The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy, Doctor Qiyi (10)


Kama Taj.

Walking in the empty college castle but with all the furniture and furnishings, Harold felt that his day was too exciting.

First, he received a notice to be investigated, and then found that the bionic animals were out of control. When trying to stop them, a power outage occurred. After sending away his assistants, he was determined to die and prepared to launch a desperate fight. Then he was rescued by the "Supreme Mage" and was taken to In the center of the Milky Way, I saw the rumored planet of Reapers, and was designated as the "Acting Supreme Mage".

Can I still take this position as an agent? By a completely non-magical person?

But that's the fact. This is what Ancient One arranged after he put the android who was suspected of being Mrs. Kamski into a dormant chamber like a refrigerator and embedded it into the wall.

In her words, this mechanical planet originally belonged to the Reapers, but she took it as her own after it was destroyed by one blow, and made various modifications inside. Not only can it be connected to the "Cyberlux" named "Grox" The network can also produce a variety of daily necessities, and can even connect to the buoy network on the other side of the earth.

In other words, as long as Harold is in the academy of this "reality dimension", he can live just like he does on the earth, or the moon base, as long as he doesn't look at the mechanical structure outside that covers the sky and surrounds the earth.

And if you want to enter the "virtual dimension", you only need to lie down in the "refrigerator" like Ancient One. Due to the authority of the "Supreme Mage", he can completely bring everything in the real dimension into the virtual dimension, and he can also bring everything inside Bring things out - except some things that can only exist in a virtual dimension.

As for the learning of magic, it will also be carried out in the virtual dimension. Harold tried to ask for teaching in the real world, but he only got the sentence "it's too troublesome".

Doesn’t she only exist in the virtual dimension? If you want to come to the real dimension, do you need to prepare your body or something?

No, how is that possible.

After getting roughly familiar with the internal structure of the building, Harold found the dormant warehouse and prepared to enter the virtual dimension.

After all, Ancient One said before that he was asked to share some of the work of the "Supreme Mage". If he didn't know any magic, it would always be a troublesome thing.

But... is there something wrong in learning magic in the virtual dimension created by mechanical civilization?

Silently cursing, Harold closed the lid of the dormant chamber.



In a white light, two rows of round characters appeared one after another, and countless colored rays of light flew from far to near. Finally, it turned into a picture full of chaotic gray fog.



Perhaps after a few seconds, or perhaps a few minutes, the gray fog in Harold's vision completely dissipated, and what appeared in front of him was the sign and main entrance of the Castle Academy.

"I seem to be connected inside the castle?" Harold raised his hands to look at them, and then clenched his fists.

Compared with the VR or AR games he has occasionally tried, the "virtual dimension" gives a much stronger sense of reality.

Rather, he didn't feel like he was in a virtual world at all.

If all perceptions are so real, it will not take long for the captured "alien" to be assimilated by the "setting", and then work hard, collide with each other and create sparks, eventually becoming the energy and upgrade of mechanical civilization means.

He raised his head, not looking at the academy he was already familiar with.

Instead, look to its outer perimeter.

In the "realistic dimension", there are endless light gray mechanical walls and corridors outside, as well as mechanical arms and conveyor belts that don't know what they are doing, constantly appearing in cycles and making fixed actions.

In this "virtual dimension", the college is surrounded by grass, trees, small parks, not very wide roads, scattered cars, houses of varying heights and various shops.

In terms of technological level, it is roughly equivalent to the Earth three centuries ago...Earth?

Yes, Gu Yi did not say that after being captured and used as a battery, the virtual environment would be a world familiar to aliens. The specific setting of this "virtual dimension" was probably randomly selected by that mechanical civilization. There is a high probability that there will be an environment that allows it to be upgraded.

In other words, this mechanical civilization has had contact with humans for a long time, and has determined that the form of human society is very helpful to its evolution?

Being targeted by such a being, should humans be frightened or flattered?

"Doctor," a handsome black-haired young man wearing a strange Kung Fu costume opened the door and walked out, nodding to Harold: "The Supreme Mage is waiting for you."

"I am 'Dr.' Harold Winston, not 'Doctor'," Harold stretched out his hand to him: "Nice to meet you, what do you call me?"

"Seraph, you can also call me Zhao, doctor," Seraph shook hands with Harold and had no intention of changing the title: "Go in, the Supreme Mage is in the kitchen, I still have a mission to take, leave."

Is this your future colleague? If you focus on your work, you should be relatively easy to get along with.

Harold watched Seraph leave and turned towards the door.


At this moment, Harold had a strong sense of déjà vu.

It seemed that a "Harold" would rush out of the gate. He was so surprised that he didn't have time to stop him, and then he was hit in the head with a stick by the second person who rushed out of the gate, a little blond girl with tears in her eyes. .

This "premonition" has appeared once before when Cloak made trouble, and it seems to be activated when he is about to be threatened or harmed. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer version: www. @x81zw@@

Maybe this is his "magic qualification"?

In any case, after knowing the development of the situation in advance, it is very simple to prevent it from happening. Although there are sayings such as "predicting the result cannot be changed", how do you know if you don't try? And Harold didn't want to get slapped for no reason.


As soon as Harold approached the door, it was kicked open from the inside. Then, a "Harold" with the same hairstyle, clothes and even cloak ran out from inside.

"Hey, man, I'm you in ten minutes. If you listen to me, you'd better not go in." Harold said, crossing himself and running away. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

So that’s what happened.

As an ordinary person who had just come into contact with magic, he was probably confused by these words and let him go, but the situation was different now. He had made up his mind to keep this impostor, no matter what he said.

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"Cloak!" Harold called.

Although he doesn't know any magic, he still has "magic items". If that fake also has a fake cloak, then admit it.


The cloak on Harold's shoulders flew out directly, tying up the fake Harold who had not escaped even two steps. Although he was struggling hard, the fake cloak on his body did not move at all.

Well done Harold! The Acting Supreme Mage gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Da da da--

With the sound of small steps, the second girl with blond hair and black clothes in the "Prophecy" appeared at the door.

In her hand she held a dark, heavy key, suitable for striking a sap.

After the little girl saw the situation at the door, she was stunned for two seconds, then bowed her head slightly and saluted Harold: "Hello, Mr. Winston."

Obviously, the little girl was originally going to greet him, but she was deceived by the fake. If she really asked her to hit her with a stick, she might be fine, but she might cry while apologizing.

"Well," Harold put on the posture of a teacher and raised his hand to wave the cloak to bring the person with him: "Let's go see Teacher Gu Yi."

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