The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and sixty-two, Dr. Qiyi (2)


Moon, android laboratory.

Although Armstrong Base is almost an empty city, that only refers to the number of people active. Most of the blocks are owned by owners, and the model-controlled life forms only own close to one-third of the building area.

Among these building areas, the area for free movement of non-humanoid androids is the largest, followed by the production workshop, android laboratory and employee dormitories.

Harold had just arrived at work when his assistant forwarded an official notice.

"[Notice to the 'Model Controlled Life' Lunar Production and Research Base, please immediately stop the production of all non-humanoid androids, shut down the produced androids, and wait for the Star Alliance Scientific and Strategic Survey Corps special operations force to investigate - Star Alliance Supreme Court .]" Harold looked at the notification on the multi-purpose tool, adjusted his glasses in disbelief, and then looked at the female assistant next to him: "Ling, we should have reported a long time ago that inhuman things that simulate natural growth are Type androids can't 'turn off', right?"

"Obviously, the target of our report is not the Star Alliance Supreme Court." Ling Tan spread his hands.

This female assistant named "Ling" looks to be in her thirties, wearing a large white researcher's coat, with brown hair and brown eyes, ordinary facial features, and a bold look and tone. She was specially selected by Mr. Kelly. The "mother-in-law" who "made a wife" for him.

Of course, Harold just thought of this title casually. If he joked about it, Ling would definitely be angry and claim that his daughter was only a teenager and went to school in Academy City, so she didn't look down on old men like Kelly at all.

"I always feel that the Star Alliance has been making a lot of moves recently. It seems that something is about to happen or has already happened, but they are unwilling to announce it to the public." Harold thought for a moment, but couldn't figure out the point.

"According to this announcement, perhaps there is something wrong with the androids, which has affected non-humanoids," Ling guessed, "Should we check in advance?"

"That's fine," Harold turned off the multi-tool: "It just so happens that we were about to conduct a physical examination on them."

"Let's go." Ling picked up the box containing various testing tools that had been prepared in advance.





In the free activity area, the roars of various large animals can be heard endlessly.

Harold's eyes glanced roughly, and he could see the black rhino, yellow leopard, white tiger, red spider, and blue warg. They were in a huge hemispherical mass effect field, and they were not living in harmony with each other. You can clearly see the territory they occupy among each other.

The reason why bionic animals are mixed and raised together is to keep them wild to a certain extent, and their behavioral logic is closer to that of wild animals, rather than like a programmed machine.

"It's very troublesome," Harold said to Ling while using instruments to receive various data in the free-moving area: "These animals have reached maturity and will be delivered to the order soon. If they are forced to shut down, the behavioral logic will be disordered. , the entire bionic animal is useless, and can only be forced to instill some preset behavioral logic that is easy to detect."

"Notify the recipient directly that the item is damaged? Refund the deposit?" Ling suggested: "Or use the name of the Star Alliance Supreme Court to pressure them."

"That will have an impact on the reputation of model-controlled life," Harold shook his head: "Try to extend their sleep time while they are sleeping, and then wake them up after the SSR people have checked. With their animal-level IQ, they should not be able to analyze it. Why did I sleep for so long?"

"But how are you going to explain to him?" Ling pointed forward, then silently took two steps back.


Before Harold could react, a huge black shadow loomed in the sky, and at the same time there was a roaring voice:



The ground trembled suddenly, and the huge black shadow landed next to Harold accurately, and then took off his glasses very skillfully:

"[Hey! Winston, you said you wanted to get me a pair of glasses!]"

That one is three meters high.

A huge orangutan wearing silver protective gear.

This is a bionic gorilla made by Harold himself. It was quite cute when it was small, but now it has begun to develop into the direction of King Kong.

"Of course, No. 28," Harold took out a new pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on very skillfully: "Give it back to me first, be careful, you crushed six pairs of my glasses."

"[Oh, okay.]" The gorilla known as No. 28 muttered, holding the glasses with two fingers and returning them to Harold.

"Hi~No. 28~" Ling waved to it and said hello: "How are you doing?"

"[Not good,]" the orangutan scratched his face: "[The other orangutans can't understand what I'm saying.]"

"Look on the bright side, even lions, tigers, rhinos, and hippopotamuses can't understand you." Ling pointed at the other animals.

"[Uh...that makes sense.]" No. 28 responded with a confused look.

"What's the point? Don't fool him." Harold took out a huge pair of flat glasses from the tool box he carried with him. "Be careful, they don't look like you." On the face, if you jump around, it will fall off.”

"[Oh oh,]" the orangutan responded casually, put the glasses on his face, and then hit his chest: "[Hahaha! I'm a doctor too!]"

"It's really easy to get your doctorate," Harold sighed: "Go and play, I'll take a look around."

"[Oh, not today,]" No. 28 adjusted his glasses with his fingers, and actually looked presentable: "[There are a few bad guys who want to steal Winston's things, I have to guard them.]"

"...What?" Harold paused and asked Ling after looking at each other.

"[They said -]" the orangutan pointed to the large animal roaming in the free area: "['To occupy the entire lunar base, you must first grab Winston's identity card', although I don't know about 'identity card' What is it, but only I can rob Winston’s things.】"

"Damn it..." Harold started looking for the nearest exit: "Didn't you say they can't understand you?"

"[Yes,]" Winston scratched his head: "[But I can understand what they say.]"

"Listen, No. 28, now you pretend nothing happened and come with us." Harold was sweating a little: "If they rush over, take Ling and I to the nearest exit immediately."



At this moment, the white tiger roared loudly, and other beasts responded one after another.

"[Ah, it said -]" No. 28 said, "['They have been chatting with the stupid monkeys for too long, we must have been exposed, take action immediately', and the other animals said -]"

"Never mind that! Get us out of here!"

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