The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Five, Alliance of Fathers Worried (15)

Text 1485. Alliance of Father-worried Persons (15)


Akuz, "Recorded Horizon" research station.

Kaos and his classmates are in quarantine.

Generally speaking, when there are no major health incidents, there is no need for quarantine between colonial stars, because the environment of the Gaia planet is completely the same, and they are all T3 levels that are completely harmless and suitable for human habitation.

However, after joining the Galactic Alliance, there are many T2 and even T1 level resource planets in the "colonizable galaxies" classified by the Citadel Council as human beings. The proven resources on them, including minerals and biological resources, cannot be used by humans at all. Make up your mind to give them up.

Therefore, these planets that have not yet been completely safe must undergo quarantine and disinfection for 2 to 12 hours, whether they are leaving or entering the country, to ensure that the microorganisms they carry will not cause damage to different ecological environments.

Of course, if there is an emergency or they will not stay for a long time, visitors are also allowed to wear fully sealed protective clothing confirmed by the local epidemic prevention agency to log in and carry out activities.

Since the students of Carcosa had to go on a school trip for about three days and needed time to adapt to the strange half-white and half-black sky, they naturally had to undergo a collective quarantine.

Kaos glanced around the entire hall and saw Yuriko Suzuko drinking coffee as expected.

"Look, Barsaka, this is so interesting~" Illya took her white bear and ran around in an isolated area with an environment like a hotel lobby. She first looked at the dark night outside the left window, and then looked at Daylight outside the right window.

Mikoto and Lina's words turned out to be relatively normal, holding hands like a pair of close friends. If you look carefully, you will find that Lina has been holding on to Mikoto, while Mikoto just ignored her after trying to break free.

It's really interesting. I thought Lina was already thick-skinned, but she didn't expect that she would pretend to be completely normal after leaving Europa 7 and coming to a planet where no one knew her.

No... wait, in this case, couldn't she ask the research station to put her and Mikoto in the same room? Could this be her plan?

In contrast, Kaos looked at Cedric and Hannah. This pair of guys who were truly boyfriend and girlfriend now behaved like ordinary classmates. Forget it, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Teacher Yueyong and Winston are not here. The former is probably going to carry out all the preliminary handovers, while the latter...maybe is undergoing separate quarantine?

However, the white bear did not receive similar treatment. Perhaps Winston was regarded as a strange alien because he could talk and wore a space suit?


As for [Gehros], who had just gained a little limelight but was quickly forgotten by his classmates, or rather classmate Lin Mingmei, looked at the "dark night" in a good mood.

"[What should I do? Who is going to contact her? Are you going to do it, you idiot?]"

"[No, no, you will be killed, so you should go. We are both star-level celestial bodies, so she may have a natural affection for you.]"

"[I don't think she is a star, and I don't have the same feeling...How about Huangpao blame you?]"

Naiya and Kedoli murmured, and then cast their eyes towards Kaos.

Kaos rolled his eyes: "[None of you are willing to contact her, so am I willing? And you are not suspicious of her sudden appearance?]"

"[What's there to be suspicious about? How do you think I fell on your balcony? And why are those big eyes—ouch!]" Naiya was hit with a headbutt by Kedoli mid-sentence. .

Well... indeed, both the "Old Ones" and the "Outer Gods" are basically guys who don't abide by the laws of science.

Strictly speaking, when you want to abide by it, you should abide by it, and when you want to ignore it, you can ignore it.

However, they still have to obey [Azathos]'s will.

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Since just thinking about this name may be noticed, everyone usually calls him "the one", but maybe the "one" in the mouths of other old and outer gods refers to "Azathos", but for Khal Let’s talk about [the one] in Si’s mouth. [Azathos] is just an incarnation of him.

This difference in cognition resulted in Naiya not caring much about being thrown away after doing bad things, while Kaos himself was frightened by just one glance.

But, regarding the Misaka sister incident, Kaos thought he had done a good thing, and now he is a little arrogant and dares to directly think of [Azatos]'s name.

[Azathos]’s attitude towards these [Old Ones] and [Outer Gods] is basically “strictly prohibited from subjective actions that will cause intelligent creatures to go crazy or die” and “allowed to travel without being discovered by intelligent creatures.” Use your own power."

This leads them to either keep doing nothing, or disguise themselves as intelligent creatures and blend into their society to play. It seems that there is no second to a guy like Naiya who repeatedly jumps on the edge of foul play.

However, in addition to those two rules, there is a supplementary rule "If things get difficult to deal with, it will be handled by 'Gheroth'."

The so-called "unmanageable" refers to a situation where intelligent creatures, due to their adventurous or death-seeking nature, proactively investigate and publish information about the "Old Ones" and "Outer Gods" without intentional intention, causing the entire civilization to be on the verge of destruction.

In this case, the unlucky guy who caused the incident will be thrown away and locked up somewhere, and "Gehroth" will have "the aftermath."

He will appear in the form of a pale pink sphere that is as big as a regular star. While humming an incomprehensible song that resounds throughout the world, He will drag all the affected planets into the "virtual realm" to clean them and then release them. Intelligent creatures that have not yet been polluted and crazy--which in this case are basically quite rare or even non-existent--will be concentrated on a resource-rich T3 planet to allow them to continue to develop.

Due to technological chronology, after these intelligent creatures develop again, they basically cannot remember the mass extinction of civilization. Even if they still remember it, they will be regarded as some kind of myth and legend.

Since every appearance means destruction, she is also known as the "Star Singer Who Brings Destruction."

Why a diva?

Is that cute pink color something only men can control? Even Naia wouldn’t dare to wear that!

"[I think you are thinking of something rude.]" Naia's hair on her head trembled and she turned to look at Kaos.

"[Your illusion,]" Kaos turned around: "[Although I don't think there is any need to send out the 'Star Singer' on this planet, but now that she has clearly appeared in front of us, talk to her It’s no big deal to chat, she is using the identity of our classmate now, how can she still hit someone without saying a word?】"

But to be honest... after transforming into a human, the songs she sang were pretty good.

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