The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Doctor Qiyi (8)



"[What you saw in the future preview may be this scene,]" Gu Yi lifted the silver hair on his temples and stretched out his arms to show the panoramic view of the Milky Way where blue and red were competing and entangled: "[It is not a visual sight. The effect on the subject, but represents the 'tendency' of things within its scope.】"

"Tendency?" Harold was ready for his worldview to continue to collapse.

"[Blue, represents 'order', and the galaxy area dominated by order, I call it the 'Canghui Galaxy',"" Gu Yi pointed to the two different color galactic cantilevers: "[Red, represents' Chaos', the galactic region dominated by chaos, I call it the 'Crimson Galaxy'.】"

"Could there be 'good', 'evil' and 'neutral'?" asked Harold, who was also somewhat aware of camp tendencies.

"[...No,]" Gu Yi glanced at Harold: "[Have you ever heard of the saying 'my hero is the enemy's enemy'? The judgment of good and evil depends on the position, and as a dimension Defenders, we cannot box ourselves into a particular position.]”

Does this mean we are called "us"?

"So, from the standpoint of the 'Supreme Mage', is there any good or evil?" Harold asked.

"[The duty of the 'Supreme Mage' is to maintain the security of the dimension at all costs. If you want to judge from this standpoint, those who maintain the dimension are good, and those who destroy the dimension are evil. But under normal circumstances, we will not make a specific judgment, because if the distinction is too clear ...]" Gu Yi blinked at Harold: "[Dr. Harold, who almost created 'vacuum decay', you can be said to be 'evil, consistent, full, full'.]"

"Well, let's talk about the differences between the two galaxies." Harold looked away guiltily.

How far can a person go with the determination to die? The answer turned out to be to destroy the entire dimension...

"The distinction between 'order' and 'chaos' does not mean that everything within the scope follows this 'attribute', it is just 'mainstream', for example -" Gu Yi pointed his finger on his chin and thought for two seconds: "Cang Hui Galaxy's sweet tofu is the mainstream, while Crimson Galaxy's salty tofu is the mainstream."

This person actually started a controversy between salty and sweet in an understatement. He is worthy of being the Supreme Mage...

"[The Canghui Galaxy and the Crimson Galaxy each occupy half of the galaxy, but they do not know each other's existence at all. Although this has technological limitations, it is mainly the result of our guidance, allowing them to intersect too early. It will only cause unexpected trouble.]" Ancient One looked in the direction of the virtual center of the galaxy.

"What's the trouble?" Harold asked worriedly.

Red plus blue is purple, and that purple giant is incredibly powerful...

"[Then it's not a problem that you need to consider. There are some things that just 'knowing' will cause trouble," Gu Yi turned back: "[Now, it's time to choose work clothes for you.]"

But I already knew that...wait? Work clothes? What work clothes?


In the next period of time, Harold fully understood Ancient One's magic.

Although there seems to be something wrong with the magic used to change other people's clothes.

The first set of work clothes consisted of a crisp suit, a wheelchair and a silver ball-shaped helmet that almost covered the head.

Gu Yi conjured several pigeons out of nowhere and asked him to try to sense the thoughts of these pigeons and try to control their actions.

Harold had indeed sensed the pigeon's thoughts, its noisy "coo-coo-coo", but had no way of controlling its actions.

The second set is a set of weird black one-piece armor, with a pair of tentacles on its head for some reason.

After the Ancient One put this armor on Harold, he asked him to work hard to make himself smaller.

But can that kind of thing be achieved through hard work?

The third set is quite ordinary, consisting of an ordinary shirt, tie, trousers, a white coat, and a pair of plain glasses.

Ancient One told him to try to think of something irritating,

And in this way, he becomes extremely huge.

Harold tried hard to recall everything those aliens had done to humans. Veins popped out on his forehead and his eyes were bloodshot, but his body size did not change at all.

The fourth set of work clothes is cooler than the previous ones. It is a one-piece silver armor paired with a tasteless green robe and cloak.

Gu Yi claimed that this outfit represented the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. If he could control this outfit, he could go anywhere in the galaxy.

However, although Harold successfully figured out how to operate the silver armor, he was still confused about how to use magic that he had never used before.

The fifth set of work clothes... No, Harold refused to call it the fifth set of work clothes. It was simply Ancient One's attempt to dye himself in his regular form.

She claims that as long as she dyes her whole body blue, she can master quantum mechanics and become the strongest person in the universe.

Then when Harold said "Doraemon?", he covered his mouth and laughed for a long time, and the dyeing behavior stopped.

Finally, after many failed experiments, she muttered something like, "Sometimes are what you have to do, don't force them," and threw Harold a set of dark blue mage robes and a bright red cloak.

As far as Harold's own aesthetics were concerned, this was the attire that best suited his image of a "mage", so he happily put on his robe and cloak and walked around the subspace twice.

Even though I don’t know magic yet, at least I’m building a framework... huh?

On the second lap, Harold suddenly had a strong premonition that he would fall if he continued to walk forward.

When he subconsciously stopped and looked down, he found that the cloak he was wearing had drooped down at a corner at some point, and was lying dangerously across his feet, ready to trip him.

"Hey, you boy-" Harold pulled off his cloak and prepared to teach him a lesson.

"[——!]" Not to be outdone, the cloak waved its four corners like an octopus and tried to tie him up.

A mage who doesn't know magic and a cloak who has no advantage except flexibility. When the two fight, they are evenly matched. No one can suppress the other.

"[We are about to arrive at our destination. If we continue to disturb the jump you want to become space junk?]" Gu Yi stood beside him and tried to dissuade them from the fight without any sincerity.

"I'll... be able to deal with him soon." "[——!]" The battle situation is still tense.


The next moment, the Crimson Milky Way and the Crimson Milky Way disappeared, and the gray mist belonging to the subspace flashed past. The last thing that appeared was a planet that was rapidly approaching and enlarging, covered with snow-capped mountains.

No, it means that he is falling rapidly towards it, right? ! If it weren't for the mage robe on me, it would be burning by now!

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The cloak seemed to sense something was wrong and wanted to break away from the fight and fly away, but this time it was Harold who held on to it, and the two "people" entangled each other and fell towards one of the towering snow-capped mountains.

"[Welcome to Kama Taj~]" Suspended in the air, Ancient Yi waved to the "shooting star".

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