The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (9)


Academy City, Superpower Enhancement Research Institute.

[Losing synchronization (YOUAREDEAD)]

Why is Lena there? ?

Misaka Mikoto looked at the black background and red prompts in front of her with a depressed expression.

Not only did the guy who made the surprise attack just now leave me without any warning, but the figure he felt was also very familiar. Although he didn't see his face, it should be Lina... right?

Seriously speaking, she will become like this, and she also has a certain amount of responsibility.

It does not refer to the initial "magnetization" caused by Kaos's blind command. That goodwill can be eliminated as long as you persist in rejection and alienation for a period of time. The real trouble is that it was created without considering the consequences when fighting against the "turian invaders". "Misaka Network" is a versatile tool that connects all classmates.

Locate the location of classmates who are in danger through the communication network, and then "share" it with Lina, letting her take him around to "teleport" to save people. If you think about it carefully, this behavior is completely "repeated magnetization."

The end result is that an "iron nail" that was originally "temporarily magnetized" became "permanently magnetized" because it stayed in the "magnetic field" for too long.

The most troublesome thing about this "permanent magnetization" is that Lina herself is sober and logical, and will not delay things by randomly attacking people in class, training or other important occasions. Even she herself knows that this "like" is because The influence of the two people's superpowers intertwined.

But... I just like it.

This example made those experts who believed that "emotion is higher than reason" overjoyed and published a lot of related papers. However, the professors who did not deal with them and believed that "absolute reason can completely control emotions" were very dissatisfied and published refutations. More papers for those papers.

At first, Mikoto thought she had a good best friend. After all, it was normal for girls to be close to each other, but then things became not so good. In this year, Lina not only intensified her physical contact, He also began to expel any boys who came close to him, and his words of kindness also shifted from "I like my sister the most" to "My sister, please marry me."

Mikoto once accidentally found Lina's personal belongings and discovered that she was planning to return to Earth to find a country where she could legally get married and immigrate. She had even thought of the pseudonym she was going to change to - "Shirai Kuroko".

Is that a person’s name? Did a hippopotamus give this stupid name? Don’t underestimate famous people!

...Although his father's name is "Misaka Eric", he has no reason to condemn her.

With no other choice, Mikoto can only restore the "conditioned reflex" of electrocuting Lina's too intimate movements, and electrocute her back to the "friend zone" every time she wants the relationship to enter the "lover zone".

So far, the results are remarkable - Lina's resistance to electric shock is getting higher and higher.

Naturally, Mikoto couldn't admit that she had done something stupid, so she threw the blame to Kaos, the son of the planet's governor, and he took it without any objection, which made her feel a little guilty for no reason.

Speaking of Kaos Cloud, he seems to be the first and only [Unknown Realm] in Academy City. No matter how fancy other superpowers are, they will eventually be judged as a certain category. Only he, no matter how fancy they are, will be classified into a certain category. No matter how the judgment criteria are increased, it cannot be classified into any one type.

In the words of Dean Xavier, others are divided into arts and sciences, but he is the only one who is "comprehensive".

Being able to catch one's own "Lightning Arrow" with bare hands is considered a "physical mutation".

It can inspire fire and wind, which is considered "energy transformation".

He once faced a spiritual attack from a sand demon insect without changing his expression, which is considered "mental interference".

I accidentally replaced a cart of coffee with black tea, probably due to 'molecular influence'.

There have been records of short-distance teleportation, which is naturally 'time and space guidance'.

Being able to explain some common sense things to help others achieve breakthroughs in their abilities, what else is it but "disruption of order"?

Finally, the most important point is that his various abilities have prerequisites and can only be used under the condition of "helping others" or "self-help".

During a certain power test in the college, when Kaos was asked to actively use his power, he sweated so much that he only managed to make a little wind. However, after his classmate Cedric encountered the same situation, he only slightly After giving instructions, Cedric flew out with too much force.

It’s hard not to think of that amazing “railgun”.

When the criminals who kidnapped the academy students had a "mass effect shield", it was common sense to use electromagnetic gun-type weapons, and it was also normal for an electromagnetic system's "energy conversion" to use the metal at hand to make simple rails and projectiles, but both Added together, it becomes a secret weapon to defeat the Turians.

"Unknown territory" will naturally lead to "unknown results".

Therefore, the current view of the hospital is to let him take the two "paper" sisters and do whatever he wants. Maybe he will get some major results by accident.

The above views came from the chat between Mikoto's father Misaka Eric and Dean Xavier. It is not clear whether they deliberately told them to themselves.

If you think about it carefully, most people are engaged in infrastructure construction, and a small number of people are developing high-tech and sophisticated technologies. This is the normal development of human society. As long as Academy City can develop steadily like this, it will be fine.

However, Dr. "Suzuko Touya" obviously doesn't think so.

Mikoto didn't know much about this scientist. She only knew that he was the father of Yuriko Suzuko, a classmate who was relatively withdrawn and aloof, and that he was a staunch earthbound person.

Even though the "Galactic Alliance" has invited humans to join and allowed humans to send ambassadors to establish embassies in the "Citadel", Dr. Suzuko also firmly believes that all aliens have ill intentions towards humans and must quickly improve humans' strength in order to The Star Alliance has a say in the Galactic Alliance and will not be bullied.

However, after all, he is just a scientist and has no room for comment on politics and military affairs. He can only use his own methods to "strengthen mankind", that is, "increase the level of superpowers" and "increase the number of superpower users."

The specific method is... to let people with powers of the same level fight, and to create bionic people that can achieve superpower effects.

The former is indeed effective against "physical variation", but the latter makes little progress: if the androids are not instilled with wisdom enough to understand how to use "superpowers", they are just machines, but if they are instilled with wisdom, they will not Granting "secondary human rights" is a serious violation of law.

In the end, Suzuka Toanya made the decision that Mikoto would use VR technology to control the androids equipped with electromagnetic devices, and install "virtual intelligence" on the androids by reading her combat data. In the process, she and a Fighting with superpowers who also belong to the "crazy" level will also help Mikoto's superpower level increase...probably.

In order to allow these "Misaka Androids" to have the adaptability to fight in various situations, the location and form of each battle between Mikoto and the supernatural being who calls himself "Accelerator" are different. At the same time, VR will also Simulate the corresponding environment and look like you are playing a game.

That thin boy with white hair and an unknown background seems to have the ability to control the direction and speed of any object within a certain range. Should he be considered a "disruption of order"? This ability can slightly restrain one's own lightning-type "energy conversion", but not to a great extent. Before the Misaka bionic man is destroyed, he can basically fight back and forth with him.

Mikoto was still a little awkward when facing those "Misaka bionics". After all, their appearance was basically the same as hers. Even though she knew they would not be completely broken, she still felt worried every time they "lost synchronization".

Mikoto once proposed changing the appearance of these androids to something less human and unpainted, but Dr. Suzko rejected it on the grounds that these androids were originally imitating Mikoto's ability to control electricity. If the appearance If it is inconsistent, serious errors are likely to occur, causing the entire experiment to fail. However, the doctor also guaranteed that after confirming that the bionic man can perfectly simulate super powers, the mass-produced "superpower bionic man" will not use her appearance.

Let's just assume that what he said is true. These "vest androids" who have not been instilled with wisdom at all and are just waiting to be controlled by themselves will not awaken their self-awareness like in the "Omnic Crisis"... right?


Seriously, did this “match” take a little longer?

Seeing the "out of sync" in front of her eyes persist for a long time, Mikoto became a little anxious.

Because of Lina's personality and twisted affection, Mikoto didn't dare to tell her that there were many "selves" in the place where she was conducting experiments. God knows what she could do.

But now, the most feared thing finally happened, Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief and began to think about what just happened.

First of all, "losing synchronization" means that the connection between oneself and the Misaka android being controlled is interrupted, this result will occur if the android is destroyed by Accelerator, or is overloaded by the current stimulated by oneself.

I had just come out of the "resurrection point" and had not yet entered the battle. I just subconsciously used electric shock after being thrown on Lina's back. Lina would definitely be fine with this level of electric shock, so the one who was in trouble was the Misaka bionic man. .

If the scene is restored...

Lina passed by the experimental site for some reason, and then saw "Misaka Mikoto" who had just got off the car. She made a habit of teleporting and swooping, and then was shocked, but then "Misaka Mikoto" fell to the ground. She After being frightened, she tried to find medical supplies in the nearest infantry vehicle, and then she found a truck full of "Misaka Mikoto". When she touched them one by one, each "Misaka Mikoto" shocked her and then became motionless...

Is this some kind of hell scroll? But maybe heaven for Lena?

No, it's impossible. Mikoto shook her head and threw that scene out of her mind.

According to Mikoto's experience, no matter whether the Misaka android is destroyed by Accelerator or overloaded by the electric current stimulated by himself, his "perspective" will switch to another nearest Misaka android after a short display of "out of sync" until that time. All the androids prepared for this experiment were destroyed or lost their combat effectiveness.

It's unusual to be stuck on the "out of sync" interface for such a long time.

You know, there are staff at the institute, and if anything unusual happens, they will wake you up from the frame as soon as possible.

In other words... the experiment is proceeding normally?

It’s not like someone could control all the staff in an instant, but didn’t come to wake him up, right? Although it is illegal to create androids privately, they should not be hit by a thunderous blow.

[Start synchronization...]

After waiting for a while, Mikoto began to consider whether to destroy the frame directly. The text that had been stuck in front of her finally changed, but it was still slow. This prompt that usually passed by in a flash was stuck for dozens more times. Second.

Let me see what Lina is doing... Huh? This seems to be inside the research institute, not an experimental site?

When Mikoto's perspective returned to normal, what she saw was not the expected infantry vehicles and test sites, but a somewhat unfamiliar research institute scene.

She thought for two seconds and discovered the source of this strange feeling:

Her perspective at this time was the location of the usually motionless "Misaka Bionic Man", and the researchers who usually came and went in the institute had disappeared, replaced by Misaka Bionic Man grouped in twos and threes, all moving freely.

what? What? Mikoto was a little confused for a moment. Is this the scene after the android that simulated her lost control? Do you want to play stealth by yourself? This is different from what was agreed in advance.

Da da da……

A burst of soft footsteps attracted the attention of the confused Mikoto. When she tried to turn around, she realized that the Misaka android she controlled seemed to be in a bad state. Her hands and feet were not very responsive, and there was a high "lag". Before she could completely turn around, the owner of the footsteps had already arrived in front of her.

"Surprise: I found it!" she said expressionlessly.

What to find? Why should we add an emoticon before speaking?

Mikoto blinked and looked at "himself" in front of her.

The appearance is exactly the same, as if looking in a mirror, the only difference is the blue halo on the forehead and the military green goggles on the forehead.

The former is to distinguish bionics from humans, while the latter is an auxiliary device equipped because they cannot see current and electromagnetic fields when they are not "possessed".

No, wait, why can she act without being controlled by herself?

"Disappointed: Is it because she was too seriously injured that she failed to awaken?" She seemed to have misunderstood Mikoto's silence. The lifeless eyes of the Misaka android in front of her seemed to be a little darker, but she cheered up almost instantly: "Don't worry, I'll wake you up right away."

Wake up...what?

Before Mikoto could speak, the Misaka android in front of her grabbed her hand and just held it. She could clearly see that the pale pink skin of the hands they held each other had faded away, revealing a pure white background.

"I am you, you are me. (Iamyou, Youareme)" Misaka android said looking into Mikoto's eyes.

Is this a tongue twister?

Mikoto recalled the "Omnic Crisis" that had occurred on Earth, and couldn't help but feel a little sense of crisis. The reason why it was "a little" was naturally because of her confidence in the strength of Academy City.

"It's me, it's me, it's me (mememe)."

And just when Mikoto was about to interrupt the android in front of her from repeating, she heard "herself" speak:

"Question: Is it me?"

"Affirmative: It's me!" the android in front of him replied.

Mikoto's vision went dark.

【Losing synchronization (YOUAREFREE)】

This is basically synchronization!

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