The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Six, Silver Box Guards (6)

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Sidor IV, abandoned research building.

boom! boom!

Kangna nimbly weaved between the Geth Colossus's bombardment and stampedes, trying to attack its belly with the Omni-Tool Glaive, but to no avail other than a few meaningless scratches.

obviously. When Quili designed this kind of war weapon, he had already considered its inconvenient mobility and possible close attack, so he strengthened the external armor to an outrageous level.

"[Why AI technology is banned is not your excuse. I'm just not familiar with history. Why should I be treated as an outcast!]" Dr. Qian Shu was still chattering on the big screen.

"Etty, are you sure there's nothing wrong with the translation system?" Kangna tried attacking the joints of the Geth Colossus, but it still had no great effect.

[The translation function is completely normal, and it is ‘faithful, expressive and elegant’. 】Etty responded.

In other words, is this guy really complaining and cursing while rhyming? At least it rhymes in Salarian.

"[You have blocked my company, and you want to arrest my disciples. Now you dare to follow me here, then you will all die!]"

Well... to sum up, this is a Salarian scientist and entrepreneur who doesn't know that researching artificial intelligence is illegal. Other Salarians are quietly making a fortune when they research artificial intelligence. Only he is confident that he can make a fortune for himself. products with this new feature.

As a result, not only was he abandoned by Salarian, but he was also seized and monitored by the Citadel, so he went directly to the Perseus Veil to study the source of the Citadel's ban on AI - Geth.

["You should choose to start over, instead of making the same mistake over and over again." (Model)]

[“With all this junk, don’t let me shed a drop of blood.” (Rebellion)]

【remain silent. 】

Action suggestions have also been infected...

In order to prevent herself from talking about Rap as soon as she opened her mouth, Kangna kept her mouth shut and continued to deal with the geth colossus.

Think about it carefully, did Saren know this guy's way of speaking in advance by running away so simply?

"[You ghost agents——]" "[Professor!]"

Qian Shu seemed to be ready to chatter, but the assistant next to him, who should be named Carly Sanderson, suddenly exclaimed.

"[Our guards have been destroyed!]"


"[Hello, neighbor~]" Something exploded and Saren's voice came from the speaker: "[I'm here to drop by, are you welcome?]"

At the same time, there was a popping sound like a light machine gun firing.

Two silver-white mass effect shields suddenly appeared on Qian Shu and Carly's bodies, and then disappeared from the screen. Judging from the way they disappeared, they probably completed a rapid roll.

Puff puff puff——bang bang bang——

Next, there was a fierce exchange of fire on the big screen that had not been turned off. In the end, even the broadcast was interrupted, but the Geth Colossus never stopped attacking.

If you think about it carefully, the Geth seems to be a kind of "intelligent machine"? And now there's no device watching here?

Then, a certain tactic that is usually difficult to use seems to come in handy.

Kangna once again avoided being trampled by the Geth Colossus, and then climbed up to its "neck". Although the head, which is a vital part for ordinary creatures, is nothing to this war machine, at least it The sensor is not wrong here.

When the Geth Colossus was preparing to fight back, Kangna leaned over and said "in its ear":



"[Oops, I'm sorry, Qian Shu and his assistant are a bit difficult to deal with, I'll close the Geth giant right now... uh.]"

After a moment, the screen in the hall lit up again, and Saren appeared on the screen. He seemed to be planning to find the control program for the Colossus, but he was stunned after seeing the situation in the hall.

"No trouble,

You should first shut down the geth that is chasing the Master Chief." Kangna was standing in front of the geth colossus, and the originally ferocious giant machine was lying motionless on the ground: "By the way, tell me about you current location. "

"[If you go up five floors, you should be able to see the hole in the wall that I broke.]" Saren didn't seem to have any intention of getting to the bottom of it, and started to flip the control panel over there: "[The Quarians actually increased their height by each floor. He created a hidden main control room by using electromagnetic oscillation, and paralyzed all the geth here through electromagnetic oscillation - but even this could not avoid the fate of failure.]"

"See you soon." Kangna waved her hand, leaving the Geth Colossus, whose core logic had been completely destroyed, and walked upstairs.

[Commander, I think this attack method has hidden dangers. If there are any other hidden transmission channels here, the third ‘Omnic Crisis’ will break out. 】Etty said.

"No, that kind of thing will not happen. First of all, this is a ruin that has been abandoned for three hundred years. Even if there were originally surveillance, Dr. Qian Shu would not open them all. Secondly, what is this place? Perseus Act, even if those four letters are transmitted in some way, only those geth who have awakened and adopted Gestalt consciousness will be affected. Judging from the reaction of the previous colossus, they accept inconsistent ghost signals. ’, it just completely shatters the recipient’s sense of self,” Khanna explains.

[In this case, wouldn’t it be very dangerous if you came into contact with the memes that caused Geth’s awakening? 】

"The Dawn War of the Geth happened three hundred years ago. I don't think that thing will remain until now, and..." Seeing that she was about to reach the fifth floor, Kangna turned silent.

Moreover, with the "Cloud City" here, even if it is affected again, it will only be a matter of going to the "subspace" for a while.

Hmm... These girls won't be taught this kind of thinking, right...?


"Oh? Is this the 'unidentified object'?"

After a while, Anderson, who was covered in gunpowder smoke, also came to the main control center to join him. He looked at the silver box that had been "absorbed of energy" with great interest, and looked at Qian Shu and Ka who had their hands and feet tied and fell into a deep coma. Lisa Sanderson turned a blind eye.

After all, they are the prisoners that the "Ghost" wants to take away. How to deal with them has nothing to do with the Star Alliance and humans.

So far, this assistance mission has been successfully completed. All we need to do next is to take away the prisoners and related information. As for the geth who lost control and fell to the ground outside, just let them continue to sleep.

"[Yes, this object originally orbited the 'Sido IV' planet like a satellite," Saren stood in front of the cylindrical container: "[Judging from the size, the Citadel speculates that it should be similar to a 'black box' or Things like an 'external hard drive', I didn't pay too much attention to Dr. Qian Shu taking it away, so I regarded it as my 'trial mission'. However, since it has been confirmed that it can awaken and control the lost consciousness of the same owner, If it is linked to the Geth, then its importance will naturally increase by several levels.】"

"That is to say... the Citadel can use it to cultivate an army of geths who obey their orders, fight against the ordinary geths hiding behind the Curtain of Perseus, and even eliminate the geths and regain the motherland of the quarians. star, so the merit achieved by this mission will not be too small." Anderson speculated.

"[Oh, you don't need to hint anything. The credit for your auxiliary operation will naturally increase with the increase in importance,]" Saren glanced at Kangna: "[In fact, I personally hope to have some strength. A powerful helper.】"

No, the way to kill the geth colossus is not something that can be easily replicated.

"Then how should we take this thing away?" Kangna pointed to the cylindrical container fixed on the wall and ceiling: "If we must take it away with its 'packaging', that's not impossible."

"[On the contrary, we have to take it away alone, and try not to let it come into contact with any electronic devices,]" Although he couldn't read his expression, Saren's voice became unusually serious: "[Geth may be in physics. The level of strength is limited, but at the data level we must not underestimate it.】"

【Really? I do not believe. 】Etty looked eager to try.

"At least we have to wait until we are in a place under our complete control before we can try to analyze it." Kang Na nodded, making a pun.

"[As for how to take it away, it's quite simple.]" Saren said, the all-purpose tool in his hand condensed into a battle ax, and then slashed hard on the cylindrical container.

Click - bang!

The container had no defensive function to begin with. The transparent shell made of an unknown material produced a large number of cracks when it was hit, and then exploded with a bang. The debris hit the mass effect shields of several people present.

Almost at the same time that the container was destroyed, the silver box lost its levitation and began to fall, and was caught by Saren.

"[As long as you leave with it like this -]" The turian agent suddenly froze in the middle of his words, and then fell straight on his back.

"Is there an enemy attack?" Anderson whipped out his gun and looked around.

However, there was no movement at all, whether it was the equipment in the computer room that had almost stopped working, Dr. Qian Shu in a coma, or the Geth in a shutdown state outside.

"Is this...could that thing be charged?" Anderson didn't know why and stepped towards Saren.

"Wait a minute, don't you think it's similar?" Kangna stopped Anderson: "It's the same as... the appearance of the android when he awakened because of 'those letters'."

"This," Anderson stopped and observed carefully: "Is Saren actually a bionic man?"

"Your brain circuit..." Kangna glanced at him: "I mean, his spirit seemed to be seriously affected because he touched the 'box' with his bare hands."

"Then..." Anderson turned to look at Kangna.

[Try to touch unknown objects. 】

[Let Anderson touch the unknown object. 】

[Let Etty analyze the unknown object. 】

[Waiting for Saren to wake up. 】

"No way," Kangna took two steps forward and raised her hand to press the silver cube: "You can also meet your old master in the Galaxy Alliance."

——? ? ? ——

When Kangna regained consciousness again, she found herself on the battlefield.

Surrounded by gray-blue buildings with acute trapezoidal shapes and no windows at all, they are covered with traces of flames, projectiles and even laser cutting.

Behind him is a trapezoidal building that is larger than other buildings, and in front of him is a battlefield with a large number of bunkers.

The ground ahead was filled with craters and fires were burning everywhere. Many aliens shaped like mantises were fighting, and more aliens had fallen to the ground and turned into corpses.

These mantis men have inverted triangular brown heads with four double-pupil eyes. They wear some kind of sharp brown armor with a relatively small protective area, and their weapons are a kind of wonderful, A giant gun that shoots green plasma outwards.

The targets they fought were mantis men with the same appearance. However, the hostile mantis men did not have weapons, their skin glowed with a long blue light, their bodies were covered with protruding pipes, their eyes turned white, and they fought unorganized and fearlessly. die.

Although ordinary mantis men have an advantage in weapons, they still have to retreat continuously due to the almost overwhelming numerical advantage of the "zombie mantis men".

Soon, the mantis man who was fighting and retreating came to Kangna, and the leader gave "her" a hard push: "[Don't put down that stupid camera yet! You plan to take a picture of how we died in the battle and pass it on." To the next round of civilization?】"

"[Yes, I'm sorry, Commander,]" Kangna heard "himself" respond in the same language: "[But you said it yourself, you want to take a complete picture of our final battle and store it in the think tank. .】"

Can you actually understand it? Incredible.

"[...]" The "general commander" was silent for a moment, then raised his hand and patted the "cameraman" on the shoulder armor: "[Forget it, keep filming.]"

At this time, Kangna saw out of the corner of her eye that a large number of "zombie mantis people" were pouring out from various intersections again. Their scale was by no means something that the only remaining mantis people could stop.

"[Retreat! Enter the think tank! Prepare to close the door!]" The commander only hesitated for half a second, then immediately made a decision and led his men to retreat towards the giant building they had previously defended.

Kangna felt that "he" was holding a "camera" to record the retreat of the large army. Some of the other soldiers looked down upon "him", while others nodded in a friendly manner, but all the aliens had a kind of look on their faces. Numbness and despair.

"[Final War Era, 1400,]" Kangna heard "himself" say: "[Our war with the Reaper has finally failed, and we will save all our knowledge, culture, and technology in the think tank. , providing the next reincarnation of civilization with a chance to defeat them.】"

"[I will put down the camera later, pick up the weapon, and contribute a small amount to the safe storage of the think tank,]" the "photographer" said while raising the "lens": "[Anyone who receives this image record Creatures, please remember one thing: Only when all intelligent creatures in the entire galaxy unite as one can it be possible to defeat the Reapers, and by the time we 'Protheans' realize this, it is already too late.】"

Kangna could clearly see that under the flaming red sky, there were dozens or hundreds of extremely huge black warships that looked like squids and shrimps descending from the sky.

When the black battleship closest to the "lens" landed, it projected a very thick dark red beam full of ominous meaning. It split the buildings along the way into two without any hindrance, and struck straight at the "lens". Come.

Finally, when Kangna thought the "cameraman" was dead, the thick door of the think tank slammed shut, blocking the violent explosion.

You didn't even move the camera away. This alien cameraman, I respect you as a man.

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