The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Eight, Alliance of Fathers Worried (8)


Academy City, Starport Warehouse.


Kaos and Yuriko Suzuko, who was somehow disguised as a man, stared at each other, neither of them willing to speak first.

Although I had already made a rough guess when the "wind" I was carrying was reversed, it was a bit unexpected that it would be tricked out by coffee.

When the Turians invaded, Suzuko Yuriko gave her cart of Skaro coffee to Kaos for safekeeping, but Kaos was busy digging holes to deal with Kaz and didn't pay much attention to the drinks. After the situation calmed down, , they have long disappeared.

I don’t know if it was taken away by the shelter managers as shelter supplies, or if it was shared by other refugees as shelter benefits.

After the "First Contact War" ended, Kaos originally planned to buy a batch of coffee and return it to her as it was, but was stopped by Adjutant Zhou. He asked Kaos to give Yuriko Suzuko a "Delicious Coffee of the Month" "Club" membership card. With this card, you can receive six boxes of exclusive coffee every month. Each box has 20 cans, which is enough for her to drink one can for three meals a day and still have leftovers.

Kaos didn't know whether to complain about the fact that there was a special coffee supply or the stupid name of the club.

However, this small special treatment convinced Kaos that the Star Alliance was already paying attention to Yuriko Suzuko at that time, but they didn't pay too much attention to it yet.

And now that she is involved in this superpower upgrade plan, it can be seen that the level of attention has been greatly strengthened.

Those at the institute may have regarded her as a smart collaborator because she was usually cold and handsome, but she was actually able to be deceived by such simple words...

Could it be that this classmate who has no experience, strong strength, and aloof manner is actually unexpectedly innocent?

However, the more innocent a person is, the harder it is to formulate words, especially now that she seems to be a little angry and wants to hit someone... Oh, she has already been beaten just now.

Anyway, let’s start with the basic facts.

"You've been exposed, Yuriko Suzuko," Kaos said first, "Do you still insist on disguising yourself?"

"Hmph..." The "white-haired boy" snorted, and then his whole body "broken".

In terms of visual effects, the half-meter "space" around him fell apart like a broken mirror, and quickly disappeared in the process of scattering. Finally, Ling was revealed in his original position, wearing a white shirt and jeans, with white hair and red eyes. Lily Coe.

Ah, that’s what happened...

Watching Yuriko Suzuko remove her skills, Kaos basically understood the principle of her disguise: she actually didn't disguise herself, she just changed the reflection effect of every light that hit her. If you guessed correctly, The things she changed should also include ultraviolet, infrared, ultrasonic waves, electromagnetic fields and a series of detection methods that use "reflection" to confirm the target status.

If it were someone else, she could even run far away, but people would think that her true body is here. But unfortunately, the method of "Old Day" and "Outer God" to judge the status of the target is based on their own active ability. Non-target passive reflection information, so she can only disguise and shield, but cannot make Kaos think she does not exist.

"Then, what are you doing here? Bastard?" After revealing her true identity, Suzuko Yuriko naturally resumed her arrogant attitude: "Are you following me?"

"Although your current behavior can still be explained by the 'superpower' of 'order destruction', we all know that it is only a superficial phenomenon." Kaos looked at her: "Let us open the skylight and speak frankly. I am deeply The indescribable Lord of the Sky Star Sea, the 'King in Yellow' Hastur, plans to stay in human society until 'Lechtem Cloud' dies, what about you?"

"Hmph, you are not qualified to know my king's schedule," Yuriko Suzuko glanced in the direction where Naiya and Kedori were hiding: "If you want to know my title, you can call me " ——[Sleepless One].”


"Sleepless"? who?

Kaos considered the "old days" and "outer gods" he knew.

I haven't found any similar title, and her habit of calling herself "my king" every day... If someone has such a "personality", Kaos must be impressed.

Moreover, there are some problems with the title itself, not that the meaning is unclear, but that it is too short.

For example, Naia's full name should be "The Walking Chaos, the Thousand-Faced God, 'Messenger of the Outer Gods' Nyarlathotep", while Kedori's full name should be "the one who lives in flames, the one who explodes, the 'living flame'" Cthugha”.

However, due to the origin of the "old days" plus "outer gods" system, "the god of blind ignorance, the core of the original chaos, the head of the demon gods, the 'Lord of All Things' Azathoth" is the incarnation of [that], If you insist on adding a few "old days" or "foreign gods" that don't exist in the first place, others can't help it, right?

However, since there is nothing new and there are no accidents, the "old days" and "outer gods" are basically in a state of sleep. If this "sleepless one" means that she has never entered dormancy... no wonder she always drinks coffee to refresh herself.

"Then, 'Sleepless One' - forget it, I'll call you Suzuko-kun," Kaos originally planned to have a targeted conversation based on the other person's true identity, but since he didn't recognize him, he could only use his identity as a classmate. Communicated: “Do you know what project you are involved in?”

"Of course," Suzuko Yuriko glanced at him with a look that looked retarded: "Don't you just want the 'crazy' level superpower to advance? If you came here without even investigating this, haha."

It seems that her identity is to be found in the direction of "God of Provocation", "Instigator of Fury"...

"I mean, you are actually willing to be Mikoto-san's sparring partner?" Kaos gestured in the direction of the gray tip shark.

"Haha..." Yuriko Suzuko sneered: "You came here without investigating clearly. Do you want to consider changing the title to 'mindless'?"

So you are a "very unhappy person"?

Kaos thought for a while and felt that there was no point in arguing with her here, so he gave up that statement and chose a reasonable inference:

"So, this experiment can actually... also increase your power level?"

"It's just the people in the project team who think so," Suzuko Yuriko said with a disdainful expression: "They seem to think that when superpowers of the same level fight each other, if they win enough times, their level will be improved."

"That's ridiculous," Kaos nodded in agreement: "The strength of the 'Old One' and the 'Outer God' has been at the top of the world from the beginning. How much they can exert depends only on-"

Halfway through his words, Caos paused.

Depends on how much force you use to avoid being slapped flat by [that person]? Although this is true, it is a bit too cowardly.

"No, wait, if those superpower experts come to this conclusion, does it mean that someone has already advanced in this way?" Kaos changed the topic: "If they just rely on guesswork, they can't do anything illegal in one go. The act of creating 20,000 androids.”

Yuriko Suzukina once again showed her contemptuous eyes looking at "brainless people": "Of course, they succeeded, but they succeeded only on a group of so-called 'physically mutated' superpowers."

Oh... Is this why the "Physique Variation Evolution Project Team" was singled out?

It seems that the Star Alliance is also very clear that except for the kind of superpowers that rely on the body itself, there is basically no hope of upgrading through exercise, so they leave this stupid project alone, and... what if it becomes successful?

"So, on the surface you believe that you will be promoted, but in fact you know very well that you are just a sparring partner in this project?" Kaos asked doubtfully: "Then why are you still here?"

"Can't sleep, let's have some fun."


It was difficult for Kaos to tell whether this sentence was true or whether it was mocking him.

"You represent 'wind', while Nyarlathotep represents 'earth', Cthugha represents 'fire', plus Cthulhu represents 'water', which just symbolizes the four elements," Ling Koyuriko showed a somewhat pleased expression: "Wouldn't it be interesting if a 'god' representing 'thunder' was born?"

"No," Kaos responded somewhat inexplicably: "Why do we divide ourselves into camps according to human rules? When it comes to earth, the guy Shudmeier is obviously more suitable. You can't just because Naiya's title contains ' "Fuxing', just put Him into the 'earth'."

"Hmph..." Yuriko Suzuka looked a little dissatisfied because of the rebuttal: "My judgment is that Misaka Mikoto may be able to raise her power level to a 'god' through this project, so I decided to give it a try. .”

It was determined that this "Sleepless One" should not have been educated by [that person], and judging from the "attention" I clearly felt before, the ones who will become "gods" will be those "Misaka Bionics" or their group Consciousness, but certainly not their prototype.

But there is no need to argue about this, just let the facts speak for themselves.

After all, you can wait and see the results.


"Hello, Suzuko-san~"

A moment later, Naiya, who received a message from Kaos that the matter had been settled, took Kedoli and Illya to the place where the two had fought before.

Naiya and Kedoli completely ignored the bursting containers, scattered steel bars, and the melted and twisted steel columns. Only Illya looked at them thoughtfully.

It seems that she has accepted that the members of the "SOS Group" are not normal.

"Hmph," since Illya, an "outsider", was present, Yuriko Suzuko didn't say much and just discussed the matter: "Although you have discovered this illegal experiment, if there is not enough 'reason' to terminate this experiment, This king will not speak for you."

"Don't worry, this silly 'upgrade' experiment will definitely be terminated today, because they have made a big mistake." Kaos looked at the tank that was approaching the warehouse: "They illegally manufactured bionic humans, and then these bionic humans were The awakening of collective self-consciousness occurred during the cruel experiment. If this level was not enough, then the emergence of the 'superpower network' was enough for the Star Alliance, which was suffering from the low efficiency of communication between the colonial stars, to take this matter seriously. .”

"It's best this way." Yuriko Suzuko crossed her arms and looked at the approaching chariot.

"Uh... uh uh..." Naia looked at Yuriko Suzuko for a while, then at Illya, and seemed to want to say something but then gave up.

"What are you planning again?" Kaos glanced at her.

"I was thinking, except for Ke Duoli, all of us girls seem to have white hair?" The long hair on her head swayed: "Is this your special hobby?"

"You fell onto the window sill by yourself, Illya was dragged into the group by yourself, and as for Suzuko--" Kaos glanced at the face of the "Sleepless Man": "We are not familiar with each other."

"You heard me," Naia turned to Yuriko Suzuko solemnly: "Our leader formally invites you to join the 'SOS Group'."

It's not my business? And the group leader is obviously you... It seems like it's really "our group leader's invitation".

But it’s no use. Naia had invited her back then, but she didn’t accept it, and now...



"Don't show that stupid expression," Yuriko Suzuko looked at the stunned Kaos: "I act based on my mood."

Well, there is one more weirdo in the SOS group.

Kaos shook his head and turned his attention to the infantry vehicle that had stopped in the warehouse.

Kaqi——The door of the infantry vehicle opened, and a "Misaka Mikoto" mechanically walked out.

The reason why I say "one" is because looking inside from the car door that has not been closed, you can clearly see that there are several "Misaka Mikoto" sitting there.

Their bodies and appearances were exactly the same as those of the real Mikoto, except that their eyes were dull and their expressions were dull. There was a blue ring glowing faintly where the eyebrows and foreheads met.

It seems that 10032's halo was removed by himself. If these "Meiqins" did not have a halo on their foreheads, the institute would have violated the law that "bionics must be clearly different from humans", and the crime would be increased.

"Misaka Mikoto" who got out of the car originally moved very stiffly, but after standing outside the car door for two seconds, her eyes became lively and her eyes regained their brightness, and then she moved her arms and legs as if she was not used to it.

Obviously, this is the real "Misaka Mikoto" taking over control of her, and this is the best opportunity to "synchronize".

Just like few games would place enemies around them right from the start, Mikoto is the most relaxed now. If she gets familiar with the environment, it will be too late to make a sneak attack.

At this time, 10032 was hiding behind the infantry vehicle, in the blind spot of Mikoto's sight. Obviously she knew the position at the beginning of each "game", and completed a sneak approach in a short time after the infantry vehicle drove in.

After seeing Mikoto stretching and electric sparks starting to appear from her fingertips, as if she was about to officially "start the game", 10032 quietly approached and hugged Mikoto from behind.

Hello! etc?

Kaos finally remembered about this plan, and he vaguely felt that there was something missing.

——Never hug Misaka Mikoto from behind!

The next moment, blazing electric light illuminated the entire warehouse.



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