before it was issued." Naiya said with a confident look.

"...Same." Crowley thought for a moment and agreed.

Still "too"? Every time you cause trouble, the one who makes the biggest noise is you, okay?

If he thought about it carefully, there would be a lot of losses after Naiya's troubles, but he had never heard of anyone claiming compensation. He originally thought that Lichtem or Dr. Channing would pay for the settlement, but in the end it was still up to him.

A little worried that this kind of thing would scare away the new members, Kaos turned his head and looked at Illya, and found that the girl looked like she was taking it for granted.

...Could she really be a "future person"?


"I'm back...huh? Are you the transfer student? Your name is Illya, right?"

While Naia was making plans, Misaka Mikoto, who looked a little lackluster, opened the door and walked in.

Well, it seems that when Naia "recruited" Illya, she was not in the classroom to avoid Lina.

"Hello, Misaka-san." Illya greeted her politely.

"Just call me Mikoto, and besides—"



Lina hung onto Mikoto in a flash, and was electrocuted again in the next second.

"——Besides, don't get close to me easily, it may be dangerous." Mikoto finished the second half of the sentence as she walked in the door, and then put Lina on her seat.

"That's strange." As the person who had the best relationship with Mikoto, Kaos was the first to speak: "Don't you need to cooperate with the research today?"

In Kaos' current class, in addition to his own "unknown field" that cannot be classified, Mikoto, Lina, and Yuriko Suzuko all have tasks to cooperate with the Academy of Science's research.

At first, after Naia successfully lured Mikoto and Lina into the club, she tried to get in touch with Yuriko Suzuko, and then ran back dejected, not knowing what kind of setback she had encountered.

"This is probably due to the alien instructor with the strange name," Mikoto spread her hands: "According to the information I got, his manuscript about 'professionals' was not included in the scheduled speech at all. It can be said that it was completely Academy City was caught off guard. The institute is busy analyzing the advantages, disadvantages and commonalities of the two systems, so the experiment of 'superpower level improvement' has been temporarily suspended."

"Yeah..." Kaos nodded to express his understanding.

In his speech, Waynus severely criticized the Star Alliance's practice of dividing superpowers into different attributes, but did not question the "power levels".

Obviously, no matter how the abilities are classified, the "level" of abilities that are more powerful and more powerful will definitely be higher.

However, Kaos always felt that those guys who wanted to make "crazy" level superpowers go further probably had something wrong with their heads.

Paper, merge, strong, fierce, crazy, god.

This is the name of the six-level abilities classified by the Star Alliance, but anyone who sees this classification for the first time will also question, "Why is there a god behind the madness? Are gods so cheap?"

As a person who knows the inside story, Kaos can responsibly say that the "god" level was simply created randomly by the research institute. The specific definition is "to cause a 'complete crushing' of superpowers of mad level and below." "

This crude classification sounds like "Below the saints, all are ants." Those scientists who confidently try to elevate "crazy" level superpowers to "gods" are no different from using mortal means. Let the monks be "sanctified".

No matter how hard they try, it's all in vain. Without a chance, the most they can do is produce a "sub-sage".

...Hmm, wait a minute, in a world dominated by science, isn’t it inappropriate to talk about the prehistoric times?

When Kaos retracted his free thoughts, Naiya came over happily with a pen and paper: "It just so happens that as a person involved, let me be the first interviewee - what do you think of the alien instructor? What do you think of him? What do you think of the proposed classification system for superpowers?”

"Ah? It's okay, the emphasis on both sides is different," Mikoto thought for a moment: "We are studying the level of 'superpower' itself, while the Turian side is studying the level of 'power combat'. If To put it another way, we are studying how to improve a person’s muscle density, lung capacity, explosive power and reaction speed, while over there we are studying how to make this person better able to fight.”

"As for the instructor himself...because their race once invaded, the initial favorability is negative, unless he shows enough charisma in the subsequent teaching, in which case it may increase a bit."

Hmm... This should be a relatively common view. If the investigation report is handed in, the investigation of Mikoto can be put at the top.

"Oh? Favorability? Negative? Can it still increase?" Naia narrowed her eyes: "Let me guess, what game are you playing recently?"

"Uh..." Mikoto's face showed a little panic, but she calmed down well: "Well, when I just came up, I saw a polar bear being watched at the top of the stairs. Did you get it again? ?”

"How is that possible? Don't blame me for all the weird things!" Naiya put down the pen angrily.

It's a clumsy way to change the subject, but someone just got diverted. Where did the polar bear come from in Academy City?


After hearing Mikoto's words, Illya exclaimed a little, and then ran out.

This reaction does not seem like curiosity about a bear.

Kaos followed Ilia who ran away out of the club classroom and looked towards the stairs.

The sound insulation of each classroom in this club building is very good. When you are indoors, you can't hear the outside sound at all. After you walk out, you can clearly notice the noisy voices coming from the stairs. Generally speaking, those voices just sound like surprise. And curiosity, no exclamation of panic, so there should be no danger...probably.

Swish swish - Lina, who woke up at some point, flew out with several flashes in a row.

It's strange that she didn't touch Mikoto immediately.

A few minutes later, Illya and Lina came back together. They rode on the back of a huge white bear, followed by some other club members who were watching the fun.

They seemed to be curious about where the bear came from and where it was going, but when they saw a group of members of the "SOS group" here, they all showed expressions of "So that's it" and "Sure enough," and turned around and left.

As long as it becomes the weirdest club in the academy, no one will be surprised even if its members are all tentacle monsters... Is this your plan? Naiya?

The members moved out of the way, allowing Illya and the polar bear on the back of a bear to stagger into the club classroom, and then closed the door to shut out the curious eyes of other students.

"Wow, it feels so good~" Lina flew down in a flash, "But it's a little worse than my sister."


"Illya, it is..."

Kaos ignored Mikoto and Lina who were making a fuss over there, and took the initiative to ask. He had "scanned" the polar bear when he saw it, and he could confirm that it was not a real bear, but a bionic person, or bionic. Bear.

Who would bring a bear with them to school? It's not like Alfred who can take care of daily life.

"This is 'Basaka'," Illya jumped off the bear's back and touched the bear's head vigorously: "It seems that because I didn't go back on time today, it followed the smell and found it."

"Hoho~" the white bear named Basaka snorted twice.

Is that a dog or a bear? Plus, can it even smell the odor you left after going to school in the morning?

"It seems our academy doesn't allow pets, right?" Mikoto, who is considered an outstanding student, said hesitantly.

"Basaka is not a pet, but a bionic human," Illya said as Kaos already knew the information, and then rubbed the bear's ears: "The identity I registered for it is 'butler'."

So this is actually a "parental visit"?

If Alfred heard it... well, he would probably say very seriously, "It seems that the butler did not take good care of your lady."

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