The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and sixty-four, Dr. Qiyi (4)


emergency command center.

Climb, climb, climb.

A few seconds later, the backup power supply came on, repowering the lighting in the command center, but gravity still had not been restored. No. 28 was jumping around in the command center with a happy face, while Ling was trying to convince him to come down.

Logically speaking, one-sixth of the gravity is not enough to make people float, but what if it is one-sixth?

Harold is an expert on androids, not mass effect. He doesn't know how the guy who designed the base managed to simulate the gravity of the earth in a settlement with relatively old equipment, but now people are floating when the power supply is interrupted. From the looks of it, that guy is definitely being opportunistic.

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"Doctor, can't we activate the emergency plan in this case?" Ling successfully let No. 28 fall back to the ground and asked Harold.

"No way," Harold looked at the completely black surveillance screen on the restarted terminal: "Strictly speaking, that is a small-scale targeted EMP attack, which is enough to shut down all bionic animals, but it will also destroy all behaviors. The logic module cannot be used unless it is a special emergency. If it is to be started now, it will not be able to achieve 'small range' and 'orientation' due to the power outage of the mass effect field."

"An indiscriminate EMP attack targeting the entire lunar settlement?" Ling reasoned.

"...Yes," Harold nodded slowly: "We have an 'Emergency Command Center' that can defend against EMP attacks, but other blocks may not have similar facilities."

"In the final analysis, this is our problem, and we have no right to make others pay the bill, unless we can prove to them with simple, easy-to-understand and irrefutable reasons that these bionic animals are harmful enough and must not be let out." Ling stared at Harold.

Actually, you want to know the reason, right?

Harold looked at Ling with a serious expression and shook his head firmly.

Model-controlled life purchased alien parts, causing the animal-like androids it produced to break through preset limits, produce intelligence beyond the design, and perform harmful actions.

If this matter is investigated by the Star Alliance's special forces, the conclusion may be that "alien parts can inspire the intelligence of bionic animals, and there is a risk of losing control."

But if it reaches the ears of ordinary people, they will only hear that "animals created by model-controlled life can hurt people."

You can only imagine what will happen next on your knees. There will be widespread returns and unsubscriptions. Some incidents of bionic animals injuring people that have never happened will be repeatedly hyped and demands for compensation will be made. This incident will be referred to as the "Omnic Crisis". "Connected and questioned the authenticity of Kelly's disappearance, and Miss Illya, who is studying in Academy City, will also be criticized and isolated.

The most serious thing is that if the model-controlled life goes bankrupt as a result, he will actually have no responsibility as an employee, and all the crimes and debts will only be placed on Miss Illya's head.

How much will this debt be? Billions? Tens of billions?

No, he will never allow this to happen!

"Ling, you take 28 and leave on the emergency escape rocket," Harold said, "I'll stay and wait for the Star Alliance's SSR investigation team."


"Think about your daughter! She should be about the same age as Ilia, right? Do you have the heart to leave her alone?" Harold interrupted Ling's retort forcefully, and then slowed down his tone: "Send 28 to Ilia , if possible, take more care of her."

"But..." Ling seemed to feel something was wrong.

"I'm not asking for help. Since the SSR has issued a notice, they should be here soon. But before they come, I will stay here and prevent the animals from running out. In this case, the oxygen and water in the command center will be Consumption should be saved as much as possible." Harold glanced at No. 28: "One person will consume more slowly than three or more people."

"Well, then..." The female researcher was finally convinced.


After a while.

The emergency escape rocket carrying Suzu and No. 28 has become an inconspicuous point of light in the starry sky.

" seems she hasn't thought of it yet," Harold wiped his sweat and looked at the door of the emergency command center: "What ensures the safety here is not the strong door, but the electric current attached to the door. The animals The purpose of destroying the power supply is also very clear, which is to make all my defense methods ineffective, and then they will..."


There was a thump at the door.


When Harold looked up, the door rang again, and the pure white metal door even bulged inward a little under the impact.

"If there is no current, it is just an ordinary metal door." Harold sat in the main control room, shaking his head and looking back: "After studying bionic animals for a lifetime, he was killed by bionic animals in the end. It was a well-deserved death - perhaps."

"Ouch--" Boom!

The bionic animal outside the door initially flinched, but after discovering that there was no current coming from the door, it began to roar and bang on the door.

"I lied to Ling before," Harold began to mutter to himself, perhaps feeling that his death was imminent: "EMP attacks actually have another attribute called 'strength'. When the range cannot be limited or the target cannot be specified, as long as Maximize the intensity, then within one or two seconds after it occurs, it will have no time to spread, and the energy will be exhausted. It can be regarded as controlling the 'scope' to a certain extent, but in this case, people His brain waves will also be greatly damaged - in other words, he will become an idiot."

"Quack!" Boom!

The door of the command center was hit hard again, and the bulge twisted inward into a dangerous arc, as if the door might be broken into in the next second.

"I'm not sure how many abnormal bionic animals an EMP of this intensity can destroy. I hope there will be enough." He looked at the twisted door: "In that case, the aftermath of the arrival of the SSR troops should be much easier. Maybe they can help cover up what happened here. As long as the reputation of the 'Model Controlled Life' products is not affected, the Kamsky family's property will not shrink, and Miss Illya will still be the carefree eldest lady. .”

Boom! Boom!

A hole was knocked out of the door of the command center, and then two door leaves twisted and flew in, knocking several desks and the terminals above them to the ground.

"Quack..." "Roar..." After breaking down the door, the bionic animals were no longer in a hurry and entered slowly one by one, looking at Harold with cruel eyes.

Black rhino, yellow-spotted leopard, white tiger, red spider, blue wolf, pretty much all...

"The only regret is," Harold pressed the big red button: "I can't see what Miss Illya will look like when she grows up."

Squeak - Violent red sparks filled the entire command center, and the bionic animals fell one after another in sluggishness.

...So it turns out that the highest intensity EMP has a color?

…How can I still think?

Squeak, squeak - the red sparks did not disperse, but gradually gathered and formed a ring as tall as a person in front of Harold.

"[Really, this body almost gave birth to self-consciousness and squeezed me out,]"

A slender figure wearing a long dress with a white background and gold edges stepped out of the circle of sparks. She shook her silver hair as if she was not used to it, and then stared at Harold with her red eyes, her voice was soft and a little bit soft. Sullen:

"[If I find out that you were acting just now, you will be dead, doctor.]"

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