The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and ninety-one, Overwatch (1)


Europa 7, Academy City.

In the teacher's dormitory, the child-sized Yueyong Kanna was staring at the high-strength liquor on the table with a troubled expression, and the information terminal next to her was displaying some information such as "How to make the wine less spicy" and "How to control yourself when you are drunk." Search results for strange questions such as "How to relieve headaches after drinking" and so on.

The top answer among them is: "Mixing carbonated drinks with high alcohol will make it less spicy when drinking."

"I feel like there's no scientific basis for it. Why don't you give it a try?" She turned her attention to the open can of cherry-flavored Nuka Cola next to her, showing hesitation.

"[...Now a news break.]" The TV news that she opened casually and didn't listen to at all was suddenly interrupted. The host's expression was also quite serious, attracting Yueyong Shena's eyes.

"[After a joint investigation by multiple departments of the Star Alliance, it was determined that the encounter that occurred on the border planet Skilian at the beginning of this month was unilaterally instigated by the Batarian side, which claimed that it was 'responsive to our agents for blowing up their cruisers. The reason for "retaliation" is completely unfounded. The essence of this military operation is the barbaric slave hunting behavior of a backward civilization. The Star Alliance will not tolerate any civilization's provocation against mankind, nor will it allow any fellow human being to become a slave. Therefore, in This clear text warns the Batarian civilization to immediately return the human members who disappeared during the Skilian encounter. If you do not repent and remain stubborn, you will be destroying yourself. Do not say that you are unforeseen.]"

"..." Yueyong Shenai opened her mouth and was stunned for a long time: "It's incredible."

Zizzi—accompanied by the strange sound of electricity, the host who was reading a script with a serious face suddenly turned into a gorilla staring at the camera.

[All Overwatch - cough cough] He choked on his own saliva.


Hospital ward.

"Hey! Isn't that Winston!" Lina was about to sit up from the hospital bed as soon as she straightened up, but Misaka Mikoto pushed her back down the next second.

"Winston was more seriously injured than you, so you can still make up a decent lie." Mikoto knocked on her forehead.

"No, sister, look at it -" Lina raised her hand and pointed to the big screen on the wall.

"What are you looking at?" Mikoto turned her head and glanced.

"[We are determined and confident to rescue our compatriots who have fallen into the trap of the barbaric slave traders,]" the host read loudly and forcefully: "[In this regard, the following galaxies will enter a wartime state, please all units The department will do a good job in coordination. The specific list is: Skilian Galaxy, Akuz Galaxy——]"

"Even if this host has deep eye sockets and protruding lips, you can't recognize him as an orangutan." Mikoto touched Lina's forehead: "Is it because she has a fever?"

"'s okay..." Lina looked at Mikoto's delicate hand on her forehead with a "begging for more" expression, and her body twisted involuntarily.

"Be honest," Mikoto didn't feel the heat, so she patted her head again: "If it hadn't been for the explosion of Lin Mingmei's superpower, your move to move directly back to the base on a strange planet and bring Yuriko Suzuka to you would have been enough to make you You've become an idiot, don't do this next time, I can protect everyone, you know?"

"Hey, hey...sama..." "Don't force me to call the patient's number." "Oh."

[All the Watchers—it still doesn’t seem right. 】On the screen, the orangutan wearing glasses scratched his head.


student dormitory.

"[Xiaomei? Are you listening?]"

On the real-time communication screen, a middle-aged man wearing an N7 combat armor raised his hand and tapped the "lens".

"Well...I'm listening, father," Lin Mingmei looked at the orangutan who was frantically searching for his speech notes: "Did you forget to shave?"

"[Hey... I don't have time,]" the middle-aged man sighed: "[The mental interference of other superpowers is to interfere with others. Only you will interfere with yourself. I originally thought that Academy City would not care about your situation. There is a way, and it’s safer there, so that’s why they sent you there, but you still encountered this kind of thing...】"

The orangutan rummaged around and finally found a piece of paper. He tore it in half in excitement, and then the orangutan froze.

"Pfft..." Lin Mingmei covered her mouth.

"Xiao Mei..." The middle-aged man helplessly raised his forehead: "Did you think of any happy things again?"

"My mother is going to give birth to a younger brother for me." Lin Mingmei put down her hand and said.

"That was the content of our last call." The middle-aged man took a deep breath and his expression became serious: "How about you come back? Academy City is at the cusp of the storm. If there is a fight, the enemy may be killed. As a key target, once you start to be in a daze again, you will lose the ability to protect yourself."

"No, otherwise my mother and brother will be in danger," Lin Mingmei closed her eyes: "I can't guarantee that every time I lose control, I am in a daze."

Here’s an ad, I’m currently using the Zhuishu app to cache reading and read aloud offline!

"Hey... I'll think about it again and discuss it with the old guys." The middle-aged man frowned.

[To all you ex-Watchers out there, I'm Winston! ] The orangutan began to read the manuscript, [...Haha, of course it's me. 】

Ah, he moved too much and knocked the camera sideways.

Lin Mingmei tilted her head to the same angle as the camera that was touched by the orangutan.

"I will call you again as soon as possible. Take care, Xiaomei." The middle-aged man silently cut off the communication.


Skilian galaxy, planet Elishan, Second Fleet garrison barracks.

"You don't need to look at the official spokesperson of the Star Alliance," the instructor paced in front of the rows of soldiers: "I can tell you clearly that we are going to war."

No... By the way, since when did Star Alliance use an orangutan as its spokesperson?

Anna Elena maintained a resting posture and glanced at the orangutan on the screen who was busy adjusting the camera.

Although theoretically speaking, she should be "Anna Fisher" now, but because Ilishan was attacked, all soldiers entered a state of war, and barely completing the wedding was already the limit. Naturalization, name change, etc., etc. Let’s talk about it after the battle is over.

Wait, did you just set a death flag for yourself?

[Huh...] The orangutan took a deep breath, tried to look serious, and then continued to read the manuscript.

[Three billion years ago, the Reapers declared war on the entire galaxy, and all civilized troops were powerless until they gathered a group of elite heroes. 】

What is this orangutan saying? Science fiction? However, the "Reaper" thing is real, and I have specifically announced before that I should be careful about the "enlightenment" of the Reaper.

However, regardless of the absurdity of time, place, characters and events, assuming the previous content is true, can a group of elite heroes fight against a force that can declare war on the entire galaxy?

[In order to free all organic life from the threat of the Dark Titan, [Overwatch] was born. 】

The orangutan drew a group photo on the screen. Anna glanced at it casually and couldn't look away.

Wait, that's...herself?

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