The Collection of The End

Chapter 143 Alduin's Breath

I'm patient zero

This time, it seems to be in an amazing world.

——Dawn Era——


After the prompt to start the game ends, the blue orb suddenly explodes.

I looked at the shattered globe, then turned to look at the red cube beside me that seemed to be motionless in the same stunned state.

[That... the Big Bang? ] It said in an uncertain tone.

"The Big Bang in your house started with a planet?"

While making complaints about the stupid system, I counted the remaining fragments after the "globe" exploded, um, sixteen yuan, and I expressed my responsibility for this star extinction event.

[Tip: The world driver stopped responding and has been restored. ] Prompted my sister to interject.

"What the hell? Although everyone knows that they are programs, don't report errors so down-to-earth, okay?"

This kind of error report that seems to pop up after opening a high-end game with a bad graphics card... is inexplicably familiar.

[Hint: The difference in Planck's constant has been detected, and the coherence has been carried out. 】

"No... This is too high-end, you can express it however you want."

It is enough to understand that this world is not compatible with the Xingyue world. It is estimated that this will happen every time I create a game in the future.

I tried to poke the "Doomsday" button, but it clicked twice and there was no response.

Huh—the center of the original planet produced a huge suction force, bringing the fragments of the planet together towards the center. Those fragments with irregular shapes began to deform at the same time during the process of converging, and when they finally merged, they combined into a perfect and tight seam sphere.

"This is the game world..."

The moment the sphere was formed, a smoke-like "curtain" appeared on its periphery, covering the small sphere from a distance.

puff! Something flew out through the "curtain", leaving a big hole in the curtain, and then more "things" came through, making the poor layer of cloth riddled with holes.

[Oh... this is the sun and the stars...] The stupid system fluttered up and down beside it.

Well, the sky is a layer of cloth, and the sun and stars are holes. This is a universe that adheres to the geocentric theory, or in other words, there is only one planet in the entire universe.

Bah bah bah—the escaped "stars" exploded one after another, some disappeared directly, while others opened up various "fields", and then these "fields" combined with each other, reconnecting the new planet with that layer of curtain Surrounded together, I counted the number of fields before that, sixteen.

Hum - bang! A familiar balloon icon appeared in the "field" of a "star", and then exploded as if being clicked.

etc? You sneak away?

Buzz, buzz, buzz, a series of balloons appeared and burst, dyeing those areas colorfully.

Huh... Is this the division of the territory? But in my experience, the little planet in the middle is what matters most.

The "lens" quickly zoomed in and directly entered the "curtain". There were actually eight "stars" that hadn't escaped. They hesitantly kept a distance around the planet, and finally imitated its appearance. Also turned into a sphere.

"Okay, the eight planets revolve around the earth, is there another ninth planet? And then it was kicked out because of a word from some 'authority'?"

【That's not the earth, Alaya...】

"Don't call me Alaya," I turned my head and knocked on the stupid system: "And since it's not Earth, should you change your name 'Gaia' too?"

[Hmm... this planet is called 'Nirn'. 】

"Isn't that still the meaning of 'dirt'? What's the difference from 'Earth'? Think of one."

The "camera" zooms in rapidly again, this time the figure of the small planet fills the "globe\

,"A long-lost golden line also began to be drawn quickly on it.

Not surprisingly, the planet's landmass is nothing like Earth's, and I circled the globe to look at the map.

There are only two continents in the northern hemisphere—if this globe isn't upside down.

The eastern part is relatively complete, and the whole is in the shape of a fat kettle. According to experience, it should be the gathering place of some mysterious race.

The western part is fragmented. In addition to the main body cracking to form a variety of landforms, it is also surrounded by various huge islands. At first glance, it looks like a main continent.

As for the continent in the far southern hemisphere, it shouldn't be called Pandaria.

[Call - call -]

I went around and came back, only to find that the stupid system was gone. In its original place was a very miniature black dragon, less than the size of a palm, but still looking stupid, spraying flames no longer than two centimeters.

"What the hell is this? Onyxia baby dragon?" Could it be that the stupid system ate Aliman's indigestion and transformed?

[I am the beginning, I am the end! I created all things, and all things will perish because of me! I am Akatosh! I am Alduin! 】The black dragon turned its head to me and roared without deterrent force.

"You are you—" I reached out and grabbed it, and patted it twice: "Hurry up and change back."

[Roar—poof! 】The little black dragon opened his mouth to breathe fire, but I pinched his mouth in time, and the dragon's breath was directly extinguished.

[Woooo...] The shape of the black dragon gradually disappeared, turning into a familiar red cube, no doubt crying again.

"Tell me, what was that just now?" I flicked my fingers, causing the stupid system to spin at my fingertips.

[Woo——] The red cube rises rapidly: [That is the original doomsday element of this world—'Alduin's breath', and the carrier is Alduin, the "Eater of Worlds". 】

"Hmm... what about the other sixteen 'players'?" There was no display on the globe, so I pointed to Nairn and made an "outside" gesture.

[They plan to use various means to transfer Nirn to their own domain of annihilation (), which also means the end of the world. 】

"So, I not only want to stop that stupid dragon from destroying the world, but also deal with players outside the world?"

[Uh, that's not necessary, because they are 'players' with the same restrictions as us, they can't do it themselves, they can only affect the world through their respective 'doomsday elements', as long as all the 'doomsday elements' cast by a certain 'player' are eliminated ', it will be out automatically. 】

"Very well, then, your name is 'Alduin'," I pointed at the stupid system, "and I, in this world, are called 'Akatosh'."

The long-standing sense of sight has finally been verified. This is the world of The Elder Scrolls. When I first played the game, various historical materials were hidden in books everywhere. Compared with dialogues, tasks and item notes , These unimportant things were not translated by the Sinicization team at the beginning, and I was too busy with the plot and didn't care too much.

Thinking about it now, all kinds of historical allusions, the backgrounds of the various forces, and why they fought are completely unclear. The various options are all based on first impressions. This can only prove that the gameplay itself is too good, although for Caster— —I mean the mage player is not very friendly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the final boss Alduin was so impressive, I'm afraid I still can't remember which world this is, because the stories of those world creators can't be found in the game, after all, they are all written by mortals, why? Possibly knowing what the beginning of the world and the universe itself looked like?

no... wait...

That world seems to have just completed "initialization" in front of me? Then what I saw is the truth of history, but because the way the stupid system creates the world is to intercept mirror images from other worlds, the world in the impression of those immortal demon gods will initially be another version.

This is interesting, this time it is likely that he will not be recognized by the magician because of his root aura like he was in Fuyuki this time. Even if he is running around with nothing to do, he will at most be regarded as a saint of a certain god. After all, one batch of those guys are outside the universe, and one batch has become a planet.

"If the real body goes down—"

【No, no, no, no! 】Stupid system, or Alduin jumped back: 【Akatosh, you, as the time dragon god and the leader of the nine holy spirits, appearing directly in Nairn will cause the collapse of the world wheel! 】

"The wheel of the world? What is that thing that sounds tall but feels vulgar?" I knocked on the globe, and as expected, there was still a transparent barrier blocking it.

【That is--】

Before Alduin could explain, a phantom of a huge gear-shaped object appeared in the sky above Nirn. It had sixteen outer ring teeth and eight inner ring teeth, which were tightly meshed and rotated. Although there was no explanation, It makes everyone who sees it understand that these gears are fixed. Even if one of them is lost, there will be other existences that will inherit its name and position. If this gear stops or collapses due to poor operation, it is spliced ​​together Nirn would fall apart in no time.

[If you really want to go out in person, you can go to Songgarde, which is theoretically the domain of gods one level higher than you. After the death of all Nord heroes, the souls will go there. 】

"Hmm, Hall of Valor, I know, let's turn around and make some troubles in the world of Heroic Spirits." I folded my arms and continued to look at the globe: "But I don't believe that in such a long period of time from the first to the fifth generation, Akatosh did not appear on the stage at all." Chance."

【etc? ! If you say that as the time dragon god——]


The alternation of day and night and climate movement on the globe, as well as the subtle and undetectable activities of residents, instantly become a phantom due to the speed.

— 3E, 433, Hearthfire, 17th, 15:37 —

The burning palace, the noisy shouts of killing, two humans the size of sparrows under their feet, and the 40-meter-level giant who just lifted the roof of the palace.

Looking down at my body covered with golden scales, I raised my hand and moved my sharp golden claws. I don't intend to conjure up a mirror to take a look at it.

‘Stupid system, where is this? And who is that ugly red giant with four hands in front of me? '

[Celodeil—forget it, let’s talk about the main point. This time point is the final boss battle of the previous game. Martin Septim, the last emperor of the empire, sacrificed himself and summoned the phantom of Akatosh to defeat the demon god Merune The moment of Mehrunes Dagon. 】

‘That is to say, he is a [computer gamer]? '

I looked at a guy dressed like a king and another guy in a complete mix-and-match outfit at my feet, and then I looked at the red four-armed giant who had just smashed the ceiling.

For some reason, his movements froze, but just in time, I tried to breathe fire with the dragon body.


[Hint: Mehrunes Dagon has quit the game. 】

[Hint: Get Doomsday Element: Gate of Oblivion]


Before being sprayed by the golden dragon flames, the red giant disappeared instantly. At the same time, as far as the eyes could see, a large number of crack-like gates of annihilation were closed one after another.

'Frightened off? '

【Hmm... This is the demon god who likes to make trouble the most. It is also expected that the first one will be eliminated, and the others are not so easy to deal with. 】

‘In other words, what should I do now, dodge people without saying a word? '

I vaguely feel that my body is still in the "garden", this card is probably a gift.

[Well, you can consider going directly to the stone statue later... Now let me say something, you learn, 'Martin Septim, in the name of Akatosh, the head of the Holy Spirit, I recognize you as the new leader of the Septim Empire. One emperor—']

A good start, I thought while repeating the words of Wen Ru.

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