The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-One, Man of Steel (1)


Skilian galaxy, planet Elishan.

Kingu is standing in front of the picture window on the highest floor of the Governor's Palace and looking out.

At the first sight of him, everyone will be attracted by his long emerald green hair that hangs down to his waist. Then, they will notice his handsome appearance, purple eyes and cold and indifferent temperament.

He was wearing a set of pure white silk long-sleeved shirt and trousers, and a large snow-white cloak. This color scheme, which ordinary people could not control, looked as natural as it was created by heaven and earth on him.

The concentration on his face when he looked out made people wonder what he was seeing.

The scenery outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows is different from the ordinary Gaia planet with green waters and green mountains.

A gurgling blue stream flows between the endless mountains with purple land. Most of the vegetation as far as the eye can see are short green weeds and pure white shrubs half a person's height. Occasionally there are three or two huge, A large red tree shaped like a mushroom.

In this picture that looks like a child's casual porn, the blue-gray colonies, mines, the mass effect shields that cover them, and the black roads connecting them can give people a sense of reality.

This is the frontier of mankind, or in other words, the limit of colonial expansion allowed by the Galactic Alliance.

The galaxy looks like a complete peninsula on the star map. One side of it is adjacent to the galactic chasm "Gotik Sect", one side is bordered by the notorious slave civilization "Batarian", and the other side has no mass effect. A deserted star field connected by repeaters.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this arrangement of the Galactic Alliance is entirely intended to bring mankind into conflict with this civilization that does not abide by the rules they set.

It would be strange if there were no conflicts between human beings' nature to explore frontiers and Batari's overbearing attitude of "not allowing others to snore on the side of the bed."

This kind of local war, no matter who wins or loses, is a good thing for those permanent director civilizations who occupy the Citadel and stand high above them.

Star Alliance councilors are not fools, and they will naturally not be the watchdogs of the Citadel Council. For the development of similar galaxies, they all prefer mineral resource extraction rather than agriculture, forestry or colonization, and allow private companies to participate. If any company If you are willing to bear 100% of the cost of building colonial spaceships, colonial infrastructure and related industrial equipment, you will also get the false name of "Governor".


This kind of "governor" will definitely not be able to command the garrison, nor will he have the corresponding voting rights in the joint meeting.

Jin Gu is such a "merchant governor".

The "Uruk Group" it owned undertook all the construction costs of the Elishan planet, and even offered to help build a military base. Admiral Caster Drescher of the Second Fleet thought for a long time and finally reluctantly rejected the offer. proposal.

If private capital is allowed to involve the military, even on such a remote planet that is almost abandoned, he will definitely be impeached by the Star Federation Council until death.

As for the specific construction of the planet Ilishan, like all planets with similar situations, the ratio of residential areas, agricultural areas and industrial areas is 1:1:5 respectively. In addition to food production and freight trade, almost all colonists have The jobs are all related to mining and smelting.

With neighbors like Batali, whose behavior is similar to that of pirates, no one dares to produce small but high-value things here.

Moreover, I heard that their scavenging fleet recently had a fight with the Star Alliance's N7 over the Perseus Curtain, and more than a dozen cruisers were bombed. They went to the Citadel to complain in disgrace, but they were rejected.

If the Batarians are angry and decide to retaliate, the colonies bordering them are the best targets.

If they are so crazy that they want to steal the ore, the escort fleet will definitely make them understand what it means to lose more than the gain.

"Boss, the conference room is ready." A man's voice came from the communicator next to him.


Jin Gu walked out of the observation deck and walked towards the conference room of the "Governor's Mansion". The two men in black suits who were originally guarding the door quickly followed him, while the other bodyguards bowed slightly.

"Clean up the inside." Jin Gu nodded to them and walked towards the stairs.

His voice was soft and gentle, even somewhat indifferent to gender, but the bodyguards showed no contempt at all. They bowed and responded loudly, watching him disappear around the corner of the stairs while swinging his snow-white cloak.

"Huh..." "Shh——"

After Jin Gu's figure disappeared, the bodyguards relaxed slightly. One of the younger bodyguards seemed to want to say something, but was immediately silenced nervously by his colleagues around him.

"Are you new here?" The bodyguard closest to him gave the reckless bodyguard a hand and whispered: "Come in with us to clean. Don't do anything. Just watch, but don't do anything to what you see." Comment."

"Oh..." The young bodyguard didn't know why and followed him as instructed.

The furnishings of this room are similar to many luxury rooms with the same functions. It also has a small bar, sofa TV, fitness and sports equipment, and even bookcases and bathtubs.

Although as a border colonial star, there is almost no market for similar luxury goods and furnishings, but there is still no problem in purchasing a batch of goods for the Governor's Mansion alone.

However, there is nothing in this room that can evoke "gorgeous" or "luxurious" emotions.

Because everything in it has been destroyed.

Whether it is an exquisite bar, expensive drinks, beautiful coffee tables, soft sofas or huge screens, they are all scattered on the floor as if they have been split open by sharp knives.

The most eye-catching thing is a "corpse", or in other words, a bionic man whose damage far exceeds that of the furniture.

This situation shocked the young bodyguard, but he could still accept it. After all, it was bought with money, so if he wanted to smash it himself, it would not be a big problem, unless the android had awakened his self-awareness. Even so, this kind of border planet No one will cause trouble to the Governor because of this.

The only problem is...the Governor seemed to have just come out empty-handed? Where is the weapon he uses?

While the young bodyguard was looking around, his colleagues had quickly packed up all the damaged things and prepared a roll of carpet to haul them away.

At this time, he discovered the second surprising fact: in this kind of destructive action that seemed like a crazy vent of anger, the ceiling, walls and floors, which were very troublesome to replace and repair, were actually intact and needed to be cleaned and repaired. Only the furniture and furnishings have been replaced.

No matter how you think about it, it can't be a coincidence. This situation only means one fact: the governor was actually extremely calm when he destroyed these things.

At this time, the senior bodyguard looked at him with a look of "Do you understand?"

I'm actually working under such a horrible person? The young bodyguard shuddered.

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