The Collection of The End

Chapter 144 The King and the Prisoner

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 17th, 7:00——

Asa was awakened by the damp cold wind and the creaking sound of the wheels of the old carriage rolling over the frozen ground, and then found himself sitting in a carriage with his hands tightly bound by ropes, and the same carriage was surrounded by Four or five cars.

He looked at the dusty face in front of him, the pale blond hair in strands, and the man in tattered blue leather armor, trying to recall what had happened.

"Hey, you're finally awake." The man turned his eyes to him, and his voice was low but inexplicably kind: "You just tried to cross the border, but ended up stepping into the trap of the Imperials, just like the hapless little thief over there. "

"You damn stormcloaks (Stormcloak), Skyrim (Skyrim) is fine without you." The carriage is not only dilapidated, but also cramped, known as "little thief", a red-haired young man in shabby earthy yellow linen clothes Sitting almost shoulder to shoulder with the man in the blue armor: "If you hadn't been making trouble, I would probably have reached Hammerfell province on that stolen horse."

Seeing the black smoke-like death breath wrapped around this little thief, Asa finally remembered something.

He is a hunter. In the province of Skyrim, where most of the land is covered by ice and snow, the most common hunter is wearing fur armor, carrying a longbow and seven or eight arrows, and if conditions permit, he can also bring a one-handed iron sword or a leather circlet. Shield, you can hunt each other with those ferocious wild animals.

Since four of the five highest peaks in the Tamriel continent are in the province of Skyrim, the living environment is harsh, and the herbivores have developed excellent escape skills, and the carnivores don't mind taking the humans (men) who try to hunt them. Beat the tooth festival.

Although furs are not sold at high prices, various meats have always been in great demand as a staple food in cold regions. After hunting animals, Asa usually sells the harvest to the southernmost city in Skyrim Province, which is also the nearest Buddhist city. Chris (Falkreath).

Before he was caught on this carriage, he was tracking a seriously injured snow tiger. It exudes a thick "black smoke" that represents death, and the breath of the beast will make other wild animals dare not approach it. He may be lost, but there is no other danger, so he relaxes his vigilance.

As a result, he was caught by a group of imperial soldiers who appeared inexplicably in the mountains, and the snow tiger escaped naturally.

"Hey, you and me, neither of us should be in this car," the thief said to Asa, "The real damn thing is these stormcloaks, listen, I seem to have seen you somewhere, the next At trial we have to prove to each other that we are not one of them."

"Ha, do you think those imperial people will give you this chance? 'Judgment'?" The blue-armored man laughed out loud.

"Shut up! Prisoners!" the imperial soldiers driving the car yelled annoyed.

"Is it because of him?" Arthur tried to speak, his voice hoarse.

The man in chain leather sat side by side with the thief, and there was another person sitting beside him, blond, blue-eyed, eagle-eyed, and tall. You can tell just by looking at his gorgeous sable fur cloak and chain mail all over his body. He was definitely not a small person, not only his hands were tied, but his mouth was also gagged.

Asa looked around the carriage, and the knights who kept patrolling naturally didn't come for petty thieves, hunters, and ordinary stormcloak soldiers.

"Oh, it looks very rich." The thief made a professional assessment.

"Watch your attitude!" The man in leather armor suddenly shouted, "You are talking about the real High King of Skyrim Province, Lord Ulfric Stormcloak!"

"No, you are the Lord of Windhelm! The leader of Stormcloak!" The little thief looked completely stunned, and then his face turned pale: "If even you are caught—we are going to where?"


'brother'. "Seemingly satisfied with scaring the little thief successfully, the man in blue armor chuckled.

"No, no, that's impossible, they can't do that." The little thief Liushen muttered helplessly.

Songgard, that is the soul destination of all Nords (Nords), it is said that they fought bravely during their lifetime, and after death, they will be led to the [Hall of Valor] in Songgard to enjoy the eternal carnival and battle...

Hiss - Asa's head hurt violently, as if the injury from being stunned by the imperial soldiers had recurred.

No, that's not the case in the Hall of Valor, he thought with a headache, if he hadn't made a great achievement, he was not eligible to enter the Hall of Valor, at most he could wander in the wilderness around it.

But why would he know such a thing? Even his parents and sister hadn't told him—no, wait? Does he have parents and sisters?

Asa was obviously an orphan in the last war, and even the name "Asa" was chosen by himself. He was picked up by an old hunter to raise him, and he inherited his bow and arrows and cabin after his death. At the same time, he felt that his parents should be the lords of a certain city, and they should have a younger sister who is small but has a big temper.

I must have been knocked stupid by the sword hilt of the Imperials...

"Hey, brother, where is your hometown?" the Stormcloak trooper continued to ask the thief.

"Lo, Loristed—" the little thief mentioned another large village further north that Asa had visited.

It is located in the north of Lake Ilinalta, on the Whiterun plain with almost no snow. Its main source of food is farming crops rather than meat. The last batch of meat was sold there.

Maybe he really met this little thief face to face.

"The Nords are a fallen leaf," said the stormcloak. "At least you won't have to worry about dying in some hole in Hammerfell that no one knows about."

"No, no, Shure, Mara, Dibella, Ginalace, [Akatosh]... anyone is welcome, please help me..." Loristed's little thief became incoherent, Start calling the name of the Holy Spirit indiscriminately.

The domain of the eight holy spirits hangs high in the sky, and they don't care that believers worship multiple holy spirits at the same time, but the priests and priests of the temple they belong to cannot do that, and this kind of prayer to multiple holy spirits in one breath does not trigger God's punishment is already the mercy of the Holy Spirit, and it is even more impossible to respond.

Asa tried his best to straighten out his memories that suddenly became messy, and looked at the little thief who suddenly said a name of a god that made him a little concerned, but he was shocked to find that the dense "death breath" wrapped around the little thief was just like The snow around the fire disappeared like that.

"It's impossible." Asa said in a low voice.

The ability to foresee death can make Asa see the inevitable death. It is specifically manifested in the gradually thick black smoke on the target. In addition to the prey that will be hunted by him, human beings are naturally also possible. At the beginning, he said that the old hunter When he was about to die, he still angrily scolded him for talking nonsense, but he died of a heart attack that night.

From the notes left by the old hunter, Asa learned that he once made a deal with Hircine, the "devil god of hunting" when a certain hunting failed and he would die. One of them was transferred to him, so that as long as he hunted ten beasts older than three years old every year, it would be enough to live forever—but that was obviously impossible.

Not to mention how cunning and difficult to catch a beast of that age, this simple transfer of lifespan cannot prevent him from aging, and aging prevents him from continuing to hunt efficiently. In the last few years of his life, he even taught Asa When the main job was done, when Asa broke the news of his imminent death, he was actually sure of it.

The last words left by the old hunter hoped that Asa would find a way to get rid of the deal of the "devil god". Perhaps he also regarded Asa's ability to see death as a bad hobby of a certain demon god.

Asa knew it wasn't, this ability was innate, and it seemed to have given him great benefits, but he couldn't remember what it was.

At this time, it was even more unheard of for the "death vortex" entangled in the body of the mortal person to disappear out of thin air, unless a certain holy spirit who had just been called by his name intervened.

The thick black city walls and gates of Helgen appear in front of the carriage. The Nords believe in force. Even women and children can pick up heavy two-handed swords with dignity. Naturally, their villages will not There are "cowardly" walls, unless the surroundings are too bad or some site of military value - and Helgen has both.

In order to prevent it from being attacked by the Stormcloaks on the front line, the Empire even established two watchtowers in this village.

"Look, General Tullius of the Empire, and those damned Thalmor elves, our arrest this time must be the result of their sincere cooperation." The Stormcloak soldier said ironically.

Inside the city gate, a bald, dark-skinned man wearing advanced imperial armor was riding a tall horse, talking to another elf with pointed ears and wearing a black robe beside him.

Asa heard that due to the failure of the empire to fight against the elves, he had to sign an armistice treaty called "White-Gold", which clearly stipulated that the belief in the "Ninth Holy Spirit Talos" was prohibited, causing The Nords who worshiped him as the main god were very dissatisfied, and the Stormcloaks took advantage of the situation to oppose the empire and the biggest force of the Platinum Agreement.

However, elves are so ugly?

Asa turned his head and stared at the appearance of the man in the robe, feeling that he was completely different from the elf in his impression, his impression? Where had he seen elves?

"Prisoners! Get out of the car!"

The carriage convoy stopped at the square in Helgen, where dozens of Stormcloak soldiers who were also captured were already waiting, surrounded by twice as many imperial soldiers as them, and the tall stone platform in the middle of the square and the masked With a black hood and a long beheading knife, the burly executioner has proved how the empire treats these prisoners.

A sturdy woman in full imperial armor and a brown-haired imperial soldier with a simple and resolute face holding a notepad stood beside the carriage.

"Rocker of Loristedd?" the soldier read.

"No! I'm not a rebel! You can't do this to me!" The little thief was frightened by the executioner, and he got up and jumped off the carriage to try to escape, but he tripped over something and fell unconscious on the spot.

"You son of a bitch, leave him at the end, no, the second to last." The burly woman picked up the fainted thief with one hand and dragged him to the side.

The remaining three "prisoners" on the carriage looked at each other and got off one by one.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, Lord of Windhelm, it's an honor to meet you."

The voice of the imperial soldier was respectful, but it didn't change the fact that he was going to be executed. The leader snorted and didn't respond.

"Ralof from Riverwood..." "I'll be waiting for you in Songgard, Hadawa, it shouldn't be long."

The Stormcloak trooper and the Imperial Registrar stared at each other, eventually looking away at the same time.

"Well, who are you—?"

The imperial soldier known as Hadawa looked at Asa, then looked at the list in his hand, and asked.

Who is he? Asa began to seriously think about it. He named himself this name because he had the impression that someone was screaming hoarsely in his ear, covering up everything else. If you think about it carefully, that voice was not actually shouting "" Ah—Sa——”, but——

"Arthur," he said, "Arthur Pendragon."

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