The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Five, Man of Steel (5)


Elishan Star, underground research institute of the Governor's Mansion.

Flight, live-fire cannon, small missiles, palm-mounted mass effect cannons, heat-induced bombs, tactical stealth, small mass effect shields...

After a brief appearance, Jin Gu put on this steel suit and conducted actual combat tests on various functions.

Its peak firepower is roughly equivalent to the main gun of a frigate, and its own stealth combat and data analysis capabilities are comparable to an excellent N7 agent or the tactical analysis module of a universal tool.

If this armor were seen by military professionals, they would probably... laugh out loud and encourage Jin Gu to continue to increase research and development efforts.

To put it metaphorically, it was probably in the early 21st century that a wealthy man spent a lot of money and energy to build himself a pair of armor that could dominate the middle world, and tried to match it with retinues, war horses, and weapons.

This "knight" may be able to easily defeat unarmed ordinary people, and can also resist attacks from some light firearms. If he is lucky, he can also pierce an armored vehicle with a spear thrust, but if he is to be regarded as a threat? Is that some latest April Fool's joke?

A well-trained soldier carrying a multi-purpose tool and a mass effect rifle can fully perform the functions that this armor can accomplish. It cannot be accomplished by a single soldier entering space, but that is still an extra weapon. It's just a shuttle problem.

However... this seemingly random spending of money naturally has a deep-seated reason, Siduli thought to herself as she watched Jin Gu, who was wearing steel armor, walking around the testing ground.

The boss himself said that suppressing superpowers and preventing them from causing random damage should be just one of them. As the "Earth Guardian" gradually enters the Star Alliance's field of vision, it is important to clarify the identity. This armor is from the outside. It is impossible to tell whether there is anyone inside. After the boss wears this for many appearances and gives people a "solid" impression, letting it fly around outside while the high-level meeting of the Earth Guardian is held is a perfect alibi.

Although Star Alliance agents should not be able to trace it here, it is always good to be prepared for a rainy day.

"It looks very good," Siduli clapped softly after Jin Gu stopped debugging and stepped out of the armor: "When are you going to wear it for a ride?"

"Why do you act like you saw me buying a new car?" Jin Gu took the drink handed by the robotic arm to replenish water, and looked at Siduli: "Have you never thought about its application prospects?"

Is it really useful? It seems that I think less.

Siduli stared at the golden armor and thought for a moment, and suddenly realized: "By the way, it can be used by 'superpowers' who have no ability to protect themselves and 'agents' who are easily in dangerous situations. Superpowers can easily be 'decapitated'" Tactics' attacks, and the possibility of agents falling into space when performing dangerous missions is not small."

"That's right~" Jin Gu nodded: "I will spend two days first to give people the impression that 'I am equal to the armor', and then I can sneak away halfway during the meeting with the logistics officer the day after tomorrow."

Is that really the case...

"Beep——" The voice of a bodyguard in black came from the communicator on the wall.

"[Sorry, boss, there was an accident in the biological laboratory. We have evacuated the employees urgently, but...]"

"I'll be there soon." Jin Gu responded.

"[We will prepare a car for you immediately——]"

"No need."


Jin Gu ignored the bodyguard.

Stepping back into the golden armor, she then extended her hand to Siduli: "[Would you like to go for a ride with me? Beautiful lady?]"

"..." Siduli looked at the fixed armor that had no place to step on, and then looked at the opening skylight above her head: "Please allow me to solemnly refuse."


Planet Elishan, the first colony.

A golden and dazzling power armor flew out from the direction of the Governor's Palace and flew towards the industrial area on the edge of the colony at a speed that was fast enough for people to see clearly.

"Is it a bird?" "A plane?" "No, it must be the Governor, right?"

"I heard that there was an accident in the biology laboratory, but judging from the Governor's laid-back attitude, it must not be serious."

"Don't look at it. The Governor is just showing off now. He will definitely publicize this in two days."

"It's gone, it's gone."

Compared to the indifference of the residents on the ground, Siduli, who was being held by the princess in golden armor in mid-air, could hardly hold back her attitude as an assistant to the governor and slapped the golden face.

Although it must be of no use.

"I want to apply for high-altitude work hazard subsidy." She finally choked out this sentence.

"[You are in charge of the finances of the Governor's Mansion, just make your own decisions.]" Jin Gu responded casually.

"..." Siduli couldn't hold her forehead.

Due to the existence of the personal mass effect field, she actually cannot feel the wind pressure and low temperature of high-speed flight, and she is not afraid of heights, but she is still very unhappy with this kind of forceful taking of people into the sky.

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But even if he expresses it, Jin Gu must admit his mistake humbly and resolutely not change it.

Not mentioning it at work, this almost ridiculous show of kindness will definitely continue in daily life.

If he really intends to pursue her, or simply uses this to show an unreliable playboy image, Siduli can reluctantly accept it, but out of female intuition, she judges that when Jin Gu does these things, The emotions she harbored turned out to be "guilt" and "compensation", which she couldn't understand.

Before the "Omnic Crisis", the two parties had no interaction at all, and after rescuing and hiring him as a personal assistant, there was no incident that should have produced similar emotions.

If you want to compensate for his usual wanton behavior and the energy you spend on dealing with his won't be like this.

Unable to figure it out for the time being, Siduli gave up thinking and used a multi-purpose tool to retrieve information about the target of the trip.

The so-called "biological laboratory" is a place where adaptability research is conducted to test whether local organisms are suitable for entering the colonial ecosphere.

As we all know, although each "Gaia planet" is a T3 level suitable for human habitation, the local creatures are not necessarily suitable for integrating into the ecological circle that people on earth are accustomed to. In the process of human beings exploring the universe, there have been countless large and small ecological disaster.

The latest incident is that there is a creature that looks similar to a "lemur" on a certain colonial planet. After the local quarantine department determined that it was not harmful to humans, it introduced it into the ecosystem of the colonial area. As a result, the species became extinct. All the insects in the ecosystem indirectly caused the plant blocks used to provide oxygen to almost completely lose their function. Therefore, the "examination" of whether to admit alien creatures into the ecosystem was stipulated by the Star Alliance as an unavoidable process.

As for this time, Siduli looked at the information on the multi-purpose tool:

Gwen Schahat (y) is responsible for the "White-spotted Wolf Spider Introduction Adaptation Experiment".

Why did you introduce that thing...

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