The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and sixty-three, Dr. Qiyi (3)


Moon, android laboratory.


Subject No. 28 was holding Dr. Harold Winston in one hand and Ms. Bell in the other. He could only use his shoulders to knock open the door of the free movement area and lead the two of them to escape from the bionic animals.

"[Oh, should I close the door?]" No. 28 asked while jumping and escaping in the wide passage.

"Don't worry about that," Harold insisted on operating the multi-purpose tool while dangling around: "We have already made plans for the bionic animals to escape or lose control..."

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A large net glowing with silver-white electric light was suddenly projected on the wall of the corridor, with its hood facing No. 28. However, it seemed that it was not originally designed to catch the orangutan. It only caught one of its arms, with a The current did not cause any hindrance to its actions.

"Have to—uh uh uh—"

However, Harold, who was carried by this arm, suffered a terrible disaster.

"Doctor, your plan obviously regards No. 28 as the enemy -" Ling shouted on the other hand: "No. 28, put the doctor and me together, you can use one hand to block -"

"[Oh oh.]" No. 28 continued running wildly while placing Harold, who was still trembling, into the hand holding the bell.

Harold insisted with chattering teeth: "Next, come on, you have to turn left at the second intersection, cross the small square, and go to the emergency——"


At this moment, 28 seemed to have triggered some new defense method, and several anesthetic needles flew towards him. Because they were too small, the gorilla did not take it seriously at all, and after these anesthetic needles penetrated its thick fur, they were completely injured. No results emerged.

However, one of them deviated from the path and stuck right into the back of Harold, who had just been "changed". He stared and fell into the palm of the orangutan's hand.

"[What's the emergency?]" No. 28 didn't notice at all.

"I guess it's the 'Emergency Command Center' -" Ling grabbed the fallen Harold to prevent him from rolling down: "After crossing the square, go straight and turn right -"

"[Okay!]" 28, who didn't notice anything wrong with Harold at all, swept across the intersection ahead like a gust of wind and made a beautiful drift.

For Harold, who was under anesthesia and unable to move his hands and feet, this drift was like a hammer throw - he was the ball.

"Huh...huh..." He held No. 28's fingers with one hand, and managed to hold Harold's bell with the other hand and gasped twice: "I think there are serious deficiencies in the design of countermeasures for animals out of control, Doctor. .”

Harold blinked in agreement.

"You have to be lucky that we are not studying real animals. The effect of anesthesia needles is not good on humans, otherwise you might not be able to stay awake." Ling took out a rope and tied Harold to No. 28's fingers: " I can’t hold you back if you do it again, that’s it.”

“Hoo——!” “Gah——!”

Since No. 28 solved all the traps, there was no obstacle to the pursuing bionic animals. When No. 28 just arrived at the small square, they also appeared at the corner of the passage behind No. 28.

"[Don't try to capture Winston!]" No. 28 roared, and while running, he began to grab the tables, chairs and benches in the small square and throw them towards the back.

In this process, it just maintains the posture of raising its hands, subconsciously ignoring the "grip" of the passengers on its hands.


A moment later, the emergency command center.

"Ouch——" "Quack——"

The bionic animal that was locked out tried to hit the door of the command center, but after being struck several times by the flashing arc on the door, it finally retreated angrily.

"[Hahaha! You can't get in!]" No. 28 proudly hammered his chest with one hand, then looked at the palm of his hand that had been raised: "[Winston,

are you OK? ]"

"It's not bad..." The pale Harold untied the rope with the help of Ling, and staggered towards the control room of the command center: "I have to see what went wrong..."

"[Huh? What's wrong with Winston?]" No. 28 scratched his head.

"It's just being thrown around like a yo-yo. It's not a big deal." Ling patted No. 28's... knee.

"[Those animals are really too much!]" the giant gorilla said indignantly.

"..." Harold knew exactly what the IQ of the little orangutan he raised was. Although he could talk, he was far from smart, and now was not the time to teach him logical thinking.

What must be done now is to control the out-of-control bionic animals, find out why they are out of control, and cover up the signs that they have been out of control before the SSR investigation team arrives.

It seems that when the "Omnic Crisis" occurred, Star Alliance had already sent people to investigate, but they were sent away by Miss Ilya. After all, the control of life in the original model did not have anything to do with that incident.

But this time...if it's not handled well, Mr. Kelly's model-controlled life may become history.

Harold suppressed his panic and began to retrieve various information from the institute.

First of all, although these animals are out of control, they are unable to leave the institute for the time being. They are messing around everywhere in the institute. However, given the sparsely populated situation in the lunar settlement, the possibility of outsiders discovering any abnormalities is basically zero.

Secondly, conventional control methods have little effect on these bionic animals, such as the previous nets, anesthesia needles, and energy-absorbing guns and cage traps that have not been used for the time being, because their intelligence has obviously surpassed ordinary animals. Will consciously avoid these devices that are too obvious.

The reason is again. If things were going well, but suddenly something went wrong, you can basically find the cause by looking back at any behavior that is different from before. At present, the biggest anomaly is that the base purchased a batch of Wallers to sell. High-quality and cheap mechanical parts were given to Star Alliance, and all the bionic animals that used those parts showed signs of losing control.

There were rumors that Waller, an alien race known as the "Cosmic Goblin", had evil intentions against mankind. Harold originally only listened to it as a joke - how could someone come across thousands of light-years just to give a man just a moment ago? Are civilizations that have stepped into the universe looking for trouble?

But now it seems that it is indeed true.

No, wait... Cold sweat broke out on Harold's forehead.

"Bionic man" technology was obtained by humans from the ruins of Mars, but the original technology did not have the application of transforming "humans" into "animals". This is an exclusive technology developed by Mr. Kelly's own research, and it is impossible for aliens to do so. Know.

So...these parts are actually intended to be used by aliens to influence the bionic humans that are commonly used by humans. It is only because they were applied to bionic animals by simulated life that symptoms of breaking through intellectual limitations and losing control appeared. If they were truly The androids will only be affected silently, and outsiders will know nothing about it.

"We have to activate an emergency plan to completely destroy these non-humanoid androids——"

Squeak - buzz buzz...

As soon as Harold finished saying this, his eyes went dark and his body felt light.

"[Ah, they seem to have destroyed the energy center of the institute.]" No. 28 said floating in the air.

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