The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and sixty-nine, Dr. Qiyi (9)


Silver Heart, Karma Taj.

Although he was falling from a high altitude while fighting against the cloak that was inexplicably targeting him, Harold was not at all panicked.

The Supreme Mage deliberately crossed half the galaxy to bring him back, so naturally he didn't let himself fall to death.

According to some fantasy novels he had read in his spare time, if the cloak was not alive, or there was a certain will residing in it, it looked down upon him, who had no magical ability at all, and tried to make things difficult for him. .

If he can subdue it, then with its own floating ability, it will naturally land safely. But if he fails, Ancient One will help, but the cloak will be temporarily confiscated until he truly has the ability to control it. As far as strength.

But the problem is that Harold has no idea how to conquer this cloak.

All he could do now was to hold on to the cloak firmly and fall to the ground with it.

Wait... together?

"Let me tell you, you can obviously fly, right?" Harold grabbed the cloak in his hand and asked, "Why are you so obsessed with breaking free from my grasp?"

He felt the fabric in his hand stiffen instantly.

"Don't you want to take me flying? But the Supreme Mage is right there. Even if you throw me away, I won't be able to fall to death." Realizing that there was something wrong, Harold continued: "Look, the Supreme Mage will kill you." Giving it to me means that she recognizes my potential in magic. Even if you can get rid of me today, when I have half or even one-tenth of the ability of the Supreme Mage, can you still get rid of me? Your flattening and rounding are not something I have even thought about?" First published at www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

The fabric was stiffer.

"Think about it again. Although I have a bright future, I am just a rookie who knows nothing about magic. As my first magic weapon or magical weapon, the treatment you will receive will naturally increase. I can guarantee it now... Harold paused for a moment and tried to think about the needs of a cloak: "Only hand wash, definitely not a washing machine!"

"[Pfft...]" A familiar laughter came from mid-air, and it didn't sound too far away.

Sure enough, the Supreme Mage didn't go far at all.

Perhaps the cloak was persuaded by Harold, or perhaps it sensed that Ancient One was nearby, and finally stopped trying to get rid of Harold, and directly unfolded its body, carrying him floating in the air, and then passed on some of its thoughts. come over.

Harold made a little distinction, and it seemed to be——

——I can clean myself without washing.

——If possible, get more exposure to some beautiful wedding dresses and evening dresses. Beautiful-looking armor is also acceptable.

Do you accept returns on this thing? !


"[It seems you are getting along well.]" Ancient One appeared in front of Harold and said with relief.

You must be sarcastic, right? It must be, right? First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

But people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

"Are we going to the academy next? Where is it?" Harold looked at the snow-capped mountains at his feet.

Judging from his unprofessional geological knowledge, the terrain of this planet is quite strange. It is composed of endless snow-capped mountains and valleys, with no other types of terrain at all.

It looked like...a huge boulder had been thrown into a calm pond, and the layers of waves had just begun to spread before being frozen by the extremely cold temperature.

"[You are already in the academy,]" Gu Yi waved his hand and began to lower the height with Harold: "[When I store this body, you should be able to roughly understand what is going on. ]"

Ah... By the way, the "Ancient One" who has been talking to him is not the real body, but a bionic man created by the Model Controlled Life Research Institute, which was remotely controlled by Ancient One through "spiritual interference".

Even so, she can use powerful magic without any hindrance, and she is truly worthy of being the "Supreme Mage."

By the way, I am currently using the book-chasing app, [\\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app\\\\] to cache books and read aloud offline!

As the altitude gradually dropped, Harold began to search for the mysterious mage's shrine suspected to be built in the snowy mountains, but found nothing.

Boom boom boom——

While he was wondering, the "snow mountain" at the landing position cracked in front of Harold.

Snow flew and rocks collapsed, revealing its massive and sophisticated mechanical structure.

The deep passage with a large number of metal parts and indicator lights looks like the security entrance of a space station or colony.

"[In the center of the Milky Way, there is an ancient mechanical civilization called 'Cyberlux', which was originally created only for service,]" Ancient One explained: "[Their creators are living in these mechanical servants. In the woven virtual world, Cyberlux continues to develop through occasional bursts of inspiration.】"

"[However, their creators have been living in the virtual world, like water without a source. The inspiration born from friction with each other has become less and less, which indirectly caused the 'Cyberlux' to stagnate. In the end, these intelligent machines passed strict The logical reasoning led to a conclusion - they need to capture other intelligent races and put them in jars to join its virtual world.]"

Following Gu Yi's narration, the two entered the crack in the snow mountain and gradually went deep into the mechanical structures.

For some reason, these machines obviously do not need lighting or breathing, and there is still complete ventilation and lighting in the corridor.

"[I have to say, this is the most creative decision these machine heads can make. They have successfully established themselves as public enemies of the entire galaxy, and they will be beaten up every 50,000 years.]"

A beating is normal. After all, no civilization would want to be caught and used as a battery, but...

"Why fifty thousand years?" Harold asked, looking at the mechanical tunnels around him.

"[Unclear, maybe it's a time limit that they can no longer obtain new ideas?]" After reaching a certain depth, Ancient One took Harold to a branch of the corridor.

"[Because this virtual world is too huge, it has been upgraded to a 'virtual dimension' on its own. As the 'Guardian of the Dimension', I naturally went to take a look and found...]" Gu paused: "[With It is quite convenient to have data in the form of data.】"

That's why she was able to find herself across half the galaxy in an instant, and she could also use the android body that failed to be manufactured, but it was too outrageous for a mage to exist in a virtual form.

"[Civilizations outside seem to call them 'reapers'. It's a simple, easy-to-understand and crude way of naming them. If you ask me, they can at best be called 'collectors',"" Gu Yi raised his eyes and said: "[ Ah, here we are.】"

Harold looked ahead and found that a large piece of the corridor had been hollowed out, and a castle-like building stood in it. Its shape was exactly the "Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth" he saw in the "Preview" ".

"[In case you are not used to it, I deliberately made the virtual and real colleges exactly the same. After entering the virtual dimension, you can see those cute children... It's a pity that you are not compatible with Professor X...]

Ancient One's last words were spoken so quietly that Harold didn't hear them clearly.

"What did you say?"

"[I mean - welcome to Kama Taj again]"

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