The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and fifty-two, Captain of the United States (2)

"Collect Doomsday ()" Find the latest chapters!


Antarctica, Chaldea Research Station.

【Tekelili! Tekelili! 】

The dormant warehouse is mottled with light and shadow, the cylindrical dormant frame covered with frost on the curved wall, the energy column in the center of the room that emits a faint blue light, and the giant mud ball with countless eyes clinging to the column.

Everything that was beyond common sense made Jack's mind almost go blank, and he completely lost control of his body. He could only stare blankly at the eyes on the mud, and judging from William's motionless condition, his condition was not much better. go.

However, as an active soldier of the Star Alliance, Jack has clearly learned that there are all kinds of aliens in the universe, so he was shocked and subconsciously judged the "mud" as some kind of person who secretly sneaked into the earth and tried to carry out some kind of conspiracy. alien.

This recognition of the other party as a known concept allowed his frozen thinking to slightly resume its rotation.

The people at the scientific research station are probably dead...

The Guardians of the Earth concealed and refused to retaliate...

Eva is still behind...

Eva is still behind!

Jack regained his mobility almost instantly, and without hesitation, he pulled out a firearm from his waist and fired at the "mud".

Da da da--!

The "giant mud" was originally just clinging to the energy pillar of the previous generation, constantly making strange sounds, and some of those eyes were staring at William, some at Jack, and more eyes were aimlessly He looked around, with no intention of launching an attack for the time being. He looked like some kind of wild animal entrenched in his nest.

But after being shot by Jack, all its eyes turned to Jack at the same time, and its screams became full of anger and murderous intent.


"Uh..." Jack once again experienced the feeling of being "frozen" in his body and mind.

Obviously, this "alien" has a "mental interference" type of power, and the condition for activating it is to stare at people with their eyes. The more eyes used to glare at people, the greater the impact will be.

But...if the inference is correct, William, who has no longer been "stared", should...

"Damn! What is that! A hundred-eyed monster!"


William and Eva's exclamations came at the same time.

No, it seems that Eva has not escaped the attention of the "Hundred-Eyed Monster". Now we can only hope——

"Flash bomb!"

"Fire in the hole!"

With two shouts, a white cylinder and a green sphere flew towards the "Hundred-Eyed Monster".

Don’t you two know that I can’t move?

...It seems like I really don’t know.

However, aside from the fact that they were too close to the explosion radius and could not avoid it, the two of them actually had no problem coping. After the "First Contact War", the Star Alliance had already targeted "possible conflicts with aliens" This was a preview, and Jack remembered some details more lightly than the big picture stuff.

For example, if you encounter an alien with many eyes or no eyelids, try throwing a B2 high flash first anyway.

Damn it, why can I think of so many things in one moment? Sure enough, I'm going to be blown up in the next second, right?



Jack's eyes were all white and his ears were buzzing.


Maybe after a few hours, or maybe just a few minutes, Jack's incapacitated state finally improved. Color blocks began to appear in front of his eyes, and the buzzing in his ears gradually turned into a seemingly logical whisper:



"Well..." Jack roughly judged that he seemed to be sitting in a corner, but when he tried to move his limbs, his hands and feet still couldn't be controlled.

"Oh, he seems to be awake. It seems that the quality of the mass effect shield is quite strong." He heard William say not far in front of him.

"Are you stupid? Even if you are 'fixed', can't you close your eyelids?" Eva said angrily.

It didn't seem to work. At that time, it was a strange state where the expected actions in the mind could not be executed at all.

Jack tried to blink, and this time he succeeded. As he blinked, the "resolution" of the two people in front of him became much clearer. Eva was kneeling in front of him and using a multi-purpose tool to treat, while William was doing more. Guards with guns in the distance.

"It seems that he has recovered," William seemed to nodded: "The monster seems to be unable to leave the energy column of the dormant warehouse. Let's search the research station separately to see if there are any more clues. If it doesn't work, , we can only return and ask for support.”

"I think we can't let it absorb energy there. The scientific expedition personnel we originally planned to find are still under threat from it." Eva raised her hand and shook Jack: "Can you stay here alone?"

"No problem..." Jack said with difficulty, raising his hand to touch the gun: "It's just a shock bomb..."

"Hmm..." Eva's eyes wandered for a moment: "Actually, you were not injured by the grenade. It was just because you were flying in the snowfield for too long that your eyes were a little snow-blind. Then you were hit by a flash bomb, and the effect was outstanding..."


"I mean, injuries add to injuries," Eva put away the multi-purpose tools and stood up: "Next, William and I will explore this scientific research station from both ends. You can take a rest here for the time being."

"This is some distance away from the dormant warehouse. If anything goes wrong, you can decide whether to fight or run." William added from a little distance away.

"Oh..." Jack's vision gradually recovered and he tried to observe the environment.

This place seems to be not far from the gate of Chaldea. You can see snow flakes being rolled in, and on the other side is where the few people escaped in embarrassment before. The corridor leading to the dormant warehouse is indeed a place where you can advance, attack, retreat or defend... Uh, escape location.

"Then, I will guard your retreat." Jack took off the rifle from his back and stood up: "Although we only have these few people, we don't have to worry about this, but I must order you as the captain of the operation. If there is a second person like this Monster, you must evacuate immediately, understand?"

"Understood, sir~" Eva blinked.

"Don't worry, I don't want to face that invulnerable thing a second time." William also agreed.


Watching the two people leave from different curved corridors, Jack sat down in the corner again with his gun in his arms.

Now, there is a more terrifying hypothesis: if the monster is controlled by the "Earth Guardian", then this mission is not a simple rescue of the scientific expedition team members.

Think about it, if when some major event occurs, the Star Alliance transfers most of its troops, and thousands of "hundred-eyed monsters" appear on the earth...

I hope my worries are unfounded.


After nearly half an hour, Jack's physical strength has been restored to some extent, but William and Eva still have not returned.

And just when he was considering whether to go find them, he heard footsteps approaching from "outside".

Tread, tread, tread.


"Huh? Did I forget to close the door?"

From the direction of the main entrance, a soft girl's voice and what sounded like a rabbit's cry could be vaguely heard.

Scientific examiner? No, how is that possible? Who dares to live next door to such a terrifying creature?

Jack looked around and found a nearby corner to hide.


"You said someone broke in? How is that possible? This is Antarctica."

The girl seemed to be talking to her pet as she walked into the Chaldea Gate.


"Rescue team? It's impossible, that's just a text setting. In "Let's Go", Xiaomei didn't wait for the rescue team at all."


"How could I not be Xiaomei? Can you find another person who was frozen in the Antarctic research station?"

Although he understood every word, Jack had no idea what she was talking about.

And, having a structured conversation with a pet is scarier than having a pet in Antarctica.

Jack thought back to the time when he faced the "Hundred-Eyed Monster", the kind of look that made people almost unable to restrain themselves from going crazy...

Is this female researcher crazy?

They seem to be getting closer. Is it a transfer? Or squatting in the corner to plant potted plants?


"Huh? Wait--"


Before Jack could think it through, the pet with a strange voice suddenly barked and approached quickly. With lightning speed, it bit his trousers and pulled him out of the corner. Unprepared, Jack fell to the ground on his back.


When Jack touched his head and propped himself up, he happened to see the "female researcher" and her "pet" who were holding their knees with their hands and looking down at him.

The girl in front of her has short lavender hair, a pair of amethyst-like eyes, a delicate but slightly baby-fat face, and a pair of red-rimmed glasses. She is wearing a black slim-fitting dress and matching wool stockings. , wearing a red tie at the collar, a short white coat, and a pair of short brown leather boots. Overall, he looked like he was not yet an adult.

Not like a researcher, not like a madman, but would a normal little girl appear in Antarctica?

Before Jack was about to ask questions, the girl spoke first: "Fairy?"

What is the problem? Jack shook his head subconsciously.

"Monster?" the girl asked again.

Even more outrageous, Jack continued to shake his head.

"Thank you." The girl said nothing about the answer. She mentioned the little rabbit-like pet that was still biting his trousers and turned away.

"Fufufufu!" The little pet kept kicking its legs.

"I know the lines are wrong, but he doesn't understand, right?" The girl hugged the little animal into her arms: "I can't see someone sitting down in front of me and ask him if she is my master. Right? World-famous paintings and such are not the truth."

She was probably crazy, Jack dusted himself off and stood up.

It's always good to have survivors anyway...wait, is she heading towards the hibernation chamber?

"Wait a minute! There's danger over there!" Seeing the girl researcher turn a corner and enter the corridor, Jack hurriedly chased after her with a gun in hand.


【Tekelili! Tekelili! 】

Oops, it's too late.

When Jack chased into the corridor, he happened to see the researcher girl walking into the dormant cabin with her pet.

Then, in less than five seconds, the giant "hundred-eyed monster" that looked like mud and had eyes all over its body rushed out of the cabin. After a moment's hesitation, the whole monster headed crazily in the direction of Jack like a flash flood or a mudslide. Come.

Damn it!

Jack tried to hit it, but it was of no use except attracting more "eyes", so he decisively turned around and ran away.

Obviously, the monster was absorbing the energy of the energy column before. The scientific researchers in the dormant chamber were probably sucked into mummies by it. Maybe there is something special about these staff who have settled in Antarctica all year round, even if the girl She ran away because of her madness, and the monster waited patiently for her to come back.

If he had been able to stop her before, this monster would have been waiting in the dormant warehouse for a long time. In that case, there might still be hope of mobilizing reinforcements.

But now, Jack can only try to escape and make fighting noise, and hope that William and Eva will notice something is wrong and leave early - although the hope is slim.

【Tekelili! Tekelili! 】

When the monster is clinging to the energy pillar, it looks quite large and tangible. However, once it moves, its appearance is more like a large ball of sticky asphalt wrapped with a large number of stones.

When it swept all the way, all the scattered furniture and furnishings in the passage were swallowed up instantly, without even a bubble coming out. Jack had no doubt that he would suffer the same fate if he was caught. The multi-purpose tool comes with it

If it is lured outside the scientific research station, there may be a chance for William and Eva to board the helicopter and escape, but in that case the penguins and seals in Antarctica will be in dire straits. If they are lucky enough, the Star Alliance's rapid reaction force can Kill it before it spreads.

But in that case, no matter what, he would be dead.

Anyway, this is my Jack Harper’s final battle—

"I don't know what you are thinking, but the content is definitely distorted."

Just when Jack was making up his mind to carry out an act of attracting hatred and running away wildly, the voice of the researcher girl from before sounded from the corner ahead.

Wasn't she swallowed by the "hundred-eyed monster"?

When Jack rushed out of the alley, he glanced in the direction of the sound and almost tripped and fell.

I saw that the girl had put on a pair of pitch-black close-fitting armor at some point, and was holding a giant shield taller than herself. As for the little animal, it was sitting on her head arrogantly. on the shoulders.

Before Jack could react, the girl had already passed him and rushed towards the "mud".

【Tekelili! 】

Jack was quite sure that he heard panic in that strange cry.

boom! Pffssssssss——

The next second, the girl's giant shield hit the "mud" roughly in the center. With the dull impact, the entire mass of mud went limp, and almost all the eyes closed simultaneously.

"" Regarding this incomprehensible situation, Jack could only rely on "superpowers" no matter how much he thought about it. But did the Earth Guardian master the superpowers twenty years ago?

"This guy didn't provide energy to the dormant warehouse honestly, but secretly saved some of it to use for escape." The girl glanced at him: "Don't worry, this situation is my mistake, and I won't let you write a report, because It [didn’t happen]."


Before Jack could continue to ask, the white light overflowing from the girl's shield had swallowed up everything.


Earth, 70°11'15.77"S, 77°32'19.06"E

"Perhaps those 'Only Earthers' are right..." Jack looked at the white snow outside the cabin, felt something in his heart, and said something inexplicably and cleverly.

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