The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and sixty-seven, Doctor Qiyi (7)


Moon base.

"So, Ms. Ancient One, about the Milky Way..." Harold tried to speak.

"[Still calling you Madam?]" Gu Yi interrupted him.

"Uh, Mage Supreme?" Harold changed his name in confusion.

"[Although there is no problem with this title, it still doesn't work.]" Gu Yi shook his head.

"..." Harold was speechless.

Obviously, the specific information about how to call her should be included in the gem, but obviously the content she sealed was not consistent with what she saw.

For some reason - mostly within himself - Harold could see something happening in the future, and it was precisely because of his ability that this mysterious woman was willing to come to his rescue and save him. take away.

Wait, "take away"... plus the "children" revealed in her words just now...

The answer is already obvious.

"Master Ancient One." Harold called.

"[Good boy~]" Gu Yi put away the amber gem and put the colorful gem into Harold's hand with his backhand: "[Here you can eat~]"

Have you been tricked?

Harold muttered in his mind and threw the gem that didn't look like candy into his mouth.

There was no feeling of eating anything, as if the gem simply disappeared when he made the "eat" action.

But this time, he finally successfully saw what he was "originally" supposed to see.

——After sending away his assistant Ling and Experimental Subject No. 28, Harold stayed at the command center and waited for rescue until the door without a current barrier was broken through by a bionic animal.

——Due to their keen sense of danger, the animals did not give Harold a chance to activate EMP and directly bit him to death.

——After the bionic animals found the ID card from Harold, they escaped from the Kamsky Research Institute and almost completely occupied the moon base in five days, before being completely eliminated by the SSR special forces.

——Due to the loss of its main business department, Model Control Life quickly declined and was merged by related departments of Starlink. After Illya resigned as CEO, she originally planned to work in Academy City, but her mother, who was originally a wealthy daughter, came to visit her. She recognized her and changed her surname to "Einsbern" and continued to be her eldest daughter.

——Experimental Subject No. 28 announced that he would inherit Harold's name and be called "Winston".

I always feel that there is something wrong somewhere...or rather, there is something wrong everywhere!

Why is it that whether he survives or not has no impact at all on the development of the situation?

No, I was just taken away and didn’t die!

Obviously, this illusion would not give him any response, so Harold could only suppress his complaints and continue reading.

——Dr. Harold is not dead. His body is just an illusion created by Ancient One. He himself has already been taken to a planet called "Kama Taj" by the Supreme Mage through the "Spark Ring".

——The planet is located near the center of the galaxy, connecting reality and other dimensions. The duty of the Supreme Mage is to prevent the demons from "other dimensions" from invading the entire galaxy.

——Harold's ability is not enough to participate in it. Besides learning all kinds of fancy magic, his main job is to take care of the children with super powers in a school called "Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters".

——Then, there are various daily battles of wits and courage between Harold and the super-powered imps.

——This time the illusion finally ended with a pair of terrifying eyes peering out from the infinite black mist.


For Harold, who was originally worried about alien invasions, company closures, and no one to take care of his old friend's daughter, the world suddenly became full of magic, dimensions, and demons...

Still acceptable.

After all, he is a person who is ready to die, so there is nothing he cannot accept.

The only problem is that I don't know what my qualifications are for learning magic, and what the previous illusion represents.

"Master Gu Yi—uh."

After waking up from the illusion, Harold was about to ask about the entire galaxy and that battle, but he saw his own bloody body.

He was so frightened that he pressed on himself several times, making sure that he was safe before trying to identify what it was.

"[It is a bionic corpse based on you, used to recreate the scene of you fighting a group of out-of-control bionic animals for a long time and finally dying heroically.]" Gu Yi was posing with several bionic animals, as if he wanted to pose Exact the situation she said.

"I'm just a Ph.D. in bionics, and one of these guys can get rid of me." Harold sighed, not intending to ask what the "bionic corpse" was.

Judging from the information obtained by "Gem", this "Supreme Mage" seems a bit unreliable.

"[Okay!]" Ancient One placed the animals and corpses in an expected position, clapped his hands and said, "[When the Star Alliance's investigation team arrives, they should be able to conclude that you 'fought to death'. ]"

Yes, if they're so blind that they can't see the fur and footprints you've left all over the floor.

"[Okay, let's go.]" Gu Yi ignored Harold's disapproving gaze, raised his hand to draw a new circle of sparks around him, and then stepped in.

Maybe using magic to deceive others? Harold decided to give up worrying about it and followed her into the circle of light.

Contrary to expectations, the "inside" of the aperture was not some kind of physical place, but a gray void. Although he felt down-to-earth, the fact that he couldn't see anything still made Harold a little weak.

He glanced back subconsciously and noticed that the circle of light that had just come in was shrinking rapidly, and before it disappeared completely, the ridiculous fighting scene seemed to become a lot more real, and the traces of the drama on the ground disappeared one by one. not see.

"[This is the 'subspace',]" Gu Yi tidied up the instrument for some reason: "[Those 'time and space guidance' superpowers will pass through here when using teleportation skills, but because the distance is too short, This kind of situation is basically not seen.】"

"We are going to the galactic center, which is very far away, so we need to stay in this environment for a while?" Harold guessed.

"[Well, you are indeed very talented in learning magic," Gu nodded: "[If you encounter someone who is difficult to deal with, you can connect the entrance of the passage to the exit and let him keep falling in the subspace. Luo——Of course, the other party cannot have the ability to fly or similar time and space guidance.】"

No, not to mention whether this approach can be successful, what kind of enemy is this harmless behavior used to deal with?

"[You mentioned the Milky Way just now,]" Gu Yi clapped his hands: "[I just want to take this time to tell you about it.]"

The next moment, the dense gray fog around them turned into endless bright stars, one side blue and the other crimson.

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