The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Four, Man of Steel (4)


Governor's Palace.

"——So, today's monthly summary meeting ends here," Henry, no, James concluded after the heads of all departments finished speaking: "Now let's start distributing last month's 'extra contribution red envelope' to everyone. If If you have any requests you want to make, you can submit them to Governor Jingu later.”

Jin Gu, who had been napping, sat up straight: "Little pepper?"

"I am Siduli." Siduli retorted habitually, and then used her multi-purpose tool to send a signal to the staff guarding the door.

Ten seconds later, the door of the conference room was opened, and bodyguards in black walked into the conference room pushing carts piled with red envelopes and began to distribute them one by one according to the names written on them.

Inside were Star Coin cards, the value of which increased based on the recipient's additional contributions outside of normal working hours during the previous month.

Of course, it is "extra contribution" rather than "extra working hours". An engineer who wanders to other factories to solve technical problems during his break will be counted as extra contribution, while a worker who fails to complete normal work tasks has to Postponing get off work time will not be considered as additional contribution.

Although this calculation method may cause the data to be too large and prone to disputes, the Uruk Group's style has always been this way, and so far no one has raised objections.

The attendees sitting under the stage are the people invited from high to low based on the additional contribution last month. At most, there are only one person in the conference room. Some people are regulars, and some don’t know why they are there. Get an invitation.

Of course, bonuses for other additional contributors will also be distributed after the meeting, but because the specific number cannot match the number of people in this conference room, they cannot participate in the monthly "red envelope conference".

As for the requirements...

"Governor Jin," a young man hesitated after receiving the red envelope, handed it back to the bodyguard in black suit, and turned on the microphone at his seat: "I am getting married to my fiancée the day after tomorrow. I hope you can be there to congratulate me."

That's it, making a request to the Governor by giving up a month's bonus.

If you just change jobs and hope to get something that does not exist in the conventional market, as long as it is not too exaggerated, you can basically get satisfaction, but if it involves the governor himself, it depends on luck.

"Hmm...little pepper?" Jin Gu turned his head and looked at Siduli.

"You will meet with the logistics officer of the Yili Mountain Garrison the day after tomorrow, and then take him to visit the machining factory to discuss the production of a batch of military customized parts." Siduli said in a low voice.

Although Jin Gu is nominally the governor, he does not have the authority to govern the local garrison. Everything has to be discussed. This is also the norm for most colonial stars, except for the first ones, which are directly controlled by Star Alliance officers.

Therefore, the governor of each colonial star must have a good relationship with the garrison, and this kind of ordering parts is quite rare, so that guy's wedding should--

"No problem!" Jin Gu turned around and replied, "I happen to be free that day!"

"..." Siduli silently added a note in the action log: [I am scheduled to be absent that day. As an apology, we will supply goods at cost price and unconditionally accept all additional requirements from the logistics officer]


In a warm atmosphere, the May summary meeting concluded successfully.

The residents who participated in the meeting left the meeting happily.

Jin Gu, who woke up, also yawned while Siduli left from the exclusive passage.

Siduli noticed that several officials on the podium looked nervous, as if they were afraid that Jin Gu would destroy the conference room.

These guys are obviously overthinking. Their governor will only burst out with supernatural powers and destroy the furniture in the room when he is alone or in contact with members of the Earth Guardian. When he maintains the image of a people-friendly governor, he has never lost control. Destroyed records.

Siduli didn't intend to remind them. She followed Jin Gu while checking the action log: "Your next itinerary is 'free activities'. I will go back to the Governor's Assistant Office to wait for you?"

If nothing else happens, the furniture in another room will suffer, right?

"Well," Jin Gu said casually, then suddenly stopped as if he thought of something, and turned his head to glance at her: "No, you can come with me this time, Little Pepper."

"Okay," Siduli lowered her head and recorded, "Also, I am Siduli."

After a while, Jin Gu and Siduli arrived in the basement of the Governor's Mansion, while the bodyguards in black stayed on the surface consciously.

Generally speaking, the governor's palace of each colonial star is converted from a colonial spaceship. With the expansion of the "first settlement", its outer shell and internal structure are gradually dismantled, and the governor's palace is rebuilt at a suitable location. Just like a hatchling that has broken its shell and eats the eggshell.

During this process, if the new governor does not want to move, he can also directly lay the foundation on the spot and upgrade the temporary governor's palace to a permanent building - the governor's palace on the Elishan planet is built in this way.

As far as Siduli knew, the underground space of the Governor's Palace was transformed into a power armor laboratory under Jin Gu's order, but no scientific research and technical personnel were hired. It was one of his "alone" places, but he did not listen. Said there were pieces of furniture being transported there.

Maybe there is something special about it?

While thinking, Siduli had already followed Jin Gu into the laboratory.

The first thing she saw was a pair of super gorgeous power armor with a golden background and bright red lines located in the middle of the laboratory.

However, because it is too gorgeous, it will be focused on by the enemy no matter what the situation, and it loses its role as armor.

After a moment of shock, Siduli looked away and looked at the furnishings in the laboratory. Testing, maintenance, processing, and manufacturing. Various mechanical equipment and robotic arms that were considered advanced even in the entire Star Alliance were all in good condition. Lossless, it is a bit too incredible for a place of "solitude".

"You know, Little Pepper," Jin Gu said: "Although my powers are powerful, they can easily get out of control when I'm in a bad mood, so I thought of a way - if I make my whole body out of an indestructible material, If it’s locked up, wouldn’t it be unable to cause damage to the outside world?”

As a result, the "cage" was made to look like this for aesthetic reasons? Is this considered buying a casket for a pearl?

"You will be the first one to see it activated," Jin Gu walked towards the armor, opened its back cover and stood in. His voice immediately became a little unintelligible: "[Give it a name?]"

"Uh..." Siduri thought for a while, "Since you control the Uruk Group and are the leader of the Earth Guardians, why not name it - [Gilgamesh]?"

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The eyes of the golden armor suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

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