The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and ninety-three, Overwatch (3)

——? ? ? ——

Cloud City.

[Task: Talk to Matthew, Emil or Sophie. 】


Ma Xiu crossed his arms, lowered his head and leaned against the pavilion pillar, closing his eyes and trembling slightly with eyelashes.

Emil was lying on the table in the pavilion, his little face buried in his arms, and he was snoring softly.

Sophie was holding a pillow with a red dragon painted on it, lying on her side on the seat and sleeping soundly.

Standing in the familiar pavilion, Kangna looked at the three "leaders" who had "neglected their duties" and was confused for a moment.

During the "Perseus Curtain" operation a year ago, she successfully recovered the "Prothean's Think Tank" and handed it over to the SCP along with the information about the Reapers after specifically reminding it not to come into contact with intelligent machines.

After that, according to the arrangements of the Star Alliance, she actively "brushed her face" with the Galaxy Alliance, creating an image of being actively involved in interstellar affairs, keen on maintaining peace and fighting crime, and trying her best to protect every innocent person.

Hmm...this was basically her job before joining N7, right? You don’t even have to act, just be yourself perfectly.

From many aspects, both the Star Alliance and the Citadel Council are very satisfied with themselves, and Ambassador Nick Fury and Captain Allen have somewhat improved their status as a result.

This time she connected to "Cloud City" because the self-defense counterattack against Batari was about to begin, and she wanted to report on the success of the current mission and receive a new mission.

But in this case, how to talk?

Do you want to wake any of them? But you seem to have been warned not to do that?

Kangna turned her head and looked around in confusion.

The sky outside the pavilion has returned to clarity, but at some point a billboard appears in front of the door, on which a bespectacled orangutan is giving an impassioned speech:

[The world needs us more than ever! 】

【Are you coming? 】

According to existing intelligence analysis, they were probably called away by the orangutan.

If, in the future battle with the Reapers, she would cooperate with such a strange-looking "comrade"... Kangna couldn't accept it for a while.

[All Overwatch——Ahem! 】

As the "commercial" starts to play again, the orangutan stupidly chokes himself again.

If you ask him to repeat it again, he will memorize it...

Kangna walked out of the gazebo, searched for the billboard, and successfully turned it off., what to do now?

Just quit and continue working, or—

Kangna looked outside the small garden, where it was pure white.

According to the preset logic of the android, places marked as prohibited are basically not within the target's consideration, let alone places marked as "non-existent".

But Kangna didn't seem to be a normal bionic person from the beginning. Not long ago, she awakened her long-awaited self-awareness due to contact with the "source of fire", "beacon" or something with another name.

So, maybe I can barely be considered... a "human"?

Moreover, here, there are only simple mission instructions that are completely unlike the mission instructions issued by SCP, and there are no action suggestions. Even Etty and Bass can't be brought in.

So, it should be okay to be a little more willful and explore unknown places, right?

The so-called curiosity is human nature. Curiosity kills cats. Cats have nine lives...

Kangna forcibly stopped her errant logic module, left the pavilion and walked towards the edge of the small garden.


At the end of the small garden is a pure white "wall".

Or, something like a wall.

The lawn, the air, and the stream all came to an abrupt end here, as if they were directly cut off by this "pure white".

No, maybe not cut off, but nothing at all exists on the other side of the line.

The reason why it visually feels like a wall is simply a misjudgment caused by the "breaks" in the garden.

However, no matter how Kangna adjusted the distance and resolution of the field of view, she could only get "nothing" feedback at the limit half a meter away. The visual effect was completely white with no depth of field or three-dimensional sense at all.

If you stretch out your hand, will it be cut off directly?

Maybe there's a "formatting" area like data space over there.

Kangna hesitated for two seconds, then pulled up a piece of grass from the nearby lawn and stretched it towards the pure white side.

The protruding part of the grass disappeared at the "boundary" position, but Kangna didn't feel any change in its weight. After trying to retract her hand, she found that it was still intact.

Just a curtain?

Kangna nodded and tried to reach out again. After finding that the finger part did not lose response or disconnect, she stepped directly in.


Accompanied by a strange sound like a fish emerging from the water, Kangna successfully stepped out of the "garden", and then saw a clear sea of ​​clouds.

In the sky, or rather above, is the familiar gray fog that has been connected to the "subspace", while below, opposite to it, are warm cotton-white fluffy clouds.

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No wonder, when I connected here before, the prompt given was [Cloud City]. At first I thought that the so-called Cloud City was just a small garden floating on the clouds - that was too shabby.

And where she was at this time was a very large "castle" rooftop built entirely of pure white stone. The overall design was very retro, with almost no modern flavor.

When I look back, I can clearly see that the "garden" I was in before only occupies a small part of the rooftop of this "castle". The entire rooftop is ecological circle with a complete circulation system, all kinds of Plants that do not belong to the same climate environment are scattered everywhere in the most beautiful and natural way possible.

If there's anything wrong, it's that there are no wild animals in this entire ecosystem, it's all plants.

For this space that they can completely control, this flaw seems a bit strange, maybe because...

After thinking for two seconds, Kangna came to the conclusion that the three girls, or girls, fell into deep sleep from time to time and had no time to take care of the animals. If they forcibly interfered with the animals' thinking and made them obedient, they could Taking care of themselves would lose the essence of animals, so I only planted some plants that can be left alone, which is very worry-free.

From this point of view, they seem to care very much about individual self-awareness, and even if they have that ability, they will not forcibly distort the will of others.

Regarding this, I have already had a hunch in these years of getting along. Yes, it is "action suggestions". Sometimes they will insert a suggestion because of something they are interested in, but they do not force her to implement it at all.

So, the question now is...should we check out other parts of the castle?

Kangna looked expectantly at the stairs leading downstairs not far away.

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