The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Five, Alliance of Fathers Worried (5)


College city, commercial street.

"Hello~ We are conducting a random survey for extracurricular research. Can you answer a few questions for us?"

Naiya and Kedoli were wearing the uniforms of Carcosa College, holding microphones and video cameras in a decent manner, and stopped random passers-by on the street to conduct interviews.

I don’t know why they are doing this. All operations are obviously done by their own universal tools.

Kaos complained while instructing his multi-tool VI assistant Xiao K to record the scene of their interviews and file them separately.

"Okay, little sister, what do you want to ask?" a young passerby responded.

Brother, if you dare to call them little sisters, you won't be afraid of shortening your life.

"What we want to ask is, what do you think of the alien instructor and the classification of superpowers he proposed? What profession do you want to be without considering whether you have suitable superpowers?" Naiya held up her notebook with questions written on it. , using the microphone to ask questions seriously.

"I don't have a good impression of the intruder, but the classification of superpowers he proposed is quite useful. If possible, of course he is a 'superpower expert'."

This is really the standard and most popular answer.

Waynus's speech at the academy had already spread throughout the human world when Kaos and the others welcomed the new students last night...probably.

Among them, "Specialist" and "Infiltrator" are the top two professions they want to become, followed by "Vanguard" and "Sentinel". As for "Engineer" and "Warrior", few people care about them.

A bunch of people just want to be the main C and don’t want to be assistants?

However, according to the results that Kaos stole from Dr. Qian Ning, the number of people with superpowers who are suitable for employment is inversely proportional to the results of this survey.

As the saying goes, the heart is higher than the sky, and life is thinner than paper.

Speaking of which... Kaos raised his head and glanced at the members participating in this "extracurricular activity."

Naiya is sweet, Kedoli is lively, and Yili is quiet. If you don't know their true nature, there will always be someone who will like one of them and agree to answer the questionnaire.

If you think about it carefully, Mikoto and Lina are of a different type from them. So, when Naya dragged Illya in, she was actually collecting because of the hamster syndrome?

If the two girls did not participate in the experiment but acted together, the scene would have been spectacular.

"Okay~Thank you for your cooperation~" Naiya basically threw it away at passers-by, not giving them a chance to say anything more.

In a sense, this can be regarded as protection. If ordinary people are allowed to look at the ridiculously beautiful appearance of the "Outer God" for too long, it may cause the tragedy of "never being able to look at the same kind again".

That is to say, Naiya is still in the form of a little girl. If she dares to appear in front of people in an adult form, [that person] will have to disfigure her on the spot, such as having her face swollen and having to use a fan to cover it.

Hmm...wait a minute, Naia can leave, but it seems that she has to maintain the image of a normal person before Rechtem dies?

Forget it, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.


"These answers from ordinary humans are really boring," Naiya was sitting on a bench in a small park, fanning herself with a notebook: "There are no aliens mixed in at all."

"Are you kidding me?" Kaos couldn't help complaining: "If there are aliens, you can tell at a glance. According to the statistics provided by the 'Galactic Alliance' to the Star Alliance, there are no current alliance members who can transform into others. Race."

"Really? That's a pity." Naiya glanced at him and conveyed: "Aren't you yourself?" 】Information.

Do you plan to merge the "Outer Gods" and "Old Ones", each of whom exists independently, into one race?

Kaos wanted to retort, but his eyes alone couldn't convey that much information, so he glared at her.

"By the way, Illya," at this time, Kedoli turned to the silver-haired girl who had been following them and barely expressed any opinions: "Where is your bear? I still miss it a little bit."

The small book stand used by book friends has been hung up.

Now I basically use \\Mi\\Mi\\Read\\app\\\\.

"Sela didn't let me take it, saying it would scare the children, so I tied it up after I went back yesterday." Illya replied with a wink.

"Huh? Sera is...?" Kedoli raised an eyebrow.

"She is one of the two maids I brought. Ligelit is mainly responsible for housework and will not care what I do." Illya replied.

Okay, I showed off my wealth inadvertently, but money in human society is completely meaningless to us "old days" and "outer gods". We will never--

"Ah, I'm so envious. I also want someone to clean up the house instead of doing it myself." Crowley sighed.

"Yes, yes~" Naia agreed repeatedly.

So you two come to my dormitory every time to eat and drink and don't want to go back because you don't want to clean up the room? Can you show some dignity of a superior race?

"Let me ask..." Kaos decided to bring the off-track topic back: "Isn't that a 'bionic man'? Why do you need to use a bolt? Just say no to it?"

"Basaka is a 'bionic human', but not a bionic 'human'. It is... um... yes, it is a 'bionic bear'," Illya struggled for a while, and finally made up a word: "It generally thinks of itself as a bear, not as a machine in bear skin."

"So, under what circumstances is it not 'normal'? Is it short-circuited in the rain?" Kaos continued to ask.

"Kamsky's products are not that easy to malfunction!" Illya's eyes widened.

"..." Kaos was silent.

It's self-defeating. It seems that this little CEO is not just in name, but really cares about his company.

"Ah, Kamsky! Is that Kamsky?"

"It's the same last name as Ilia. It felt a bit familiar yesterday but I couldn't remember it."

Naia and Crowley looked surprised, and their acting was extremely exaggerated.

"I didn't mean to hide it..." Ilia tugged at the corners of her clothes and looked at several people: "My father, Kelly Kamski, is not married but has a daughter, so many people question me as a bionic person. Confirm the physical examination After the results were normal and the DNA matched, they said I was a bionic person that couldn’t be detected by ordinary examinations..."

It’s nonsense. It’s the same logic as the bandits used in witch trials in the Middle Ages. People are tied to stones and thrown into the river. If they can float, they are witches.

"[Oh~ So, who has said these words, do you still remember?]" Naia put her chin in one hand and asked with a half-smile.

"[We still have some power on Earth, tell me?]" Kedoli played with her own ponytail in her hand, her tone equally unkind.

Don't make any more trouble, okay? Who cares if everyone on this street goes crazy? !

While Kaos remained in a state of indignation at the side, he frantically wiped away the terrifying aura emanating from these two "outer gods".


"Oh, I see, it's just some android companies squeezing out competitors." Naia continued to fan herself with her laptop.

"They went bankrupt after the 'Omnic Crisis', so that's okay." Kdori rubbed her right eye.

"It happened a long time ago. I don't know what you are excited about." Kaos complained, in a double sense.

If those rumormongers are still alive and well, how are you going to go to earth to teach them a lesson?

"Well, I didn't mean to hide it. Because of what happened, I usually only talk to Sera, Lijie Lit and Basaka. After coming to Academy City, I was worried that someone would think that way," Illya blinked: "I was really happy when you came to invite me to join the club, so..."

"Don't worry, you are our friend forever, right, big eyes?" Naiya stood up and hugged Illya's shoulders.

"That's right, and don't call me that, you idiot!" Kedoli hugged her other shoulder.

You do know your identity, are you always so easy to say?

"...Don't look at me. I also agree with becoming friends with Illya." Noticing Naiya and Kedoli staring at him, Kaos waved his hands repeatedly: "But it's okay for you little girls to hug each other. No need. Count me in.”

"Hmph, coward," Naia curled her lips, but did not persist: "Today's activities are almost over, let's go find a place to eat~"

"How about crepes?" Kedoli suggested.

"I think takoyaki is good." Naia glanced at Kaos.

What do you want me to do? I'm not Cthulhu.

"...Well, I kind of want some ice cream." Illya suggested weakly.

"Then ice cream!" X2

It was really rare that these two guys actually had the same opinion. Kaos operated the multi-purpose tool a few times and classified and stored all the interviews today.

Speaking of which, their breath leaked before and when they tried their best to eliminate it, they didn't even feel [that person]'s gaze. Could it be that Illya is really his incarnation? is that possible?


"Frozen" Dessert House.

"Do you want to ~ build a snowman ~" The android waiter with blue skirt and blond hair was still singing her routine, but when she saw the three little girls approaching, she immediately switched to a business smile: "Lovely little sisters, you guys OK, what do you want to eat?"

"Well... this..." "That one seems to be..." "Not as good as this..."

Kaos didn't pay attention to the girls who had just announced their friendship declaration. Anyway, he could only eat the most ordinary and smallest plain ice cream, otherwise he would definitely be lectured by Alfred.

Those two guys who used their authority just to eat ice cream without being scolded were simply a disgrace to "foreign gods".

This store has doubled in size compared to when Mikoto's power broke out. It seems that the shops on both sides have been taken down, and an extra android waiter who looks like a village girl has been added, but because the song she sings is not good, it doesn't matter. Popularity.

However, Kaos's focus was not on the decoration of the store. He strutted up to a booth, looked at the two classmates who almost buried their faces under the table, and sneered.

"You don't think you can avoid being discovered to this extent, do you? Hannah, and Cedric."

In fact, even if the two of them hide in a private room - although there is no one here - it will be useless. Cedric's [Wind] element's "energy conversion" is like a large bonfire at night to Kaos. obvious.

Since this guy's "superpower" didn't work when it failed, he helped him when he "first came into contact with war", so he can be regarded as his "familiar" for the time being.

And caring about the emotional issues of the "familiar" is also the right of the superior race, or... fun?

"Ahaha..." Cedric turned his head and raised his hand to touch the back of his head: "Well, what a coincidence. Are you shopping with your sisters?"

"That's not nonsense." Hannah stopped hiding, straightened up, turned her head, and looked at Kaos angrily: "What, you haven't seen anyone on a date?"

"I'm just curious. Why do you pretend not to know each other at school when you can come to eat ice cream together?" Kaos looked at Cedric and then at Hannah.

These two classmates once fought side by side to defend a shelter during the Turian invasion, and were praised and awarded afterwards. However, they somehow had to pretend not to know each other in school. There is no need to use the word "magic" for such a trivial matter. "Knowledge" to scan, take this opportunity to ask.

"It's's just that my family doesn't agree." Cedric scratched his head.

"Huh? You have developed to the point of meeting your parents?!" Even with Kaos's knowledge, he was shocked for two seconds: "So, you are compromising on the surface, but in fact you are planning to elope after graduation?"

"Cedric, you idiot!" Hannah slapped him angrily, and then glared at Kaos: "You too! You must have read too many romance novels!"

No, it was just the intimate interaction between the three little girls that raised the atmosphere to this point.

"What's that for?" Kaos looked at Cedric, who was pretending to rub the back of his hand. This guy's IQ was not up to standard, but his emotional intelligence was perfect.

"Because our elders are at odds, Dr. Albert and Professor Aibo have the same research direction, but completely opposite views. They have been fighting for a long time in various academic journals," Cedric continued rubbing his hands: "I Grandpa believed that humans should expand outward, while Hannah’s grandfather insisted that it should be centered on the earth.”

Well, you two happen to be on the cusp of two currents of "xenophobic" and "pro-foreign" thoughts.

"Originally, their conflict was not so sharp," Hannah continued to explain: "But this time the alien invasion gave my grandfather the absolute upper hand in the debate. He was a little... carried away, and then Albert also got angry. , the conflict between the two parties became more intense, and we didn’t dare to tell our family at all.”

"We still have to elope in the end." Kaos spread his hands.

"You!" Hannah glared at Kaos for two seconds, and then lost her temper: "If you want to go out, just do it. I knew it would be impossible for us."

"No, I will make the impossible possible." Cedric grabbed her hand and said very seriously.

"Hey, let go..." Hannah looked at Kaos and pumped her hand hard, but she couldn't pull it out at all.

Thanks for the treat, the dog is full.

Kaos shook his head, said "I won't tell" and turned to leave.

The Star Alliance has not yet announced the news that "the division of the Galaxy is ready", and no one can say what will change by then.

Speaking of which, why are all the classmates I have good relationships with come from family backgrounds?

Not to mention these two and Illya, Lena Oxton is Channing Williams’ niece, Misaka Mikoto’s father Dr. Misaka Eric has a close relationship with Dean Xavier, and that bell Yuriko Ko, although I haven’t heard of any big boss named Suzuko, but... hmm?

Kaos's eyes glanced out the window of the dessert shop, and he happened to see Misaka Mikoto passing by.

...Didn’t she participate in the experiment?

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