The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Nine, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (19)


Planet Akuz, underground.

"[Captain, where are you - Zizi -? Students are preparing to go out - Zizi - to help build the mine. Teacher Yueyong is looking for you.]" Illya's voice came intermittently from the multi-purpose tool. came out.

"Go on your own, Illya. We have discovered a group of evil aliens and are preparing to expose their evil plot. Help us ask for a leave from Teacher Yueyong." Naiya said nonsense.

No, maybe it's not nonsense. After all, if the sand devil insects have intelligence, they can also be regarded as aliens.

"[Okay then,]" As always, Illya accepted this outrageous reason well: "[I will tell Teacher Yueyong, you—Zizi—pay attention to safety.]"

"Yeah~" Naiya hung up the communication and gave Kaos a victory gesture.

"What the hell, Ilia, no matter what we say, will you listen? I suspect she already knows our true strength." Kdori raised her hand and hit her on the head: "Hurry up and dig, don't be lazy."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Naiya held her head and pretended to cry, openly lazing about.

"Okay, okay, this is my 'job'." Kaos ignored Naia, lowered his head and continued... digging: "So... why do the three of us dig underground every time there is trouble? ah?"

"Stop complaining," Kedoli stood still, and the sand and rocks under her feet continued to move around: "Unless you plan to put these 50,000 sand demon insects on the surface."

Yes, that's right, fifty thousand.

According to Naiya's statistics, what was judged to be an "iron ore deposit" beneath the Akuz Research Station was actually a large group of dormant mechanical sand devil insects.

Their dormant location is adjacent to a vein rich in "Element Zero", perhaps with the idea of ​​obtaining energy nearby when restarting, or perhaps with a plan to raid intelligent creatures that can mine that vein.

No matter what the reason is, these guys began to awaken due to the arrival of a large number of students with supernatural powers. Without further stimulation, perhaps their awakening time will be slower, which may last thirty to fifty years. As long as Kao during this period Si could just take the time to come over and scrape them all, but as luck would have it, the new mine being prepared is to mine the "Element Zero" veins adjacent to them.

Therefore, if those mechanical bugs are not killed underground in advance, there will only be a "python disaster" in the newly built mine.

Although the lineup of this group of students is quite luxurious, Kaos cannot guarantee that every student will be protected in such a chaotic scene. If anyone dies because of this... no, no, no, that kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen!

The plan for digging this time is to activate the group of mechanical sand bugs before the students build the mine. Based on the simplest logic, they will definitely attack the three of them, which means they have no mind. It's a bit troublesome, but if you're underground, you should have met the condition of "no one sees it", so it's okay to use some of your own abilities, right?


Just like the "First Contact War" when the Turian fleet invaded Europa 7, Kaos began to try to use his "spiritual consciousness" to "monitor" the students on the surface while digging the earth.

The good news is that Yuriko Suzina is bored with this kind of work so she's not here, but the bad news is that Lin Mingmei is here.

This directly leads to the direct failure of global monitoring.

He could only confirm the status of his classmates through Cedric's "surveillance camera."

"Everyone did a great job yesterday~" Because she was in the "school bus", the little teacher Yueyong did not bring a "mount", but just wore an extra sun hat: "I hope that today I will continue to help build the mine. Keep it up~ But don’t worry, the work of drilling holes and assembling and installing equipment will not be done by the students. What you have to do is basically the same as yesterday~”

There is no need for classmates to do the work of drilling holes... Well, I am not a classmate, Kaos muttered.

"Teacher, do you mean maintaining the mass effect shield and moving the pillars?" Cedric raised his hand and asked.

"That's right~" Teacher Yueyong tried hard to make a gratified and kind expression, but the effect was not good due to the appearance: "However, since we left the colony, there are some additional precautions."

"First of all, do not look directly at the 'sun' here under any circumstances, because it has not been 'filtered' by a layer of mass effect shield, and it may cause damage to the students' eyeballs."

"Secondly, no one is allowed to take off their helmets before returning to the colony. Don't imitate those bionic people. Their respiratory systems have been specially modified for the environment here, and they will not be targeted by unknown microorganisms."

"As long as onee-sama is electrocuted, all microorganisms will be wiped out, right?" Lina, who was sitting next to her, held Mikoto's arm and whispered.

"..." Several clusters of electric sparks flashed across Mikoto's forehead, but in the end she didn't actually take action.

"Third, due to the existence of element zero veins nearby, the use of superpowers may not be as stable as the mediated environment within the colony, so any 'time and space guidance' type of superpowers are prohibited from being used." Teacher Yueyong pointedly pointed at Li. Na looked over.

After all, this is the only "time and space guide", and it's very naughty.

"..." Lina originally wanted to lower her head to avoid sight, but was poked by Mikoto, so she had to raise her head and raise her hand: "Yes-"

"Teacher~" Ilia, who was also not carrying a bear, raised her hand: "I heard that there is a high probability that mutated creatures will appear around the element zero veins. Can we take action? What are the restrictions?"

By the way, the reading app I am using recently has many book sources, complete books, and fast updates!

"Yes, yes" "That's right" "I signed up specifically because I heard about this kind of thing."

Obviously, most of the students sitting in the car at this moment do not want to complete mission three, or really want to help the colony build, they just want to participate in the battle.

"Don't worry~Teacher will protect everyone~" Teacher Yueyong said with a smile, and then added in the noisy discussion of "I just don't want you to steal my head" and "Then what do we have to do": "If you can't rely on If you can repel those beasts with your own strength~"



"Fortunately, we caught up, these guys haven't fully woken up yet."

"But the question now do we eliminate them in one go?"

When the school bus and the colony's engineering convoy had just arrived at the location where the mine was to be built, the Kaos trio had already taken the lead in accessing the "mechanical sand devil vein".

Their shapes are almost the same as those shown by Naiya, with long reddish-brown scrap iron dragons entangled together, like a kind of food called Shaqima.

Several mechanical sand bugs on the surface were awakened by the stimulation and tried to attack the burrowers, but in less than half a second they were excavated. Kaos, who was very dissatisfied with the digging for a long time, threw out several wind blades. Dismantled into parts.

After preliminary exploration of the "reserves" of the "mineral vein", Kaos ran into trouble.

They are vulnerable in terms of strength, but they are too large in number, and because they are machines, they are completely immune to the mental attacks of the "Old Ones" and "Outer Gods", so they cannot be dealt with like "Kaz".

"How come?" Kaos looked at Kedoli, who had the strongest attack ability present.

"Are you kidding? If all these guys were melted into molten iron and poured out directly from the mine, how many of those students do you think would survive a volcanic eruption at close range?" Kedoli crossed her hands in a negative gesture.

"Teacher Yue Yong, Mikoto and Lina, Cedric and Hannah, and Illya should be fine too." Naia clasped her fingers.

"Who told you to forget it!" Kedoli smelted a fork from the scrap metal at hand and threw it, but Naiya, who was well prepared, swooped away.

"Hmm... Do you still remember what Yuriko Suzuko said?" Kaos looked at their interaction thoughtfully.

"'Who allowed you to look directly at me? Bastard fish.'" Kedoli imitated casually.

"...It's not this," Kaos sighed: "It's what she said, about our attributes. For example, I am wind, you are fire, Naiya is earth, and that dead salted fish is water."

"That makes no sense at all. As an 'outer god' with almost the same lifespan as the universe, why should we summarize ourselves according to the elements forcibly separated by human medieval alchemy?" Kedoli curled her lips.

"But she is of the same kind as us, why would she agree with this point of view and speak out?" Kaos reminded.

"Eh...this..." Kedoli thought for a moment: "In other words, this classification has some practical significance?"

"Maybe it has a deeper meaning, but let's use its surface meaning for now," Kaos nodded: "Now we directly activate these mechanical sand demon insects. I use 'wind' to cut them, and you use 'fire' to melt them , and finally Naiya cooled them with 'earth' and created a real vein of iron ore - although there are a lot of impurities."

"Well...I'm not good at cooling down..." Naia's dull hair trembled.

"If the cooling fails and the volcano erupts, resulting in heavy casualties among the students, we can make up for it by destroying the mechanical sand monsters. What do you think will happen to you?" Kedoli glared at her.

"No one knows cooling better than me!" Naia slapped her chest.


A few hours later.

The original waste iron ore vein underground completely disappeared, leaving only a lava iron ore vein that seemed to have just solidified.

"Huh...huh..." Kaos sat at the end of the mine vein, panting: "When the prototype cannot be revealed, it is very difficult even to use the original ability."

"You're so useless." Kedoli played with the flames in her hands as if nothing was wrong, and seemed to have some unfinished thoughts.

"That's 50,000 mechanical sand devil insects, as big as a ten-story building." Kaos emphasized the attributive: "It's not 50,000 pigs."

"If you have 50,000 pigs, when you start to kill the first one, the others will have already run away." After Kedoli finished speaking, she seemed to think for a moment and turned to Naia: "By the way, you didn't let go of the pigs." Let’s go?”

"Everyone in the 'mine' has been wiped out, but..." Because the surroundings were full of soil, Naia's mobilization had little effect, but now she seemed a little nervous: "But we only wiped out 49,500 mechanical sand monsters? "

Didn't start or... No, wait, as long as it's related to Naia, just guess the worst.

Kaos suddenly raised his head and looked at the mine that had been basically completed.

As expected, five hundred mechanical sand devils dug like bereaved dogs along the element zero veins toward the construction site on the surface at high speed.

"Hell, these mechanical sand bugs are smarter than their kind. They hid in the mineral veins of Element Zero in advance. When they find something wrong, they escape directly..." Kaos tried to stop them, but found that while maintaining their current form, No way I can catch up.

"So that's the 'group consciousness' I discovered." Naia raised her head and was stunned.

"If Gehroth is here, there should be no problem," Kdori put her hands on the arbor and looked up: "Just pretend that you have awakened a new ability."

"Are you sure she can save people? Have you forgotten her nickname?" Kaos said he was very pessimistic.

Through Cedric's perspective, he was able to confirm that "Classmate Lin Mingmei" had not noticed the five hundred mechanical sand bugs flying from the ground at all, and was trying to cheer up other students who were helping with the construction through singing.

"Teacher Tsukiyomi Kanna may be able to deal with a group of sand demon insects after drinking and getting bigger. Mikoto and Lina should be able to take care of both killing and rescuing. Illya's ability may help maintain the defense line. If that doesn't work, you can also forcefully use your power. Generally speaking, it shouldn't be a big problem to instill this beloved person in Cedric, but we have to return to the surface as soon as possible. Once this matter comes out, people above will definitely pay close attention to it, and I don't want to spend so much effort to cover it up one by one." Kedoli put out the fire in her hand.

"Well..." Kaos kept observing Cedric: "Oops, it's too late."

Boom boom boom——

From Cedric's perspective, the temporary mine and the surrounding temporary houses suddenly shook violently, and the bionic workers, technicians, and some students who were caught off guard fell directly to the ground.

And just when everyone was confused, the huge mechanical insect rushed out of the surface, opened its mouth full of rotating gears and bit the nearest person.


The blazing white electric light flashed past, hitting the mechanical sand devil jumping in the air. It was stunned for a moment before slowly falling down. In the next second, Lina flashed several times, and she would be under the collapse of the giant insect. , several people who fell into sluggishness were brought back to safety.

Choking - choking - choking -

Dozens of identical mechanical monsters emerged from the ground, chasing and devouring everything on the surface as if crazy. Some unprepared androids and their nearby equipment disappeared instantly into the mechanical mouth.

Mikoto fired "railguns" one after another, but the frequency could not keep up with the speed of the mechanical sand devils emerging. She had to knock down the nearest mechanical sand devils first, and called Lina to bring back the classmates in the distance.

After Cedric was stunned for more than ten seconds, he quickly activated his powers to help save people. Other students also used their powers to join in the rescue and fight off the mechanical monsters, but they only had fifty people in total. , there is absolutely no way to deal with an opponent whose number exceeds ten times and whose size exceeds a hundred times.

"It seems that we can only do that..." Kaos looked at Teacher Yueyong, who had grown bigger at some point and was driving away the sand demon insects with an engineering power hammer, preparing to forcibly increase Cedric's power level.

Although this may cause his powers to permanently decline or even become incapacitated,...

"Wait a minute, look at Gherros." Kedoli grabbed Kaos's raised hand.

What else can she do without using her true power?

Kaos turned his camera around Cedric and quickly found Lin Mingmei. She took out a wireless microphone from nowhere and seemed to be preparing to...sing? at this time?

The girl didn't seem to care at all about the chaos around her and the sand demon insects that sprang out of the ground like tall buildings, and sang softly:

[We want to roam the world and see miracles right in front of our eyes~]

[Waiting for the sunset, dyeing the sky red ~ shoulder to shoulder, making a wish ~ ]

The next moment, the bad situation was completely reversed.

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