The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-Four, Captain of the United States (4)

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Antarctica, ice sheet.

Jack and his team had completed the rescue mission perfectly. After two days of repairs, they took the scientific expedition team members—perhaps they should be called agents—and meteorological data and related equipment on a transport helicopter and left Chaldea Scientific Expedition. stand.

During the flight, the Chinook helicopter was glowing with a faint white light shield, blocking out the flying snow flakes and howling cold wind without affecting the flight speed. This "wonderful" scene made the helicopter that had been frozen for twenty years The new agents were amazed.

"Oh? Is this eggshell-like thing the mass effect shield?"

"Tsk, it's much better than our protective suits."

"If I use the gadgets directly, can I survive in space?"

"Are you stupid? It's definitely not possible."

"I feel so sad about your intelligence."

"Praise the sun!"

Hmm... This group of scientific expedition members doesn't seem to have any psychological problems.

The passenger capacity of an ordinary Chinook is about thirty people, and there is a warehouse area. It can be said to be a piece of cake to transport everyone plus some storage media and equipment.

And precisely because there were enough gaps, Jack could roughly see the group divisions of these "subordinates".

Lancelot, Tristan, Gawain and Bedivere have a closer relationship. The style of the polar protective clothing they wear is also closer to heavy armor. At a glance, it is clear that they are good at attacking difficulties and performing dangerous tasks.

The remaining people are from another circle. Their protective clothing is lighter and more close-fitting. They should be good at certain fast and stealthy tasks, but if they want to attack tough situations, they should be able to do it.

However, among the two lineups, the younger Bedivere and Lavisia are closer to Sharon, making her a kind of link that connects everyone.

Moreover, when he informed them that the Star Alliance decided to recruit them as agents, they were only slightly surprised. After Sharon took the lead in asking a few questions, they all agreed and did not continue to ask or talk more.

This kind of leadership... I don't know who appointed her as captain, she has really good vision.

If I am unable to issue instructions in time during certain tasks in the future, it should be okay to leave it to her to make decisions on the fly...

Uh, wait, obviously the organization is just an empty shell, why do you start planning to arrange work for your subordinates?

"The mass effect shield is not an ordinary shield." On the other side, Eva, who was sitting with the booking captain Sharon, was still explaining to her seriously: "It changes the mass of objects entering the 'mass effect field' The result achieved is generally called a 'kinetic shield' and needs to be adjusted accordingly for different situations..."

Has she stayed in Academy City for too long and grown accustomed to thinking of herself as a teacher? But those children with superpower problems don't need her to teach them at all.

Jack shook his head slightly and turned his gaze back to look at the order he had received earlier on his multi-purpose tool and the information delivered along with it.

There is nothing much to say in the transfer order, it is high-sounding:

[In view of Jack Harper's good performance and passing the inspection by the Star Alliance Military Department, he is now transferred to the Earth Defense Force Battle Group of the Star Alliance First Fleet. Please report to the "Tiangong" International Space Station before January 3. 】

This part was announced to the public. As an agent, how could his whereabouts be easily traced?

After interpretation, the real order is, "Lead all members to the N7 training base in Rio de Janeiro after leaving Antarctica for a two-week emergency safety training, and then go to the Horizon International Space Station to rendezvous with the security forces, during Ambassador Waller's visit Protect his personal safety during this period.”

Although it kind of means that, the point is still not this. The key point is that at the end of the transfer order, it is specifically required that all agents are not allowed to interact with any mechanical goods arriving through extraterrestrial trade to avoid being "civilized."

This is quite outrageous.

According to the additional information, the so-called "enlightenment" is someone who is committed to disrupting the normal order of the Galactic Alliance.

There is no dangerous technology developed by civilizations that have joined the "Galactic Alliance".

This special technology can be attached to mechanical items with relatively complex functions. Through long-term contact, the user will be unknowingly affected by the alien civilization and obey their instructions - including executing such a desperate act as brazenly assassinating Ambassador Waller. An action from which escape is impossible.

The most troublesome thing is that this kind of "indoctrination" happens silently, and no detection method can detect it in advance. Even after the "indoctrinated person" performs certain behaviors, he will think that it is very normal and normal. The right thing to do.

The Star Alliance has secretly launched research on "civilization", but due to the rush of time, there are no results that can be put into use at all. They can only use a stupid method: find people who will never be "civilized" and form a special team. The army is specifically responsible for supervising the "civilized persons" who may exist in the security defense line.

However, under the premise of great leaps in science and technology, even babies will be exposed to a large number of machines in daily life. Even the top leaders of the Star Alliance Council cannot guarantee that they are safe. In other words, the Star Alliance cannot find them at all. Those who can be 100% sure that they have not been educated can only be strictly restrained in the execution of various orders and regulations, and no one is allowed to act at will.

In this case, a polar scientific research station that was abandoned before the beginning of the space era, and the scientific expedition team members who had been frozen in ice for nearly twenty years, were a huge surprise.

Perhaps they may be "civilized" in the future, but at least during Ambassador Waller's visit, they can be absolutely trusted.

By extension, even Governor Claude, Ambassador Frey, and even Jack himself and Eva cannot be completely trusted. These people may betray them at a critical moment and think that "the aliens are so disgusting that they should be killed." class and gave up on his rescue.

I heard that the Galactic Alliance has agents named "Ghosts" who have the power to kill first and then respond. Then, Cerberus and Cerberus are the Star Alliance's own "ghost agents". At least in this mission, their authority is comparable, even surpass them.

At this time, it seemed that Sharon asked about permissions, and Eva smiled and pointed in Jack's direction.

"During the execution of the mission, the first priority is to achieve the preset goals. Any superior orders that violate this point, no matter who they come from, you can all decide whether to obey." Jack said.

"Hmm..." Sharon tilted her head cutely: "Is there something wrong with your life?"

"..." Jack instantly felt that he was illiterate.


A few hours later, the "Cape of Good Hope" military base.

It was clearly in South America, but it was actually called the Cape of Good Hope. Jack cursed as he walked into the holographic communication room.

"[Starting video conference, connecting to Lysithem Cloud and Nick Fury, successful connection.]"

Following the electronic sound prompt, the two light blue shadows that Jack had seen not long ago appeared in the communication room.

"[What is the quality of those scientific expedition members? Are they qualified for the duties of agents?]" Nick Fury asked directly.

"Very dedicated and conscientious, and seems to have good skills," Jack responded: "If they have the right equipment, I think they can protect Ambassador Waller."

"[Very good.]" Fury didn't say much.

"[After accepting the order, did you ever have the thought of 'let the aliens die'?]" Lichtem asked.

"No, sir," Jack responded: "Letting an ambassador of an alien civilization die on Earth will only cause us trouble."

"[Hmm...]" Governor Claude turned his head and glanced at Ambassador Fury: "[I think we can tell him the background of the Wallers.]"

"[Agree.]" Ambassador Fury nodded.

how? Isn't this an ordinary diplomatic visit?

"[The Volerians are the suzerain civilization of the Turians, although the Turians refuse to admit this,]" Rechtem said: "[The Turians, as a militarized civilization, do not care about the economy at all. The development of their entire society The economic operation is completely controlled by the Voler people. Many of Turian's foreign wars have traces of their private operations. Based on the information obtained so far, we can confirm that the Voler people have completely controlled the Turian economy, diplomacy and culture. , only the military side has no way to get involved, but it can still exert considerable influence.】"

Is this the legendary Shadow Parliament? Jack nodded without comment.

"[According to our judgment, Ambassador Waller's intention to come to Earth is not simple. He may have taken a fancy to our potential in defeating Turians in the 'First Contact War' and wanted to examine the overall human race." economic model, and then trade with us in order to control us like we control Turians in the future,] Fury sneered: "[The Star Alliance's attitude towards this is to eat the sugar coating and shoot back the cannonballs. ]"

I raise my hands in support.

"[However, the 'Earth Guardians' and the Earthbound Party they support obviously don't think so. They want to kill Ambassador Waller directly, regardless of the diplomatic problems this behavior will cause," Leichtem added Said: "[Now, do you understand how arduous your task is?]"

"Yes! I promise to complete the mission!" Jack stood at attention and saluted.

"[Don't be so serious,]" Ambassador Fury waved his hand: "[Blatant actions will only put them in a more disadvantageous situation, so your main task is to prevent his escorts from suddenly betraying him, and if possible, try to capture him alive. They, this will be of great help to our research on 'education'.】"

"I'll do my best," Jack said.

"[Very good, then, disband now.]"


"Hey, little cutie, welcome to join the 'Strategic Scientific Reserve'."

After ending the call with his former boss, Jack was stopped by a strange woman as soon as he left the communications room.

She looked to be in her early twenties, wearing a strange pink military uniform that looked like a nurse's uniform and an office worker's uniform, the same beret on her head, and red-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

Her appearance is not particularly stunning, and may even look a little awkward at first glance, but if you keep looking at her, you will become more and more attractive, and eventually you will even have the impression that the other person is "as beautiful as a fairy".

However, this impression also varies from person to person. Jack, for example, does not have similar feelings.

Although a little rude, when Jack saw her, his first impression of her was actually that of a cunning fox.

As for the specific impression of her, specifically, it is like the impression given by a long-standing fox demon who has just transformed into a human form and has not yet transformed its tail back.

"Sorry, I don't think I have ever joined such a strange organization." Jack responded decisively after confirming that he did not know her.

"Huh? Isn't it?" The woman seemed confused: "Aren't you the unlucky guy who came from Antarctica with a group of rubes and whose status in the team is equal to that of a trash can?"

Who made this stupid character introduction? !

Although his status is gradually declining, he is still much higher than a trash can!

No, wait, why am I competing with the trash can?

If you think about it further, your whereabouts are basically confidential, and the specific situation of the Antarctic scientific research station has not been announced to the public. Therefore, the person who can know your itinerary should be...

"Are you my new boss?" Jack asked in disbelief with a "veto it quickly, veto it quickly" attitude.

"The response is too slow~" The woman shook her finger at him: "I was appointed by the Star Alliance Council to directly manage your SCP-O5-09. I will be responsible for all subsequent training and mission arrangements~"

This codename is... an O5-level administrator of the Starlink Program Center (SCP)?

There are rumors that this organization has a total of 13 O5 members, which exactly corresponds to the 13 seats of the Star Alliance Council, so the guys in the Council are just puppets, and the earth is actually controlled by these SCPO5 personnel.

If even people of this status participated in this operation, it shows how seriously the Star Alliance takes this diplomatic incident.

"So, madam, what are the emergency training arrangements for these layman bumpkins?" Jack decided not to tune into the rhythm of her conversation, otherwise he would be led around.

"It's so rude. Shouldn't I ask the lady for her name in this situation?" The woman glared at him.

If I have to work under her in the future... it will be a complete misfortune.

"May I ask the lady's name?" Jack asked following the other party's wishes.

"Hehe, my name is 'Nine-tailed Fox'~ This name is also the collective name for all my teams~"


Is that a name? She has no intention of communicating normally!

"Then, Ms. Nine-tailed Fox, we hope to start training immediately. After all, the date of Ambassador Waller's approach is very close." Jack said with a straight face.

"No, no, no," the woman who called herself Nine-Tailed Fox shook her finger repeatedly: "When everyone is an amateur, starting training hastily will only cause harm, so we should do some warm-up exercises first."

"What about?" Although they only spent a short time together, Jack no longer had any hope that this woman would be able to give a serious answer.

"We are SSR, so we are naturally more noble than those guys codenamed 'N'," the nine-tailed fox raised his hand and tapped his cheek: "Let's warm up with a hearty internal boxing match~"

Seriously, is it too late to quit the mission?

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