The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety, Alliance of Fathers Worried (20)


Under the half-black and half-white sky, between the fragmented mass effect shields, there were dozens or hundreds of giant mechanical insects, as huge as ten-story buildings, leaping and surging.

The entire scene is filled with gunshots, mechanical roars, screams and monster roars.

The bionic workers and students running around are like dead leaves and duckweeds in the huge waves, and they may be submerged by the rolling waves at any time.

And in this chaotic situation, a soft and hopeful song sounded.

【Running with the wind, freedom is the direction~】

【Chasing the power of thunder and lightning~】

Several students suddenly had green light that was constantly rotating around them, and their movement speed suddenly increased several times. Not only did they easily avoid the attack of the giant mechanical insect, but they also saved many bionic artificial intelligence along the way who could not dodge and were almost swallowed by the insect. people.

Among them, a tall boy and his little girlfriend were attacked by three giant mechanical bugs at the same time. The female student picked up the excavator next to her and knocked off the head of one of them, but she was not affected by the attacks of the other two giant bugs. But he didn't have time to react. At the critical moment, the boy rose into the air, held down the giant insect's head, and in the next second inspired a huge tornado mixed with flames and thunder, directly cutting the two giant mechanical insects into pieces. .

He was very handsome when he caused a tornado to save his girlfriend, but he was even more handsome when he was paralyzed on the ground and his girlfriend fought her away.


If we were to say that the backbone of this sudden incident was undoubtedly the brown-haired girl who was constantly firing "railguns" and "serial lightning".

She started organizing students to take refuge when the first giant mechanical insect burst out of the ground, and single-handedly created a safe zone in the original residential area of ​​the mine.

However, although she can "cannon" a giant mechanical insect, those monsters obviously have a certain degree of intelligence. After killing a dozen of them, they are no longer close to her effective range.

Although safety can be guaranteed for a certain period of time, if these hundreds of giant mechanical insects clean up the surrounding area and swarm the students and bionic people hiding in the "safe zone", the situation will still not be optimistic.

As the song sounded, the originally black and white sky suddenly turned dark, and sporadic thunder and lightning fell from the black clouds.

The girl with short brown hair was stunned for a moment when she saw this unusual situation, then she raised her hand thoughtfully towards the sky to activate a blazing thunder and lightning. Then she lowered her head and closed her eyes, thinking for a moment, and then she held her raised palm tightly. With a tight grip, dozens of blazing thunderbolts instantly struck down from the clouds, blowing up the giant mechanical insect that was originally outside her "range".

That can no longer be regarded as a "super electromagnetic gun". In terms of effect, it can be called "thunder".

However, this super powerful attack had the opposite effect. After realizing that this attack could not be avoided by moving far away, the giant mechanical insects suddenly went crazy, completely leaving the other androids and students who were still outside the circle. , ignoring the constant attrition caused by "thunder strikes", it rushed towards the location of the brown girl like a raging tsunami.

In this case, the misty singing still did not stop, but became a little more passionate.

【Put the vast ocean into my chest~】

【No matter how small the sail is, it can still sail long distances~】

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Even if the girl with short brown hair continues to inspire "thunder strikes" to destroy the giant mechanical insects,

But their sheer number made her efforts seem futile.

And just when the giant insects were about to rush into her defense circle, a gray stone wall forming a tangent triangle was suddenly erected on the outside of the "circle", directly blocking the giant insects' attacking movements.

At the same time, a girl with long white hair and a face full of impatience and disdain appeared next to the girl with short brown hair. She was also holding another girl who was petite and flexible, but seemed to have lost her strength.

With their appearance, many bionic artificial workers and students who were originally outside the "safe zone" suddenly appeared.

The two chatted for a while, and the girl with short brown hair reluctantly took over the petite girl, while the girl with long white hair waved her hand, and the entire "triangle" rose up from the ground and began to move away from the swarm of mine insects.

The giant mechanical insects were naturally unwilling to let their prey escape, so they jumped and hit the suspended "triangular spaceship", knocking the soil, rocks and steel that made it into a precarious state.

In order to maintain the safety of this escape spacecraft, the students who were still able to move began to show their magical powers to contain and stop the movements of the giant insects. Among them, there was especially a female teacher holding a giant hammer and blowing away the giant insect's head and a user who used The little girl with white hair holding the spaceship in place with silver metal wire is the most eye-catching.

In the end, the simple triangular spacecraft completed its acceleration, gradually throwing away the huge mechanical giant insects, and successfully arrived at the nearby colony. The unwilling mechanical giant insects followed, and were then concentrated by the colony's defense turrets. Fire reduced it to scrap metal.

As the colonial first responders rushed to the "crashed" "triangular spacecraft", the misty singing stopped as the last two verses ended.

[The speed is 70 miles ~ the mood is free ~]

[The end of hope is the Aegean Sea~Run with all your strength, the dream is on the other side~]


After the picture was frozen for two minutes, someone turned off the panoramic virtual image, revealing the magnificent temple-like temple of ancient Greece again.

This is the SCP Buoy Network Virtual Conference Room, with all thirteen O5 personnel present.

Above the pure white marble conference table, two pictures of "mechanical giant insects" are displayed.

The difference that can be seen at a glance is that the opponents of the former are mainly students and androids, while the opponents of the latter are mainly regular Star Alliance troops, as well as a golden armor and a black and white cloaked weirdo.

The various parameters, appearance characteristics, and action modes of the two mechanical giant insects were all specially proposed and compared, and the final conclusion was: "There is a 99% probability that they are the same man-made weapon."

"[Tell me,]" 01 said in a calm old man's voice: "[What do you think about this.]"

"Hit him!" 13 said.


"Let me report the battle situation," after a moment of silence, 07 from the military system spoke first: "On June 3, the Batarian First Fleet forcibly broke through the IFF of the mass effect relay and attacked the planet Elishan in the Skilian system. After launching an attack, its main force pinned down the local garrison of the Second Fleet, they dispatched what they called a 'transport ship', a warship with the appearance of a sand devil to launch a raid on the residential area of ​​Mount Ilishan in an attempt to plunder the local area. Population, this behavior was stopped by the local "pioneering governor" Jin Gu driving the steel armor he invented. During the battle, a total of nine transport ships of this type were destroyed. After the raid failed, the Batarian fleet opened fire in full force and attempted to land. During the battle, the Second Fleet garrison faced an enemy force twice as large as its own and put up tenacious resistance, delaying the arrival of the main force of the Second Fleet."

"After the two parties contacted, the Batarian First Fleet fled the Skilian System and refused to respond to our request for negotiation," 04 from the Foreign Affairs Department added: "Our suggestion is to submit arbitration to the Citadel."

"It's useless," 09 shook his finger: "This is obviously retaliation for the losses our agents caused to them at the Perseus Veil. The Citadel Council didn't accept it before, but it doesn't mean they are targeting us. , most likely the idea is to make both of us lose - 05, what do you say? Does it seem to be premeditated? "

"No, where the students will go for social practice is not decided in advance until the night before departure, so there is no way that Batari will know in advance that this group of students is important and arrange a raid," said 05 Mo from the Ministry of Education. Touching his chin: "It's probably just bad luck that activated the arsenal that Batari placed there."

"The question is, how did they build the arsenal in our territory? 11, did you find anything?".

"Well... I found out that the person in charge was involved in tax evasion and had him arrested, but he refused to admit that he had colluded with Batari." 11, who was in charge of the supervisory agency, shook his head.

"Leave him to me?" 12 from the judicial system asked sadly.

"Don't worry about that little character," 04 said to stop him: "We occupied the Akuz colony after receiving the division of power from the Citadel Council, and the Batarian civilization that did not abide by the Citadel's laws built a secret in advance. A military base isn’t that weird.”

"However, as a matter of fact, two of our colonies were attacked by the Batarians at the same time. How should we express our position specifically? The private rumors can no longer be suppressed." 03, who is in charge of the media, frowned.

"Those who offend humanity will be punished no matter how far away they are." 13 interjected.

"Eh? Are you tough today on Friday the 13th?" 09 glanced at him and said, "Oh, I understand, you've been annoyed by those parents to the point of being irritable."

It’s really a good ad, it’s worth putting up, and it’s even supported by Android and Apple phones!

"What else?" 13 slapped a stack of folders on the table: "For things like this that involve too many aspects, they all sent their complaints to me. Do you want to take a look at these documents? No need to look at them. The content depends on the signature.”

"Really? Let's see..." 09 glanced at the files he temporarily shared: "Leichteum Crowder, Channing Williams, Caster Drescher, Misaka Eric, Xavier Aleister, Irisviel von Einzbern, Lin Yuanshan, Tsukiyomi Taiga, Edison Albert, Tesla Abbott, Touya Suzuka...the last guy is How did I submit the complaint to you?"

"Who knows," 13 poked at the document: "Those children were in the limelight, but at the same time they were attacked by five hundred mechanical sand monsters. Even if they were confirmed to be fine, the parents would be scared to death. They wouldn't It's convenient to scold the children who survived the disaster and even made great achievements. Naturally, they point the finger at Batari, who caused this kind of thing. For these documents, my attitude today is to die here - beat! Die like this Fight, it's best to wipe out the entire Batari."

"Tsk tsk... I heard that these children formed an organization called the 'Father Worried Alliance'. It seems that the name is correct." 09 said with a smile.

"I also support fighting." 06, who is in charge of the entertainment industry, suddenly said.

"Huh? I think this incident has no impact on you, me, and 02?" 08, who is in charge of cultural communication, was a little surprised.

"Who says no!" 02 slapped the table: "With or without enemies, can the wartime economy be the same as the non-wartime economy? But I have formulated two sets of economic policies in advance, whether to fight or not to fight. You can choose whatever you want."

"I'm not saying this as 06~" 06 said lightly.

"..." The virtual conference room was silent for a few seconds.

Although the personnel basically maintain the principle of confidentiality of their identities, some people's identities cannot be hidden at all, such as the "boss" 01 who is here today. If you are interested, you can confirm who it is by checking the itinerary of all Star Alliance members, but there is no need.

As for 06, one of her aliases is "Sixth Princess". Although no one will actually raise six children now, the identity of "Princess" can only be confirmed, that is, "someone who can influence the decision-making of the Star Alliance". "Daughter", what she said basically represented her father's attitude, and as long as Boss 01 agreed to the beating, then the matter was basically a done deal.

As for why she is in charge of the entertainment industry, it is probably because she does not want to dilute 01's power and attract too much attention.

Since the position has been expressed and the matter is basically clear, it is almost time for everyone to stop expressing their opinions.

"My suggestion is to seek arbitration from the Citadel," 04 said with a bitter look on his face, "It doesn't feel good to cause trouble just after joining."

"Hit." 07 said concisely and to the point.

"06 agrees, so do I." 08 habitually agreed.

"In fact, public opinion is already leaning towards tough diplomacy, and we should not go against this general trend of thought," said 03, who is in charge of the media: "I also agree to fight."

"Although the students have demonstrated abilities beyond our expectations, it is still early to use them flexibly. If a fight breaks out, they may have to run to the front. Based on this, I object." 05 said.

"I actually don't care, because my 'tails' have to deal with those guys anyway, but their actions are more likely to succeed if the surface is peaceful." 09 also voted against.

"I think that our technological development after joining the Galactic Alliance is biased towards civilian use. A local war may allow related technologies to make great progress and gain an advantage against other aliens in the future. Therefore, we can fight and see ." He remained silent, and 10 people in charge of science and technology voted in favor.

The remaining responsibilities have nothing to do with the war, so as long as 01 agrees, this resolution will be passed by half.

"Seven votes in favor, three votes against, and three abstentions," 01, who had only spoken one sentence since the beginning of the meeting, said: "The Star Alliance will launch a 'self-defense counterattack' against the Batarian civilization before the end of the month. Everyone can go back and prepare. ”

If you had planned to fight me from the beginning, you would have told me earlier!

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