The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Three, Silver Box Guards (3)

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Citadel airspace.

Although Anderson's attitude of adapting to the situation is a bit like telling a joke, his focus should not be on the "insurance" that is three times the cost of the Normandy, but on the fact that humanity's evaluation of the Citadel will thus improve.

According to the information Kang Na received from N7, even though it is clear that the area controlled by the Star Alliance is only a grain of sand in the Ganges to the entire galaxy, a considerable number of humans still have mysterious confidence that the Star Alliance The strength is quite strong.

Their logic is probably this: "We have defeated the second most powerful civilization in the galaxy, so even if we cannot catch up with the first, we are at least better than the third." "Even if our strength in the galaxy can be ranked among the top three, then the entire The strength of the Milky Way is just that." "As the third most powerful civilization, we should have more say and let those weird aliens go."

The entire logical chain fits perfectly, and there are basically no problems except that the major premise "we are the third in the galaxy" is wrong.

Even if you don't know the styles of the "Galactic Alliance" and "Citadel Council" in the past, you only need to look at the narrow grid-like layout of the embassy area to know that the "top three" aliens really think and do this. of.

The behavioral logic is so similar, in a sense, humans do have the qualifications to enter the top three.

The most troublesome thing is that this inexplicable self-confidence directly led to the Earth-only Party, or the "Earth Guardians" series to gain a lot of support, and in turn put pressure on the Star Alliance to really do this.

Just kidding, after truly seeing the power of aliens, even those who participated in the "First Contact War" would not dare to be so arrogant. Is the "Magic Fleet" very powerful? Can it withstand a fleet attack a hundred times its size?

You know, Europa 7 has gathered almost all human beings with superpowers, so they can put together such a "magic fleet". It may have a deterrent effect on those aliens, but it is expected that it can conquer cities and territories and be invincible. I really think too much.

However, the Star Alliance itself cannot take the initiative to admit this. It can only ask diplomats and diplomatic attachés who are traveling abroad to maximize the influence of the Star Alliance in the Citadel Council. That is why O507 will treat those who hope to participate in the "Ghost" mission. Provide strong support.

Although Saren was once defeated by his men, with the entire civilization behind him, he had the upper hand. Therefore, even if the crew of the Dunkirk were dissatisfied with the alien, they would not express it. come out.

"[From the appearance, your ship is one generation behind the Turian. After coming in, I discovered that it is three generations behind,]" Saren said, "[But it should be enough for this mission."

But I still wanted to hit him.


After reporting to the Citadel Customs Department to leave, Dunkirk was sailing towards the mass effect relay, and a golden "route" appeared on the star map.

This is the privilege of the "Ghost", which means that the "Dunkirk" can "jump" all the way along this channel without having to register with the civilization where the repeater is located.

Although it is not yet known how the ghost's other privileges are implemented, this one alone made Cicero dance in ecstasy - of course, it is just a metaphor, this pilot with brittle bones will be tied tightly during the voyage.

"[I should have told you, Commander Shepard,]" On the bridge, Saren started talking about the topic he had interrupted before: "[The thing you call 'Halo' is made by 'Ancient Machines'" of.】"

"That's right." Kangna nodded: "If any of the permanent director civilizations of the Citadel possessed weapons that could easily destroy all life within 2.4 light-years, the situation in the galaxy would not be like this."

"[What if I told you that the 'Citadel' and the 'Mass Effect Repeater' were also made by them?]" Saren stared at Kangna with his vertical pupils.

["As expected." (model)]

["So what?" (Rebellion)]

【"Appreciate further details."】

There's no point in arguing with Saren, right? Kangna glanced at the second option:

"I can only say that, as expected, the 'mass effect repeaters' that can destroy the 'mass effect repeaters' that we can't find a research direction and method at all are very likely to have the same origin."

"[Then, the topic returns to those 'caregivers'. When do you think they appeared in the Citadel?]" Saren asked again.

"After the Citadel Council was established?" Kangna gave an answer that she didn't even believe. Judging from Saren's self-interest...

"[They were there from the beginning. When Asari discovered the Citadel 30,000 years ago, these 'caregivers' were already maintaining it.]" Saren said.

"Wait... In this case, the castle was empty before the permanent director civilized landing?" Anderson seemed to have noticed something, but couldn't believe it: "Isn't it like, like..."

"[That's right, it's like a 'halo' where life has just been destroyed and there is nothing left," Saren grinned, as if he was very satisfied with scaring people: "[The Citadel, and the entire galaxy. The mass effect repeater is a larger 'halo', but when this 'galaxy-level' halo is activated depends on how the 'ancient machine' that created all this is set up.】"

"So, you attacked us in the Halo Galaxy because..." Anderson frowned.

"[The 'Flood' is real. It caused serious losses to us 14,000 years ago, and your landing behavior may indeed cause the 'Halo' to activate in advance," Saren explained: "[ But the deeper reason is that the Citadel believes that if the 'Halo' is activated too many times, it may lead to the 'Galaxy Level Halo' being activated.]"

This is really an unforeseen disaster, just like a child entering a gas station with a lighter. Regardless of whether he attempts to light up, an adult will take away the lighter and beat him up again - although this time it is the child who kills him.

"[Currently, the common view in the Citadel is that the 'halo' will be activated because the creatures above have evolved wisdom, so the determination of whether the 'galaxy-level halo' is activated should be similar. It is likely to be the 'total strength of the galaxy', so , the "Citadel Convention" limits the total number of dreadnoughts (Titans) in the entire galaxy, which is also known as the "Treaty of Farrickson."" Saren continued.

"What is a dreadnought?" Anderson wondered.

"Theoretically, it is a ship more powerful than a battleship, but the Star Alliance only has a concept of it and has no actual parameters at all." Kangna explained.

These things were all mentioned during N7 training, and Anderson really deserted again.

"Oh..." Anderson was still a little confused. After looking around, he raised his hand and pointed out the porthole to a [battleship] that was about twice the size of an ordinary battleship: "Is a dreadnought that big?"

At this time, Dunkirk had completed its short jump and approached the external relay of the Serpent Nebula.

"[No, it's just a conventional battleship, the real dreadnought is -]" Saren looked back.


At this moment, the mass effect repeater suddenly glowed with blue light, and a huge battleship leaped over.

It is completely golden and blue, and the overall appearance is a "reverse cross" with smooth edges and corners. There is a huge and flat engine nozzle behind the hull.

Its length is...ten times that of the battleship Anderson just pointed at.

"[...Such as this.]" Saren shrugged: "[That is Asari's most powerful dreadnought, the 'Destiny Extraordinary'.]"


"[Of course, if we only rely on those premises, we cannot draw the conclusion that there is an 'ancient machine',"" After leaving the Serpent Nebula through the mass effect channel, Saren resumed the topic: "[That is also very possible. It’s a legacy that a certain civilization across the galaxy played itself to death and left to us.]”

"So, the Citadel Council also found evidence?" Anderson frowned.

"[According to your calendar, around 1900, the Quarian home planet Lenoch The intelligent machines awakened their self-awareness, and they formed a mechanical civilization that was not recognized by the Citadel, and called themselves 'Geth'. 】


Compared to the other crew members who looked confused, Kangna almost immediately recalled the origin of the word.

[Actually, that table is a "Geth", which is a more troublesome problem, but that is not something "you now" need to worry about. 】

So, does the "more troublesome thing" begin now?

"Please explain in detail!" Kangna took a step forward.

"[Yes, it was an 'AI awakening disaster' similar to the 'Omnic Crisis' that happened to you humans," Saren obviously understood Kangna's focus wrongly: "[But unfortunately, Kui Liren has chosen the completely opposite approach to you.】"

"On the contrary...did the Quarians choose to kill all the intelligent machines?" Kang Na frowned.

"[I was also surprised when I read this information. At that time, 90% of the social operations of the Quarians relied on these geths. Where did they get the confidence to defeat them?]" Saren looked at his universal weapon. Tool: "[The Geth initially tried to negotiate with the Quarians, asking them to recognize themselves as a new race and civilization, but they only received planned destruction, so they directly launched a rebellion and killed the Quarians until only the remaining One percent of the original population. Due to creating such a major threat to the galaxy, the Quarian embassy in the Citadel was revoked, and the remaining population could only live in the 'Qurian Wandering Fleet.'"

Connor and Anderson looked at each other.

——Fortunately, the "Omnic Crisis" on Earth was handled in a timely manner.

——But even if they really rebel, they won't be able to cause much trouble, because key departments are prohibited from using androids.

——Except you, Connor.

"So, what happened to these 'getz'? Were they wiped out by the Citadel Fleet?" Kangna asked.

"[No, they hid behind the 'Perseus Curtain' formed by the wreckage of that war. They have not expanded to other cantilevers of the Milky Way for nearly three hundred years. They can only occasionally find their scouts on some civilized planets. , there is almost no big threat.]" Saren replied.

So this is how O513’s desk came about? You are really a warrior if you build an alien table and then use it directly.

"So, the ancient machine..." Kangna remembered the previous question.

"[I learned it from the mouths of those 'Geth' captives,]" Saren narrowed his eyes slightly: "[According to them, 'organic civilization must be born in the universe, organic civilization must create synthetic civilization, and synthetic civilization must "Organic civilization must be destroyed', this is the will of the 'ancient machines', and they just follow it."

...Is this meme this long? There are only four letters on the earth side.

No, it shouldn't be a meme, otherwise this sentence wouldn't be easily read and spread by people, even if he was a ghost.

Of course, it's also possible that this "will of the ancient machine" is a meme that only works for "getz".

That would be more troublesome. If memes can undergo targeted changes, it means that the "ancient machine" can send different meme signals to the civilization that created intelligent machines.

So, how do "ancient machines" know that a civilization has created intelligent machines?

The most likely answer is - through a Mass Effect repeater.

Based on the previous conditions, it can be deduced that the halo, the Citadel and the mass effect repeater were all made by "ancient machines".

After Kangna finished her short thinking, she found that the nearby crew members had thoughtful expressions, some on the first floor and some on the fifth floor.

"So, what is the purpose of telling us this confidential information?" Kangna, who had already broken through the atmosphere, was the first to ask: "Find a way to fight against the 'ancient machines' that will inevitably appear in the future?"

"[This kind of thing is actually not a secret. Everyone who needs to know basically knows it, but they don't care.]" Saren grinned: "[It's like, before you discovered 'Element Zero' and 'Mass Effect', Oil can only be used for fifty years, and coal can only be used for two hundred years. I don’t see you panicking about this.】"

"That's because of the lifespan... uh." Anderson tried to speak for humans, but paused mid-sentence.

"[Yes, because of the lifespan limit, no one is interested in the 'future' that exceeds their own lifespan," Saren nodded his head: "[Those women with lifespans of thousands of years and long blue tentacles are not interested, and Which one should we worry about?]"

The woman with blue tentacles...Kanna thought about the appearance of the all-female race of Asari and decided not to discuss this topic.

"[I tell you all this just to give you an idea of ​​the dangers you may encounter in the next mission.]" Saren turned over his multi-purpose tool and showed it to Kangna and Anderson.

[Task: Investigate the artificial intelligence research being conducted by Salarian scientist Dr. Qian Shu and his assistant Carly Sanderson, and you can make your own judgment on how to handle them and their research results. 】

[Mission location: Curtain of Perseus, Xiduo Galaxy. 】

By the way, how many times would the insurance pay for Dunkirk?

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