The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Three, Man of Steel (3)


Yilishanxing, Governor's Mansion.

After leaving the virtual conference room, Jin Gu took Siduli to the ordinary conference room on the ground floor.

Compared with the relatively mysterious and weird atmosphere of the previous meeting, the atmosphere of the second meeting was much more relaxed.

This meeting venue is more like a large lecture theater than a conference room. Except for the row of lecture tables directly in front, all the "audiences" are sitting in rows directly in front of them, with the height gradually increasing. Behind the "desk".

Of course, unlike a real classroom, the "students" sitting behind these desks also have microphones to speak.

It should be said that they are talking about it now.

Since they are in an interstellar frontier that is not yet fully controlled, most attendees are wearing light armor equipped with environmental inspection filtering devices. Of course, the multi-tool and mass effect shield are also standard.

However, judging from their conversations and some hangings and belongings, it is still possible to vaguely distinguish their jobs, such as managers of residential areas, staff in agricultural areas, and the largest number of people in charge of mining. and technical staff.

Some of them seemed to be quite familiar with this kind of meeting and looked calm, while some seemed to be here for the first time and were relatively reserved, but overall, the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

Before Jin Gu walked into the conference room, they were chatting and laughing with each other, grabbing snacks on the table to taste, and then drinking water. Some people who knew each other were still making small moves while sitting behind the lecture table. Yes, people with relatively formal clothing turn a blind eye to this.

"Ah, I'm sorry, everyone, I overslept." When Jin Gu walked into the conference room, he looked embarrassed and handed over to the participants: "I looked at the calendar when I woke up and found that today is Children's Day. , I took a vacation by myself, so I fell asleep peacefully again. When Little Pepper patted me up, I remembered that I haven’t been a child for many years..."

"My name is Siduli, not Little Pepper." Siduli, who was following him, answered in time.

"Pfft..." "Hahaha!" "Xiao Jin, you can sleep peacefully, there will be nothing big happening this month~" "Hi! Little Pepper!"

The participants booed one after another, and the slightly solemn atmosphere before was gone. However, the smiles on the faces of several senior executives sitting on the podium were somewhat forced to match the atmosphere.

"No, no, no, I think the 'Yilishan Monthly Summary Meeting' is quite important~ I borrowed it,

Excuse me. "Jin Gu waved his hand as he stepped onto the podium, squeezing the backs of the chairs of those already seated and moving towards the main seat in the middle. The aura of his originally handsome and mysterious white clothes also disappeared.

"Today is the monthly summary..." Jin Gu said after sitting down at the main table, grabbing the microphone, and then turned his head and glanced at the person next to him: "Let our economic consultant...Mr. Henry do it. Host it."

"My name is James, not Henry." James pinched his forehead and opened the multi-purpose tool seemingly helplessly: "Now I will report the economic growth of Mount Elisabeth in May..."


New population. Including new students and immigrants, it increased by 14% from the previous month;

The demand for daily necessities increased by 17% compared with the previous month, but the demand for luxury goods increased by 80%, and the demand for cultural products increased by 150%;

In contrast, in foreign trade orders, the import volume of grain and non-staple food dropped by 24% from the previous month, the export volume of ore and metal products increased by 37% from the previous month, and the import volume of energy, including electricity and zero elements, increased by 37% from the previous month. growth of 2%;

This shows that the residents of Mount Ili have basically established a firm foothold, their sense of belonging to the colony has greatly increased, and they have begun to pay attention to spiritual construction;

At the same time, the output and product quantity of the agricultural blocks are gradually being able to meet the needs of residents, and the reputation of the ores in the Ilishan colony is also increasing on other planets.

Of course, as a member of the Star Alliance, it is a bit inappropriate to use "import and export" to describe the trade between internal planets, but for the time being, I can't find any other term that can replace it.

Siduli, who was sitting behind the dozing Jin Gu, listened silently to the report of "Mr. Henry" and at the same time recorded the key points in case this "no pretense", "disliked rules", "went to the border planet for gold plating" ”, “Feels a bit funny” and “Playboy Governor” later quoted.

Of course, these modifiers are all titles given to Jin Gu by ordinary people and the media on the planet Elishan.

As for Siduri herself, she is the "Governor's mother" who is "gentle and beautiful", "decathlete", "always helping to deal with the aftermath", and "somewhat distressing".

More than once during the inspection, a fool called her "Mother Siduli". It was all because Jin Gu was pretending to be stupid and the setting was too outrageous.

Secretly, she was the leader of the "Earth Guardians", but on the surface, she was a silly playboy. Siduli didn't know what Jin Gu wanted to do, and she didn't intend to ask.

Just like she had no intention of asking why Jin Gu traveled all the way to Detroit to accurately save herself from being hurt by an out-of-control android.

There are many similar contradictions.

Why does the Uruk Group, which made its fortune in mining, oppose human expansion?

While opposing it, why did it take the initiative to provide minerals to the military factories and shipyards of various fleets at preferential prices?

Why would he send people to rob Academy City students when he himself was a powerful superpower?

After the robbery failed, why were people sent to participate in Academy City's ability training program?

That was a long time ago, and the recent events are quite puzzling.

Why did you assassinate Ambassador Waller when you knew that it would cause the Star Alliance to go to war with the Wallers and the Uruk Group would not gain any benefits?

And when the assassination failed, investigators came to the door, and the Uruk Group still relied on the protection of the Second Fleet, why did they voluntarily abandon the line of Admiral Drake's son?

As Jin Gu's assistant, Siduli knew very well that the "Guardians of the Earth" was by no means what outsiders had speculated. It was a group composed of business entities whose interests were all in the earth's economic circle. Due to the lack of access to extraterrestrial resources and Technology often uses illegal means.

No other evidence is needed. The extremely complete outline of the development of alien colonies that she is recording can overturn all those unreliable speculations.

Siduri's current speculation is that the seemingly prosperous Milky Way and the Milky Way Alliance may be about to have some kind of extremely terrible disaster, or even be experiencing it, and the Uruk Group has exhausted all its power and can only save the solar system, or even just the solar system. The earth itself, under Jin Gu's seemingly nonsensical disguise, actually has——


Jin Gu's head sank and he hit the table, then looked up and around in confusion, causing a burst of laughter.

Hmm...that's unlikely, right?

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