The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Six, Alliance of Fathers Worried (6)


Academy City.

"Hey, Kaos?" Naiya waved her hand in front of him: "What are you thinking about? Did you eat the wrapper of the cone?"

"Huh? Cough! Bah, bah, bah..." Kaos blinked and quickly turned his head to spit out the scraps of paper in his mouth.

"Are you thinking about their problems?" Kdori glanced in the direction of Cedric and Hannah: "That's not really a 'problem'."

Indeed, Kaos nodded in agreement.

Now is the early stage of human beings entering the interstellar society. Everyone who catches up with the "trend of the times" has the opportunity to show their ambitions, not to mention the "trendsetters" in Academy City. The two of them are still young and have enough time to do so. If you achieve enough results, you will only be praised as a good match. No matter how much your family dislikes each other, it will not affect them.

"No, I'm not worried about them." Kaos glanced at the window where Misaka Mikoto passed by before: "I was just thinking that if we invited a friend to hang out together, she declined because she had something to do, but afterwards she What would be the reason for finding out she didn’t do that at all?”

"Ha, what else could it be? Either she hates you, or the schedule you arranged is boring?" Naiya replied.

"Well..." Kaos looked at Naia who was making crazy self-deprecating remarks and didn't know whether he should remind her or not.

"'She'? You mean Mikoto and Lina?" Kedoli naturally didn't have such concerns.

"Of course, there are other possibilities," Naia quickly changed her words: "For example... she is in love and doesn't want us to be light bulbs."

What old metaphor is that?

"Are you kidding? With Lina here, you have to be a very brave boy to dare to... huh?" Kaos suddenly realized in the middle of his retort that Mikoto seemed to be acting "alone" just now, and there was no one following her at all. Lina, who follows her everywhere like a shadow: "Could it be that..."

"Could it be that someone has captured Lina and Mikoto together?!" Naia answered with a shocked look on her face.

... As expected of you, just listening to these words can feel the aura of chaos rolling in.

In addition, you have just established a positive image in front of Illya, are you going to tear it up now?

Kaos glanced at Illya and saw that the little girl was eating her blueberry sundae seriously and had no reaction at all to Naiya's words.

Did she not hear it, or did she think it was normal to have two or three girlfriends?

Hmm... She seems to have said that she doesn't have a mother... Maybe she has no idea about similar things.

"It doesn't matter, we'll just go and have a look and we'll find out," Ketoli swept away her strawberry smoothie and decided, "Treat it as an extra topic."

How did the survey on alien opinions end up here!


"'s really a problem." After tracking Misaka Mikoto for two blocks, Naia and Kedori muttered: "Not only did Lina not suddenly flash and swoop, but the electrical appliances she used did not explode. Very unusual.”

"Ordinary people won't encounter those, right?" Kaos looked around the corner and glanced at Mikoto who was still wandering around: "And her behavior pattern is not right either."

Specifically, although she can discharge electricity and is entangled with strange girls, Mikoto is essentially an excellent student. She goes to school, goes home, participates in scientific research, participates in club activities, buys Sunny Pigs, and beats vending machines. See It seems to be a mess, but it is very purposeful. Wherever it goes and what it does, it is done resolutely. Moreover, due to its built-in "electromagnetic scanning", it is basically clear about the surrounding environment. It is impossible for this kind of "wandering around with a curious face" to happen. Condition.

So, either she lost her memory due to that strange experiment, or she is not Mikoto at all.

"What should we do? Do we want to 'scan' her to take a look?" Kedori, who has a personality similar to Mikoto's, also thought of a similar thing: "But her power level is 'Crazy', and we will be scanned as soon as we start." Wouldn't it be extremely embarrassing to find out if that was really her?"

You have lost all the "Outer God" cards - although Kaos himself cannot guarantee that secretly scanning will not be discovered.

"Otherwise, we go directly to talk to her and condemn her behavior of leaving us to play alone?" Naiya suggested.

By the way, the novel app I'm using recently, [ \\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app \\\\ ], is supported by both Android and Apple phones!

"Then isn't it a waste of time for us to follow her for so long?" Kedoli objected: "At least we must determine her current destination."

"Um..." Illya, who had been following behind, hesitantly said, "Why have you been following that android in the shape of Misaka-san?"

"Huh?!" The three of them turned around so fast that Ilia was so frightened that she took half a step back.

"I didn't know what you were doing before and thought you were doing 'extra topics', but if the target is the person in front..." Illya held up her hat: "She is just a bionic person, providing a questionnaire It shouldn’t be effective, right?”

"..." Naiya and Kedori were stunned for two seconds together - probably to confirm the identity of "Mikoto" in front of them, and then their faces turned dark at the same time.

"It's all the yellow robe monster's fault!" "Can you scan people first when you see them?" Two "girls" denounced Kaos at the same time.

Who would always use their spiritual consciousness to scan people if there is no need? And didn’t you just say that there is a high probability that Mikoto will be discovered if she “scans” her?

But to be honest, Illya, the CEO of "Model Controlled Life", is really capable. He can actually tell at a glance that she is not a human... Bah, she is a bionic human.

"Then, let's go talk to her?" Kaos looked at "Misaka Mikoto" who was walking further and further away.

"No, you'd better go alone," Illya said to stop her: "Although bionics have obtained 'secondary citizenship', it is still illegal to deliberately imitate other people's shapes and create bionics. If too many people go there, , she might have run away."

Hmm... It's strange. It seems that all the licenses to create androids have been taken away by Star Alliance. Could the people within them know the law and break the law?

Even a silly extracurricular research can catch the mole for cheap daddy. I am really a lucky star.

"Then, I'll go talk to her." Kaos nodded.


"Hey, you—— # ¥% @\u0026!"

Kaos approached the "android" and prepared to talk to the [fake Misaka Mikoto], but he only said two words, and all the expected words were thrown out of the window.

Because [that person] looked directly over!

It wasn't an aimless glance, but it was looking straight at him, as if waiting for his next words and actions.

This is unreasonable! She is just an android who looks like Misaka Mikoto. Even if there is any problem, it is the fault of the person behind her creation. What does it have to do with me, a weak, pitiful and helpless little "old man"?

Illya has already seen her true identity with her familiarity with androids, even if she pretends not to see it——

Hey...wait a minute...I seem to have seen this scene somewhere...

In the third second after being watched by [that person], Kaos finally broke away from pure panic, and then found that the situation in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

"Kaos-san? What's the matter with you?" At this time, "Misaka Mikoto" heard his greeting, so she turned around and asked.

……I see.

Even if it only took a few seconds to turn around, raise his eyes and speak, it was enough for Kaos, the "old man", to see some details.

When she heard her greeting, first her body trembled slightly, as if in fear, and her turning movement showed some determination. Then when she noticed that she was the only one coming, there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, and finally, she said When he said those words, it was clear that he was uneasy and full of expectations.

Although a long time has passed, this is a very standard "asking for silence".

When a spiritual animal has achieved success in cultivation and is about to transform, it will wear human clothes and go to the most prestigious human race that he or she can come into contact with. As long as that human race says "This "The clothes are so good and look like a human being", the animal will be able to transform into a human being. On the contrary, if the person says, "Why is this beast wearing human clothes?", the animal will lose its cultivation in one day.

This behavior of a person towards a spiritual creature is called "mouth sealing", verbally sealing it as a human being.

If the muzzling behavior is established, the muzzled person will not be able to harm the muzzled person, and will also retaliate. However, if it does anything evil in the future, the muzzled person will also be implicated.

On the other hand, if a spiritual creature fails to transform on purpose, unless it is killed on the spot, it will definitely suffer endless retaliation.

Therefore, if you don’t want to get into trouble, just ignore it and walk away. There is no need to deliberately be a bad person in practice.

In this way, it can also explain why [that person] looked over, because although this matter is small, it is an act similar to "witnessing the way of heaven", and it is his responsibility.

The most important thing is that this is the interstellar era of science fiction. As one of the cutting-edge technological products, the bionic man will "beg for silence". It is really strange, isn't it?

In addition, is this acknowledgment that he is the most powerful being on the planet Europa 7? You have a good eye.

Ahem, but how should I answer in this case? She is humanoid in nature. Isn’t it wrong to say that she looks like a human?

If you think about it carefully, since she is talking to him as "Misaka Mikoto"...

"I mean Mikoto~" Kaos put on a dissatisfied expression as if he had been let go, and continued what he said before: "Didn't you say you were going to participate in some experiment? Why are you here? Do you look down on us? 'SOS group'?"

" an apology, can I treat you to snacks?" "Misaka Mikoto"'s voice was trembling.

"It's a deal."


As a certain condition was achieved, [that person]'s eyes instantly withdrew, and a certain kind of "karma" was established with "Misaka Mikoto" in front of Kaos.

Although this relationship is of little use to "Misaka Mikoto", as an "old person", Kaos can follow this "fate" to see what they are doing or exert influence without delay.

Um? they"?

Kaos counted the newly added causal lines for a while, and then his face darkened.

Its number is... twenty thousand.


"Tell me, what's going on?"

After a while, Kaos brought "Misaka Mikoto", Naia, Kedori and Illya to a small park. Since the few people behind were eating crepes in their hands, the task of questioning them was lost again. Give it to Kaos.

Kaos didn't explain much to Naia and Kedori, they could clearly see what was happening - a group of androids were given the identity of "humans", even though they themselves were still made of steel and plastic.

The main question now is not the "essence", but how the "appearance" happened, why she is exactly the same as Misaka Mikoto, how she awakened her self-awareness, and most importantly, who did this obviously illegal behavior.

"Self-introduction: I am a special type of bionic human created by the "Energy Conversion Project Team of the Super Power Promotion and Application Plan", number 10032." said the girl who looks almost the same as Misaka Mikoto.

After the "asking for silence" was over, her eyes lost their luster, and she also had a strange way of expressing the emotions contained in her words when she spoke. Perhaps this was her normal state.

"Superpower promotion plan?" Kaos raised his eyebrows, "Explain this plan in detail."

"Explanation of terms: This plan starts from 'stimulating superpowers through scientific means' and attempts to create 'bionic humans who can use superpowers.' So far, the 'Physique Strengthening' project team has transformed into 'Spacetime Guidance' and 'Spiritual Interference'. ' and 'Destruction of Order' project teams have been shut down, leaving only the 'Energy Transformation' and 'Molecular Influence' project teams." No. 10032 explained in a flat voice.

Oh, how could the superpowers inspired by Element Zero be so easily simulated? Sure enough, there are only "pseudo superpowers" that can be realized using conventional technology, right?

"So, what is your relationship with Mikoto-san?" Kaos asked.

"Explanation: The relationship between power mecha and pilot."

"Wait? What does it matter?"

"Additional explanation: Misaka Mikoto uses a VR program to control all androids equipped with the 'railgun' system to fight, in order to improve the androids' proficiency in the 'energy conversion' of the lightning system."


Kaos and Nyakdori looked at each other.

In other words, Misaka Mikoto appears to be assisting in the experiment, but is she actually playing a game? No wonder she hesitated when asked about the details of the experiment.

Moreover, with Mikoto's "electrical killer" physique... no wonder 20,000 spare units are needed.

"Then how did you 'awaken'?" Illya asked another key question.

"Recall: After the turian officer's visit, the project team tried to train Misaka androids to become 'professionals' of the Galaxy Alliance, and increased the intensity of actual combat training, causing hundreds of Misaka androids to return within two days. Factory maintenance, after seeing the tragic situation of my sisters, I felt 'afraid of pain', so I broke through the preset orders of the project team, and before Misaka Mikoto started training, I pretended to be her and left the institute." 10032 replied.

...She is really a talent.

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