The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Seven, Silver Box Guards (7)

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——? ? ? ——

After a slight "black screen" for a while, Kangna saw the alien named "Prothean" again.

This time, it seems to be indoors in a huge building with a huge space, which may be the "think tank" where the "photographer" is hiding.

As far as the eye can see, almost all partitions, pillars, furnishings and equipment are roughly trapezoidal. Even if some things are not rectangular, there must be one side that is different from the ground and is vertical and parallel. The main colors are gray, black, and brown. Mainly, maybe this sense of instability is a characteristic of this alien race?

"[Era of the Final War, 1405,]" "Photographer" spoke again, but compared to "just now", his tone was full of fatigue: "As a member of the 'Time Capsule' project, I originally thought that I When he wakes up again, he will meet a new round of civilized archaeologists, but he never expected that he would face the traitor's gun. 】

The "camera" began to rotate, gradually showing a battlefield that was not in the picture. Although it was small in scale, the fighting was extremely fierce in the streets.

The interior of the entire think tank was in a mess. The building structure and various equipment were covered with traces of explosions, plasma burning, slashing with sharp weapons, and hits with blunt weapons. The remains of Prothean warriors and blue blood stains were all over the floor. It even splashed everywhere.

Kangna noticed that these aliens were obviously fighting among themselves, and many individuals still maintained the posture of dying together. On the contrary, there were none of the "Reaper Infantry" seen before.

This means that it was not the "Reapers" who broke through the defense line, but the "inner ghost" who suddenly attacked and destroyed the think tank's inheritance plan.

Although the social structure of "Prothean" is not yet clear, how could any individual choose to betray when faced with an enemy that clearly wants to completely exterminate their own civilization?

"[The commander-in-chief is dead, and the first target of the betrayers is his dormant chamber,]" Naturally, the "photographer" would not answer Kangna. He continued to talk to himself: "[Then there are our scientists and elites. , those betrayers acted very quickly and decisively, and must have been planning for a long time. When I woke up, everything was irreversible.】"

The "camera" moved slowly toward the battlefield, and Kangna could vaguely see scattered Protheans carrying corpses and cleaning the battlefield. Even if the camera didn't zoom in, she could still feel a deep sense of despair.

"[Huh——]" The photographer let out a long breath: "[We no longer have anyone who can understand and use the knowledge sealed by the think tank. The remaining compatriots are only soldiers who only know how to fight and workers who only do what others tell them to do. Even if we can enter hibernation again, there will be no place for Protheans in the new reincarnation. Perhaps, when we wake up again, we will be supported as iron-eating beasts.]"

No, your looks don't seem to be enough - maybe Turians with similar shapes can accept it?

At this time, a Prothean warrior whose armor was damaged in many places approached the camera and called: "[Grand Commander.]"

"[Don't call me Commander, I'm just a captain.]" the photographer responded.

"[But now you are the only one with the highest rank.]" The soldier seemed to be in a dilemma.

"[Don't worry about that damn military rank system! The military judges are all dead!]" the photographer shouted loudly, startling the soldier: "[Speak up if you have something to say!]"

"[Yes, Commander!]" The soldier chose another title: "[Most of the energy in the dormant chamber was wasted by the traitors. If you go to sleep, you will not be able to preset the wake-up time and can only wait for external awakening.] "

"[Huh... So those traitors secretly preset the awakening time?]" The photographer's tone revealed a strong sense of powerlessness: "[Don't worry about that, we can only place our hope on the civilization of the next reincarnation. If we were able to discover us earlier, we can proceed as planned.】"

"[Yes, Commander.]" The Prothean soldier responded, turned and left.

"[Hey...]" The photographer began to point the camera towards the buildings and equipment that had not been destroyed: "[I don't know if this message can be received,

If the intelligent life that receives this message can understand everything you see, please come and wake us up. The position of our home planet is marked in the technology attached to the 'beacon'. ]"

"[Here, I must add: When fighting the Reapers, anyone may betray. You must establish a strict system and don't let your trust become an opportunity for them to betray."

The "camera lens" shook a few times and the screen went black again.

In other words, that silver box contains ancient technology from who knows how many years ago? Kangna looked at the darkness in front of her and thought, at least, there should be a green plasma gun.

After Saren wakes up, return to the castle and report.

[Software is unstable]

At this moment, the "video" that Kangna saw suddenly began to play backwards at an extremely high speed.

Um? ?

When the crazy regressing scene returned to normal flow speed again, Kangna found herself back on the battlefield from the beginning.

Iron-gray, windowless trapezoidal buildings, dilapidated defense lines, craters, scorch marks, flames and corpses everywhere, and - Prothean warriors fighting against the overwhelming "zombie Protheans".

This... wasn't that much just now, was it? Was what I saw just now fake or is what I’m seeing now fake?

The "Prothean zombies" that seemed to dye the normal Protheans blue, causing their blood vessels to bulge, and growing fangs and claws, were like a tide pouring into the square in front of the "Think Tank" from all directions, even if It was constantly being dissolved or blown away by green rays of light without any intention of stopping.

Different from the "first time" scene, the angle from which Kangna observed the battlefield this time was not the "first-person perspective" of a certain camera, but the "third-person perspective" viewed from mid-air.

[Mission Objective 1: Join the "Ultimate Darkness (Prothean)" scenario battle. 】


Before Kangna could be surprised by the appearance of the mission prompt, her "overlooking view" dropped rapidly, and finally coincided with a certain Prothean who had just picked up a gun at the supply point.

"..." Kangna lowered her head and looked at the N7 armor on her body and the Defender assault rifle in her hand, and then looked at the Protheans around her, and found that they turned a blind eye to her, and seemed not surprised at all that there were more people here. An alien.

Oh, not everyone, at least one showed a shocked expression.

"[Commander Shepard]?" Saren glared at him and looked over: "[Why are you here?]"

[Mission goal one: completed. 】

[Mission Objective 2: Defeat the attack of ‘Proxian Corpse Puppet’: 01]

[Mission goal three: Ensure that the number of deaths of ‘Salon Atreus’ is less than 5:15]

This unfortunate guy has already died once?

"You fainted after touching the silver box, and I came here after touching it," Kangna explained: "I have seen this battle once before, and after it ended, I met you."

"[...How did you let it end?]" Saren hesitated: "[They can't be killed at all.]"

"Through the 'battlefield command science'," Kangna knocked on her helmet: "'How to cause as much damage as possible when the enemy has unlimited reinforcements' is just a basic topic."

"[...Is there such a subject?]" Saren looked completely unconvinced.

It's no wonder that, as Turians who put military merit first, the scenario of inevitable failure will not be simulated at all, but on the human side...the question maker has no other words to describe it other than fantasy.


"[Don't put down that stupid camera yet! Do you plan to take a picture of how we died in battle and pass it on to the next round of civilization?]"

"[Yes, I'm sorry, Commander-in-Chief, but you yourself said that you should take a complete picture of our final battle and store it in the think tank.]"

"[...Forget it, you continue.]"

When the "Proxian Corpse Puppet" offensive slowed down a bit, the Proxian Grand Commander arrived with a group of elite reinforcements, destroyed most of the corpse puppets in the square, and taught a tribesman who was stupidly carrying a camera a lesson After a pause, he walked up to Kangna and Saren.

"[Well done, Colonel Shepard, Major General Saren,]" he patted Saren on the shoulder very comfortably: "[Now, retreat to the think tank and prepare to sleep. Our battle will start again in fifty thousand years. ]"

[Task Objective 2: Complete]

[Mission goal three: Complete]

[Mission Objective 4: Ensure that Proxian sleeps smoothly. 01】

[Mission goal five: Find the enlightened Prothean. 012】

"[What should we do next?]" After fighting and retreating into the think tank, Saren asked Kangna while looking around in surprise.

"I thought you would ask what was going on first?" Kangna looked at the Prothean carrying the camera and felt a little funny for a moment.

"[What's going on?]" Saren followed suit.

"That box is the legacy left by this four-eyed and eight-pupil alien civilization to later generations," Kangna relayed the information she heard from the photographer: "Although it is small in size, it contains an astonishing amount of technology. , history and culture, and the current scene is just a replay of a certain memory. No matter what we do, it will not change the history that has already happened."

Of course, this sentence is a lie. If it really has no impact, how could his mission give the mission of "preventing Saren from dying more than five times in the illusion"?

As expected, if this "scenario battle" cannot be completed, the memory of those who come into contact with the box will be erased.

This Prothean chooses civilization inheritance technology and also requires command ability, which is simply outrageous.

That Qian Shu and Carly Sanderson obviously did not have that kind of tactical literacy and had no idea of ​​its value, but they used it to control the geth by chance and tried to stir up trouble.

Kangna can clearly say that it is not control at all, but the control of the Geth through the conventional method of controlling robots after erasing the self-awareness of the Geth through the "verification method" when reading the box.

...Well, after going around in a circle, there seems to be no difference?

"[So, what should we do now?]" Saren watched each Prothean get into the dormant chamber that looked like a refrigerator, and continued to act like curious babies.

What was unexpected and reasonable was that there was no dormant cabin for the two of them to sleep in.

"Catch the traitor." Kangna looked at the wake-up timer on the dormant cabin next to her.

Although this is some kind of "illusion" and Edith cannot provide assistance, Kangna herself can see through these little tricks.

There are a total of twelve sleep boxes, all of which are "wake up after five years" disguised as "must be woken up from the outside".

"Traitor?" Saren asked the same question as Kangna.

"You'll find out later if you ask." Kangna raised her hand and brushed the signs one by one, changing "Wake up in five years" to "Wake up in five minutes."

"[Would it be faster to just kill him?]" Saren maintained the fine tradition of Turians being able to do things but not speak.

"We need to know the reasons for betrayal in this situation, in case the same thing happens when we are in the same situation." Kangna replied.

"[ guys?]" The first Prothean to wake up looked confused, and was immediately taken down and tied up by Saren.

[Mission goal four: Completed. 】

[Mission goal five: Completed. 】

Um? If these traitors are not killed, mission four is actually not completed, right?

"[You guys, why are you betraying our compatriots!?]" Saren, who had the highest military rank, was the first to ask, quite into the fun.

"[Hmph, when you wake up secretly, isn't your purpose the same as ours?]" the traitor who was shouted at said disdainfully.

boom! Saren raised his hand and shot the Prothean traitor to death: "[Wrong answer.]"

"[The next one starts with you.]" He pointed the gun at another traitor.

"[Wait, I'm telling you, I'm telling you everything, don't—]" Prothean, who was splashed with blue blood, was horrified.

boom! Saren crushed him again: "[The answer is too slow, it's all nonsense.]"

Okay, I know why task four is completed.

At this moment, the new task that seemed to be stuck arrived belatedly:

[Mission Objective 6: Prevent Saren from being civilized: 01]


Speaking of which, the previous mission was also to find the "civilized Protheans", which proves that the "Reapers" have a way to silently make people do things according to their instructions.

Since this kind of "enlightenment" can make traitors appear in the last group of people of a civilization, it is completely unknown whether Saren can resist it.

At this moment, the third Prothean traitor, who was pointed at the head by Saren, immediately began to explain like beans being poured out of a bamboo tube:

"[The Reapers promise not to harvest us as long as they can completely destroy the Prothean civilization and put our bodies into specific dormant chambers so that our consciousness can live in the virtual world. You have also seen their battleships and you must be very clear about the Reapers. Their strength is simply not something we can compete with. We feel that instead of lingering for 50,000 years and hoping for the birth of a race in the future, we might as well just join them——】"

boom! Kangna raised her hand and knocked down the Prothean traitor.

Under the horrified gazes of the captives, Kangna thought for a moment, and then said to the corpse:

"Let you go without a hat!"

[Mission goal six: Completed. 】

[Software is unstable. 】

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