The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Four, Alliance of Fathers Worried (14)

Text 1484. Alliance of Father-worried Persons (14)


Planet Akuz.

In the atmosphere that became inexplicably heavy, the transport spacecraft slowly landed on the surface of the planet.

Due to the high expectations raised by Naiya, the students looked at the surface of the planet with dead eyes.

Yueyong Shena herself must be doing things according to the arrangements of the academy, and Naiya looked so shocked that she was speechless, and it was inappropriate to cause trouble for anyone.

Chi chi chi——

In the silence, the sound of burning fire coming from the outer shell of the spacecraft gradually attracted the attention of the students.

"[Due to being unilaterally irradiated for a long time, the temperature difference between Akuz's 'day' and 'night' exceeds 200 degrees," Teacher Yue Yong continued to explain: "[What everyone hears now is that the spacecraft's mass effect shield pushes away the hot air. The sound, we can now say it is a shooting star.】"

Great, all plans to go out were scrapped. The scenery on the "day" side seemed to be the same as that of Earth, but those vegetation and water bodies were probably another thing with a similar appearance.


As the spacecraft transitioned from "day" to "night", an exaggerated sound like red-hot iron being immersed in cold water came from the outer shell.

"[I like this place.]" Kedoli said quietly to Kaos.

After all, it was a living flame. Kaos nodded without responding.

If Cthulhu were thrown here, it would probably be cooked instantly and then made into octopus balls...

No, if you can throw that guy around casually, it would be better to just make it into a meatball.

"[Now that everyone is aware of Akutz's environment, I will now announce the goal of this school trip,]" Yueyong Shena opened her all-purpose tool: "[Goal 1: Try to change Akutz The planet’s rotation or revolution speed allows it to have normal seasons.]”

"What is that!" "Is today April Fool's Day?" "Planetary engines are not our area of ​​expertise, right?"

The students who were originally staring with dead eyes were furious.

"..." Kaos felt for a moment that the Star Alliance had known his identity for a long time, but when he thought about it carefully, he used this method to instruct an 'Old One' just to let him do something like changing the planet's rotation speed. Such a small thing would be too wasteful.


Amidst the noise, Kaos keenly noticed that Yuriko Suzuko had crushed the coffee can in her hand.

Hmm... Thinking about it, it seems like her powers can really handle this - if the range and power are enough.

"[Task 2,]" Teacher Yue Yong continued reading as if she didn't care about the students' reactions: "[Carry out ecological, terrain or atmospheric transformation to make the temperature of the planet's surface consistent.]"

Although the task this time was still extremely difficult, at least it was possible to solve it, and the students shut up and tried to think of a solution.

Regarding this goal, Star Alliance has certain implementation ideas, but the cost is too high to outweigh the gains. Kaos recalled the information he had secretly seen.

The solutions are to gradually move the ecology of "day" to "night", dig the "twilight line" to allow sunlight to penetrate into the "night", and reduce the atmospheric concentration in some areas to create circulation, that is, to make the "wind" "Bring the "heat" to the back of the planet.

...Why does this still sound like you are instructing yourself? I also brought Kedoli along with me.

While thinking about it, Teacher Yue Yong read out two tasks without pausing.

"[Task three, assist the Akuz Research Station in completing the exploration plan and building the mine.]"

"[Task 4: Provide assistance during the expansion, scientific research and manufacturing of the Akuz Research Station.]"

This time it was relatively normal and easy to complete. Kaos breathed a sigh of relief. This also echoed his initial guess. The purpose of the school trip was to give students a chance to show off their talents, rather than to give them impossible tasks. The tasks are grueling.

"As everyone thought,

"Teacher Yue Yong put down the speaker: "The location of this study trip was chosen taking into account each person's superpowers and the role they can play. They are all possible in 'theoretically', but it depends on the specifics. Everyone’s performance, in the end, the task is not required for everyone to complete, but the ability shown in completing the task will be written into the file for future reference~"

"Oh, then I have to help build the mine."

"Ecological transformation is not impossible."

"I want them all!"

The emotions of the superpower students were slightly aroused.

However, Kaos is still not sensitive to this kind of limelight thing. He secretly gives some ideas to Mikoto, Lina, Illya and even Suzuko Yuriko, so that they can surprise everyone and participate in this kind of limelight thing. No good.

At this moment, the transport ship was out of direct sunlight and completely entered the "dark night", turning around and sailing towards the "Recording Horizon" research station. The flames attached to the surface of the ship's hull just flickered and dispersed.

[The moonlight illuminates the sky and casts a light that embellishes the ocean~]

At the same time, some kind of soft singing sounded, and even in the noisy chat, it reached Kaos's ears very clearly.

Damn it...Kaos turned his head stiffly and looked away.

【Whenever meteors fall from the sky, the dreams in my heart fly with the wind~】

Sitting there was a girl wearing a Carcosa Academy uniform with dark blue shawl hair. She tilted her head to look at the scenery outside the window and hummed an unknown song softly.

The girl's voice was soft and a little hoarse, with a certain charm. Her appearance was not particularly eye-catching. She looked like an unfamiliar girl next door. The bangs on her forehead were covered by the movement of her head. She opened her right eye, which contrasted with her light green left eye, which was as bright as the stars in the night sky.

[Spread your transparent wings and leap out of the skylight, looking for the most beautiful hope~]

She is his classmate, a person with a "strong" level of "mental interference" superpower. Since she doesn't do anything outstanding at all, she just sits there quietly studying and occasionally hums a ditty or two. , it can be said that ordinary can no longer be ordinary, even Kaos couldn't remember her name for a while.

At this time, the transport ship underfoot finally entered the troposphere, and the mass effect shield on the ship's hull continued to flash with colorful light, as if it was wearing a coat made of colorful clouds.

[Whenever the sky glows with colorful glow, fly with memories and fantasies~]

Such a beautiful moment made almost all the students forget their words and either looked out the window or looked at the singing girl.

At this time, Kaos finally remembered this classmate's name.

Her name is [Lin Mingmei],

It is also [ghroth].

The starry diva who brings destruction.

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