The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-Four, Silver Box Guards (4)

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Perseus Curtain.

"Commander Shepard, I suspect that I am hallucinating. I suggest that someone else pilot the spacecraft."

Cicero looked out the porthole for a few seconds, turned to look at Shepard for a few seconds, and then turned back to the porthole, like some kind of bird that kept moving its neck.

"Ignore whether you are hallucinating or not, if you twist your neck like this again, it will probably break. Then we really have to change someone to fly the spacecraft." Kangna, who was also in the cockpit, stared at the front of the Dunkirk. The "curtain" said.

After nearly ten days of sailing, the Dunkirk finally arrived at the "Perseus Curtain", although the crew had roughly imagined what it looked like, such as whether it would be a huge warship cemetery or a dense nebula. , but I never expected that it was really a "curtain".

Boundless up and down, boundless left and right, like a huge airtight green curtain covering a stage, blocking the route of the Dunkirk. The most outrageous thing is that this curtain is even "fluttering in the wind."

"[Its name before the appearance of the Geth was the 'Perseus Nebula']," said Saren next to him: "[It became like this after the battle between the Geth and Quali, shattering asteroids, The mixture of shipwrecks, cosmic turbulence and strong radiation blocked the quarian home planet Lenoch and the geth. Since there were very few star fields blocked by the 'curtain', the Citadel only strengthened its control over this area. Star Territory’s investigation has not formulated any plan to resolve this crisis.]”

What kind of battle would it take to break up a nebula like this?

Moreover, until a way is found to cross this curtain, the quarian's wandering fleet can only float outside? Or find a new home planet?

Forget it, now is not the time to think about that strange civilization.

"Where is our mission target, the Xiduo Galaxy?" Kangna looked out the window.

Although the Customs Office of the Citadel gave a "route", the destination only reached a galaxy outside the Perseus Curtain - right here - before stopping.

There is only a "canopy" covering the sky and the sun within the scope of vision, and it is impossible to see where there are galaxies.

"[Inside',]" Saren gestured to the "curtain", and a diamond-shaped mark representing the "destination" appeared immediately: "[If it can be found easily, why would the 'ghost' be dispatched?]"

This guy really has bad intentions in requisitioning Star Alliance ships...

"[Don't worry, it's very shallow,]" Saren found himself being stared at by a group of people, so he explained a little more: "[I want to enter together. If something goes wrong, I can't run away, can I? Just press Just follow the plan.】"

In response to the possibility of encountering "Geth", supplies and training for synthetic bodies were carried out along the way, that is, electromagnetic weapons and ammunition and attack methods that ensure that the enemy cannot even move a finger. Of course, it is also suitable for Dunkirk. The hull was reinforced accordingly.

At that time, Saren advocated the installation of a device specifically designed to defend against the impact of space debris. Now it seems that it was used here?

"It seems we can only move forward, Anderson?" Kangna looked at the intercom on the cockpit bulkhead.

"[Caesar, adjust the bow and sail towards the target,]" Anderson's voice came from it: "[Others find a place to fix themselves.]"

"Oh, God, this voyage is really not friendly to people with brittle bone disease." Cicero said as he wrapped the safety belt around his body a few more times.


Sidor galaxy, Sidor IV, low altitude orbit.

Boom - boom - rustle - rustle -

Accompanied by the constant sound of the battleship's shell being collided with sand and gravel, Saren came to the hangar with Kang Na and Anderson.

"[It has to be said that the human spacecraft's combat effectiveness is insufficient, but its concealment methods are good,]" Saren said as he put on his helmet: "[We were not discovered by the radar installed by Dr. Qian Shu at all.]"

[“Human ships pay more attention to adaptability in various environments.


["Can the Turian radar detect it?" (Rebellion)]

["What's the next plan?\

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