The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Three, Captain of the United States (3)

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Antarctica, Chaldea Research Station.

"The indoor temperature is 4 degrees."

"Lights remain in energy-saving mode."

"No trace of recent biological activity has been found."

"We are heading to the dormant warehouse where the scientific research station last sent a message."

The ice-blue walls and snow-white ceilings, coupled with the faint fluorescent energy-saving lamps, made the dead scientific research station look even more eerie. When Jack, Eva and William walked in the curved corridor, they subconsciously maintained their tactical team spirit. shape and remain vigilant.

"It is confirmed that the communication antenna tower was damaged due to the snowstorm, then the people responsible for contacting these scientific expedition members will definitely find something wrong, but we have not seen any signs of suspected rescue since landing." Eva's tone sounded a little annoyed.

"Obviously, at that time, the 'Earth Guardians' ignored this scientific research station in order to obtain a series of technologies, mainly 'Mass Effect' and 'Element Zero'. Since it was a private investment, Star Alliance would naturally not pay attention to it. Something abnormal happened here," Jack said: "Judging from the fact that the energy-saving lamps are still running, maybe those scientific researchers are still alive."

"Oh... is it just a matter of black-hearted companies killing their employees?" William laughed: "I thought some prehistoric monster appeared and ate them."



Jack and Eva turned to stare at him.

"Ah...what? Let me liven things up." William tried to raise his hand to scratch his head, but he only touched his helmet.

"You just wanted to beat Jack who spoke for them because this place was abandoned by the Earth Guardians, right?" Eva said.

"You should be an adventure novelist," Jack said.

"That's because I myself have received similar treatment... But looking at the current situation, our rescue seems to have caught up." William spread his hands.

"That's not necessarily true," Eva frowned slightly: "They originally planned to freeze for about half a year, but it was extended to twenty years. Who knows if there will be any sequelae? Even if there are no physical problems, whether they can adapt to this The 'Mass Effect Era' is also an unknown."

"Anyway, let's confirm their living conditions first." During the conversation, the three of them had reached the end of the corridor and the door of the room marked "Sleep Warehouse": "Be careful, I'm about to open the door."

Could it be that as soon as I opened the door, a monster like an ooze with eyes would emerge from inside?

No, how is that possible? William must be talking nonsense.

But this assumption is a bit too concrete no matter how you think about it.

Jack ran through a few thoughts quickly in his mind, and then yanked the door open.

A dim circular room, with energy pillars whose light was so weak that they were almost invisible, and more than a dozen dormant chambers placed against the wall, covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

Huh, what am I thinking? Although there are many things that can be called monsters, how could they exist on earth?


"Lancelot, American, Tristan, American, Gawain, American..." While William was looking for a way to wake up the dormant scientific expedition team members, Eva was checking the identities of the dormant scientific expedition team members, but the verification failed. Suddenly he became angry: "Are these guys sleeping in only their underpants? Have you ever considered the idea of ​​female team members! Even if they are handsome and have a good figure, it won't work! Cowherd!"

Ah...does Eva hate this type of thing? Jack, who was studying how long the energy column could last, looked back at his girlfriend.

In this case, put your fitness plan on hold. As for looking handsome... there is nothing you can do about it.

"By the way, where is the United States? Why haven't I heard of it?" However, in order to stop Eva from looking at other handsome guys, Jack interrupted.

"It seems... it's a small country in northern Europe. It got its name because it is rich in rice." Eva's attention was indeed attracted: "It seems that all the scientific expedition members in this group are American. We can go back and investigate that country. Perhaps it has been regarded as the basic base by the 'Earth Guardian'.


Is this translation a bit strange? Generally speaking, it should be a transliteration, that is, rice. Why is it written as "米国"?

"Well, this one named Bedivere is quite cute, but why does one of his hands have a prosthetic limb..." Eva continued to confirm the people in the dormant cabin.

Forget it, it's a harmless little hobby. I will take a second look at a beautiful girl when I see it.

Jack confirmed that the energy column could still be used for at least two months. He was slightly relieved and opened the multi-purpose tool to confirm the dormant chamber that had not been checked by Eva.

"Well... Sharon Mash Rogers, American, captain of the Antarctic scientific expedition team." Jack confirmed the name displayed on the dormant cabin: "This doesn't seem to be a male name?"

He stepped forward and wiped the white frost covering the cabin window.

It was a girl with blond shawl hair. She was not tall. She was wearing a set of scientific research protective clothing with a blue background and red edges. Judging from her still immature face, she seemed to be underage. In addition, her eyes were closed. , so the eye color cannot be seen clearly.

For some reason, Jack thought those eyes would be a bright, dark purple if they were open.

"What? Let me see!"

Eva pushed Jack away and put her face against the window of the dormant cabin: "Wow, so cute~"

"Hey..." Jack took two steps back and stood up straight again: "Think clearly, she has been dormant for twenty years, and she is actually older than you. You call her cute?"

"What does it matter about the actual age? Those bionic people have just been created. They are less than a year old, so they can't do anything?" Eva turned back and glared at him: "The apparent age is the actual age, do you understand?"

Is this why you always go to the beauty salon during your break from work?

But no matter how good-looking Eva is on the outside, one mouth can ruin it all.


Jack was cursing, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the girl in the dormant cabin had opened her eyes. She first looked at Eva with "appreciation" and then glared with "disapproval" with her pair of turquoise eyes. Own.

Wait, I didn’t say you were old!


When Jack turned his gaze back, he saw that the girl's eyes were tightly closed.

While he was wondering, all the dormant cabins in the entire dormant cabin began to emit a low buzz at the same time, and bursts of water vapor filled the air everywhere.

"Hey! I found the wake-up procedure. There should be a burst of smoke inside and then be sucked away. You'd better come out for a while-" William's voice came from outside the door.

Jack and Eva looked at the gradually thickening water vapor and left the dormant cabin together.

Since she was not awakened, it was impossible for her to glare at herself. She probably saw it wrong.


A moment later, the main control room of Chaldea Scientific Research Station.

This control room is separated from the dormant warehouse by a corridor and is divided into two floors. The upper floor is a central control hall with many panels and monitors, while the lower floor is a variety of outdoor equipment and related instruments. Since "Mass Effect" has not yet appeared A product of the era of technology, the overall look is quite bulky and backward.

At this time, three "rescue personnel" and a total of 13 "scientific expedition personnel" were sitting around the circular conference table in the control room to discuss what to do next.

There are nine men among them, named Scoyue, Wilkas, Farkas, Attis, Torva, Lancelot, Tristan, Gawain, and Bedivere, all of whom are Nordic. kind.

The other four are women, and their registered names are Ella, Nigarda, Lavisia and Sharon. Among them, Ella and Nigarda are tall and look like Nordic women, but Lavicia and Sharon - —They are simply underage girls, right?

One of the little girls is also the captain of these guys...

"To sum up, when we went into hibernation after the accident, our sponsors were classified as illegal organizations, and we were abandoned by them," Sharon's voice was not as childish as her appearance, and she could be considered an ordinary girl. The voice, and the tone and attitude of the speech were more formal: "You found our information from the hands of those criminals, and did not abandon it but came to rescue. Please allow me to represent the Chaldean scientific expedition team to you." Formal thanks.”

The girl stood up and bowed to the three people, while the other twelve scientific expedition members also made the same gesture.

"Ah, this, actually this is not our credit. Now that we have discovered the clues, according to the laws of the Star Alliance, we are not allowed to give up." Since the other party's captain is a woman, Eva will naturally conduct the conversation here, but She obviously couldn't handle such a formal thank you.

"You just mentioned the 'Star Alliance' several times. Is it a union of several countries? How is it better than the United Nations?" Sharon asked the other team members to sit down, and she also sat down.

"Well... that is a joint organization established by a total of eighteen countries with the ability to independently land on Mars. It mainly deals with matters involving the universe, fleets and aliens. The United Nations is its predecessor." Eva explained.

"Aliens?" "Space fleet?" "Can humans leave the solar system?" "Have we been dormant for 20 years or 200 years?"

This time, the scientific expedition team members finally showed signs of surprise, and Sharon seemed to be in shock too, unable to stop it for a moment.

It's no wonder, after all, when they were dormant, humans had just begun to build a Mars colony - and as a result, technology was directly taken away by the alien ruins and technology discovered there.

"Calm down, have you forgotten why we came?" The short-haired man who seemed to be named Lancelot clapped his hands vigorously: "This is a place further away than the 'universe'!"

Maybe this sentence is really useful, the scientific expedition team members quickly stopped the discussion.

That's what they said in the early days of aerospace... Jack thought for a while, but still didn't point out that humans are now on equal footing in Antarctica. I believe they will soon discover this.

"Although this place was established by an illegal organization, the scientific results themselves are not right or wrong." Sharon thought for a while before speaking: "Later, we will deliver the statistics and calculation results of the scientific research station in the past twenty years. Give it to you and return to the United States, if this 'Star Alliance' intends to continue to maintain this scientific research station..."

Her blue eyes seemed to dim a bit.

"...No, that's impossible."


Hours later, communications room.

"This is the situation, sir. Shortly after they woke up, they completed nearly twenty years of data statistics and calculations, and repaired the external communication line." Jack looked at Lichtem Claude's virtual machine in front of him. Ying said: "Although those climate data have little value, I think their work enthusiasm and professional attitude deserve a better position."

"[What's your suggestion?]" Lichtem asked.

"I think that as the team of a new colonial star governor, they are still competent and have a clean identity." Jack naturally has no control over the personnel arrangements of the Star Alliance, but it doesn't matter if he makes a judgment based on his own perceptions.

It is pure nonsense to say that former employees who have been abandoned by the "Earth Guardian" for twenty years still have any feelings for it.

"[Hmm...]" Lichtem pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "[If you were asked to lead a special security department, would you be confident?]"

Huh? How did this topic come to you? Could it be that……

"Of course!" Jack said directly without having time to think about it.

"[In this case—Ambassador Fury?]" Following Lichtem's words, his image panned to the side, revealing a black bald figure with a ferocious face.

Ambassador to the Citadel Nick Fury? Can this kind of communication device be connected that far?

"[Jack Harper,]" Different from Lichtem's more relaxed conversation atmosphere, Ambassador Fury stared at Jack closely: "[Are you sure that those scientific expedition members have been dormant for twenty years and have never communicated with the outside world? touch?】"

"I'm sure you can read my report for the details." Although there is no superior-subordinate relationship with the ambassador, Jack cannot deal with it casually and make his own governor lose face.

"[Very good, I officially appoint you as the top officer of the special security department 'Cerberus' directly under the Star Alliance Council. The initial team is everyone currently in the Antarctic research station.]" Fletcher Rui said.

"...Sir?" Jack hesitated and looked at Lichtem.

He was obviously just here to investigate the scientific research station and search for evidence of the "Guardians of the Earth", but why did he suddenly switch from an active soldier to an agent?

Although there doesn't seem to be much difference.

"[I agree. The procedures will be completed later. You don't have to worry about Europa 7. Those students with powers can protect it very well,]" Lichtem said, then turned to Fury's shadow. "[This The line is safe, you can tell him directly, Ambassador.]"

"[Okay,]" Fury seemed to look to the side, and after receiving some kind of response, he continued: "[An alien race called Waller is going to send an ambassador to visit Earth, and we have received definite information that someone is planning to Let him die on Earth, you must stop them.】"

"But I'm just a special forces soldier and have never handled similar major escort missions." Jack said in disbelief.

Guarding the Governor is different from guarding the Ambassador. At least the Governor is good at fighting.

"[The candidate this time only needs to be 100% reliable, and ability is secondary,]" Fury snorted: "[Your task is not to protect the ambassador from the assassins, but to find out who is hiding in the security team and wants us to 'The indoctrinated' who got into trouble]"

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