The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Six, Man of Steel (6)


Biology laboratory.

This is a brown building that is cylindrical in shape and about five stories high. Looking from the air, you can see that security personnel have set up roadblocks and isolation belts around it. Several bodyguards in black are guarding the building inside the isolation zone. Yelling at the multi-tool.

At least for now, it's not clear what went wrong.

"【How is it going?】"

Jin Gu hugged Siduli and landed directly behind the blockade at the main entrance of the laboratory. He put him down before she struggled to protest, and then asked.

"The situation is quite stable. The mutated creatures inside have not yet..." The nearest bodyguard in black responded: "Uh... boss?"

"[It's me,]" Golden Armor's helmet parted to both sides, revealing Jin Gu's long green hair and purple eyes: "Let's get down to business."

"Uh, yes, Dr. Gwen previously issued a level two alert for 'biological mutation'. We immediately evacuated the staff of the institute according to the rehearsal, arranged isolation and mobilized armed personnel nearby, but we have not yet witnessed the emergence of mutated creatures." The bodyguard in black said quickly.

"Where is Dr. Gwen herself?" Siduri asked.

Siduli had met this doctor of biology several times. She was a British-style beauty with blond hair, blue eyes, a good face, and a slender figure. However, she had an indifferent expression and always kept people away from her. She also wore daily clothes. With white coats and research uniforms, there were so many people who hit the wall, so naturally there were few people around, and only Jin Gu could ignore her cold face and come forward to talk.

Overall, she is an extremely serious and responsible person. If she issued a level two alert, the severity of the accident would definitely not be level one, nor higher than level three.

The specific description of the Level 2 Biological Variation Alert is: "Unexpected changes in body shape or habits of experimental organisms may cause injury or even death to humans."

A white mouse turning into the size of a pig or madly attacking the experimenter would fall into this category, and what she was studying was a white-spotted wolf spider... Tsk.

It was a strange, large spider with a white belly and pure white claws. From its alias "Tarantula" you can tell how powerful it is, and if this kind of thing mutates...

"The doctor didn't come out, and we couldn't contact her," the bodyguard in black hesitated: "Maybe..."

"No chance, open the door, I'll take care of it," Jin Gu interrupted him, walked directly to the door of the research institute, and closed his helmet again: "[You don't need to follow.]"

"Ah, yes." The black-clothed bodyguard immediately moved out of the way.

Siduli sighed secretly, and activated the combat module of the multi-purpose tool to follow.

Sure enough... when he received the news of the accident, he had already decided to use this suit of armor for actual combat.


Gwen's laboratory was on the fifth floor. Jin Gu did not choose to take the elevator, but climbed up the stairs one by one.

The first two floors were fairly normal. Apart from the offices and research rooms that were messy due to the hasty evacuation, there were only experimental equipment and personal belongings dropped in the rush.

But starting from the third floor, something went wrong. Velvet-like white spider silk began to appear on the floor of the corridor and in the corners of doors and windows. Although they were isolated by the mass effect shield, Siduli still murmured a little.

"[I forgot to ask,]" before heading to the stairs on the fourth floor, the golden armor stopped and turned to Siduli: "[Little Pepper, are you afraid or disgusted with spiders?]"

Is it too late to ask now?


"Compared with the big furry spiders that I can clearly see, I'm more afraid of those little spiders that hide in corners and crawl out at some point, and are already in front of me when I notice them," Siduli replied, "Besides, I'm not a spider. Little pepper. "

"[That's good.]" Jin Gu nodded, and then turned on the micro missile launcher on his shoulder.

etc? Are you going to launch missiles indoors?

Before Siduli could stop her, a series of small missiles flew out from the shoulders of the golden armor, swirling from the stairwell to the fifth floor, and then triggered a series of explosions.


The next second, there were sharp hisses one after another, and then there was the sound of a large number of rustling footsteps. Then, white-clawed, black-bellied downy wolf spiders, each half as tall as a man, were densely packed along the stairwell, far exceeding their original size. down.

Siduli's hands and feet were numb for a moment.

People who don’t have arachnophobia must not have seen enough and dense spiders...

"[Not bad.]" Jin Gu praised, raised his palms towards the spider tide, and the blazing lasers poured out. He did not need to aim at all, and burned all the spiders along the beam into charcoal.

Before Jingu launched the attack, Siduli had already quickly switched the mass effect shield to the smell isolation mode.

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"The people responsible for cleaning up must be very unlucky," she said, looking at the charcoal on the ground.

"[You can give them a little more contribution.]" Jin Gu stepped on the stairs without any care and continued to walk upstairs: "[They actually know how to guard here. It seems that they have evolved more than just their body shape. ]"

"..." Siduli resisted not adding the function of isolating sound to the mass effect shield.

However, if they stay here instead of killing, does it mean that they have not yet controlled the situation at the top? In other words, is it possible for Dr. Gwen to survive?

After Jin Gu went up another floor, Siduli finally heard voices, but it seemed a little different from what she expected.

"Hey! I created you!" "I want to protect you!" "Everyone, stop right there!"

This voice seems a bit familiar...but the content...


A woman in black pulled a rope and swung from the fifth floor stairs.

To be precise, it was a tights that was completely black except for the shoulders and arms, which were white. It also had a pure white hood on its head, and the face under the hood, which was originally as cold as ice, now looked a little angry. Who else could it be if he wasn't Dr. Gwen?

As for that white twisted rope, it looks like a handful of... spider silk?

What was chasing her was the giant white-spotted wolf spider that had just been burned to a large extent by Jin Gu.

"[Peter Parker, your experiment failed,]" Jin Gu said: "[I'll give you half an hour to clean up here.]"

What kind of strange name is that? It's probably the same meaningless nickname as "Pepper".

"Huh? Boss?" Gwen suddenly let go, turned 360 degrees in the air and landed in front of Jin Gu. He threw his hands back, and a white thread that looked like a giant spider web suddenly appeared and stopped the pursuit. Her spider swarm: "Please give me another chance. You see, they already know how to pretend to cooperate and trick me into letting them out."

So this is not an accident but a mistake?

In addition, when Siduli looked at Gwen's face, her usual behavior was actually an act?

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