The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Eight, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (18)


Akuz Research Station.

Late at night, Kaos and the other two "old men" slipped out of the hotel after throwing away their disguises.

Of course, it was late at night "in time", and the location of the hotel was moved into the "dark night area", so Teacher Yue Yong supervised the students who had gone crazy during the day to sleep honestly.

There is no way, in Academy City, everyone has superpowers, and they have no advantages at all, and the city itself does not require them to do anything. This causes students to feel anxious about their academic performance and power level, and subconsciously give themselves Grading.

But after I started traveling, I discovered that there weren’t actually that many superpowers out there. This kind of power beyond common sense, even if it’s paper-level, can play a huge role at certain times, and it has earned the envy and praise of ordinary people. , maybe this is the reason why Academy City organizes everyone to go out.

All in all, the students who helped out in various parts of the colony were very excited, boasting and discussing with each other, but they just didn't want to sleep. In contrast, Kaos, who lay down honestly, and Naiya, who rarely made any trouble, He Kedoli will naturally not attract attention.

Although Illya is very important to the development of the "SOS Group", she is not the "Old One" or the "Outer God", and there are some things that she cannot participate in, such as... the colony is about to be destroyed.

The "colonial expansion" operation during the day can be said to be quite simple. After all, it is a technology that has already been established. It only needs to use a temporary large-scale mass effect shield generator to block the planned expansion gap, and then replace the colony shield pillars that originally maintained the gap. If the power is cut off, move outward to a predetermined location and then power on again.

The difficulty of this action lies in the power of the replacement shield and the speed of moving the shield pillar outward. These two difficulties are completely insignificant with the help of many students of "Physique Mutation" and "Energy Transformation" What happened was finally completed successfully five times faster than expected. The person in charge, Shiroe, therefore announced that all participating students had completed "Task 4".

By the way, the novel app I’m using recently is supported by Android and Apple phones!

However, just as the overall shield was operating again, Kaos clearly saw that the shield, which was still fluctuating and had not yet returned to its spherical shape, vaguely reflected that everything inside the shield had turned into a charred ruin. The horrific sight of broken walls.

As an "old man", unless someone of the same level is causing trouble, there will never be so-called "hallucinations", not to mention that Naia and Kedori also saw similar scenes.

If an ordinary intelligent creature sees this kind of picture, it is called an "inspiration burst", and it can see certain things in the past or future. This kind of prediction is very unstable, and there may be "everything to avoid happening" or " It didn't happen because of some details."

But now that the three "Old Ones" and "Outer Gods" see it at the same time, there is only one answer: as long as no major changes are made, it will inevitably happen.

But the problem is that after Kaos saw this "outbreak of inspiration", he immediately reversely analyzed how it happened, but he couldn't find the answer at all, as if this colony was born like this.

In desperation, I can only seek help from my "sisters".


"How's it going? What did you find?" Naiad asked first.

Although the rooftop at this time is not concealed enough, conventional detection methods are still useless in discovering the three "old days".

"I'm sure,

It’s not caused by movements of celestial bodies or the earth’s crust,” Kedoli pointed to the sky and the ground, “Although the stars and planets here are quite strange, they have been as quiet as quails recently. "

"I haven't found any signs of attacks by alien creatures," Kaos nodded: "Although there are indeed some things that can be called biological activities in the high-temperature and low-temperature zones, they will not come to this junction at all."

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at each other and at the same time turned to look at Naia.

"I don't have a clue either... What are you looking at me for?" The hair on her head stood up and down.

"It's not a natural change," "It's not a biological disaster,"

"Even so, there will still be destruction," "Then there is only one answer,"

Kaos and Kedoli finished singing in harmony, and at the same time raised their hands to point to Naia:

"You are the culprit!" X2

"No! How did this conclusion come to you?" Naiya stared as if she wanted to hit someone.

"Actually, we're not too sure." Kedoli took back her hand.

"But after the incident, it is always right to first identify Naia as a prisoner." Kaos added.

"It hasn't happened yet!" Naiya continued to glare.

"Does that mean you confessed?" Kedoli curled her lips: "Let's go tell the Death Star to arrest her."

Death Star... What kind of strange nickname is this?

"She is not responsible for catching criminals!" Naiya seemed to be getting darker and darker.

"Shut up... If you keep making excuses like this, we might really treat you as a prisoner," Kaos waved his hand to stop Naia from continuing to talk nonsense: "We just found out something from you but deliberately concealed it and asked us if we had any clues. Just dissatisfied."

"It's too much... wuwu..." Naia put on an expression that looked like she was about to cry.

"Okay, okay, there are no foreign gods here, who are you performing for?" Kedoli took out a fork: "Why don't you tell me quickly?"

"Um...ahem," Naia's face changed in a second: "It's very simple. Even if it's not a natural phenomenon or a living thing, it is of course a 'machine'."

"Omnic Crisis?" Kaos thought back to the bionic workers he saw during the day: "There doesn't seem to be anything abnormal with them, right?"

"No, no, no, it's not that old-fashioned thing," Naia wagged her finger proudly: "I discovered during the day that with the gathering of us superpowers, some kind of 'group consciousness' is awakening. When you paid attention to the stars and creatures, I traced the source and discovered that they were a group of [Reaper Sand Demon Insect Corpse Puppet]."

"Wait? What do you mean that is?" Kaos tried to understand Naiya's words, but failed: "How do these nouns stack up?"

"What can I do? As far as the cause is concerned, this is the case. They are a group of sand demon insects harvested by the reapers and transformed into mechanical zombies. They are about to be stimulated by the gathered superpowers using their superpowers. Wake up," Naiya raised her hand and gestured: "How about you give it a name?"

As Naiya moved, a slightly distorted illusion of a giant insect appeared in front of her.

It was a giant sand devil insect whose whole body was mechanized and covered with rust spots. It was more than four or five times larger than its conventional counterparts. It was buried in rocks and sand. As the blue indicators on its body lit up one by one, it began to Slowly squirming and rolling.

Wouldn't it be better to call it a mechanical sand devil?

No, wait, are sand devils still eligible to be harvested?

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