The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and ninety-four, Overwatch (4)


Akuz galaxy, Dunkirk.

"...Doctor, how is the commander?"

"I told you, it's the backlash caused by using the mass effect repeater, and you'll wake up after a while."

"But, she's never had this problem."

"It's just a small chance. It can happen to every person with superpowers. This kind of thing is unavoidable."


"Shut up! Even if you are the captain, you can't question my medical skills!"

As the sound gradually became clearer in her ears, Kangna gradually regained her ability to think and opened her eyes the next moment.

Judging from the structure of the ceiling and nearby instruments, this is... a medical cabin?

But it was clear before... huh?

What did you do before?

"Well," Kangna sat up from the hospital bed and put her hand on her forehead: "What's going on?"

"Kanna, how are you feeling?" David Anderson, who was talking to the ship's doctor, immediately came over and said, "After we arrived in the Akuz system, you 'fell motionless and fell into a coma.'"

"Well... I'm fine." Kang Na summarized the conversation she just heard.

Indeed, as a bionic human, how could a subspace superpower backlash occur that only occurs with natural human superpowers? Moreover, the backlash that had to be dormant to avoid a long time ago has been completely eliminated by Star Alliance's technological leaps.

Therefore, she was actually "motionless", and "coma" was the conclusion made by the ship's doctor.

Thinking about it carefully, before the Dunkirk started its jump, it seemed that she planned to connect to the subspace to report on her work, and then...then the memory jumped directly to waking up in the ward?

"Really," the ship's doctor complained naggingly: "Don't think that I don't know anything. The tasks that Kangna completed in this year were not ten times but five times that of ordinary agents. That lizard head's tasks were almost all It was Kangna who assisted. I have never seen her have personal hobbies or want to rest. Can you N7 squeeze agents not be so cruel? She is a human, not a machine!"

No, I and she are just machines.

Kangna and Anderson looked at each other and expressed the same meaning, but naturally it was not convenient to say this.

Logically speaking, as an android policeman, Kangna participated in solving the "Omnic Crisis" and her identity should be considered semi-public. However, the Citadel Council directly judged Kangna as possessing an abnormality because of its backward technology or its disdain to conduct detailed scans. A capable natural human being, and included in the ghost investigation sequence.

In this way, the Star Alliance can only make mistakes. All officials sent to the Citadel are natural persons. Any departments that may have contact with aliens should also try to use natural persons. After all, humans can rebel, be bribed or even civilized, but bionics can People don't have this problem at all, and Kangna's long-term resume has also proved her reliability. It is a bit strange for her to serve as the first "ghost" of mankind, but it is completely acceptable.

Even if it is finally discovered by the Citadel, it can be argued that "secondary human rights" are also human rights, that is, "called human rights."

"Okay, you can rest for a while and wait until we finish contacting Akuz before getting off the ship to investigate." Anderson waved his hand and turned to leave the medical cabin.

"...Hmm." Under the threatening glare of the ship's doctor, Kang Na lay back down again and tried to perform a self-examination.


[The memory module is normal,

However, from the third second after the Dunkirk started jumping until it woke up before, no content was recorded, and the reason is unknown. 】

[Confirm the current mission goal: Complete the investigation of the ‘Akuz Mechanical Giant Insect’ together with Saren Atreus. 】

[Additional mission information: This mission is assigned by the Citadel Ghost Headquarters. If the mission is successfully completed, both of them will become official ghosts at the same time. 】

Just like the ship's doctor said, after a year of crazy missions, Kangna's evaluation directly caught up with Saren, who fished for three days and dried nets for two days. The aliens in the ghost headquarters may be particularly optimistic about them and designated two People complete the regularization task together.

[Expanded mission information: On June 3, the day of the Skilian raid, a large-scale mechanical monster injured people occurred in the Akuz system. After verification, the mechanical monster was related to the Batarian transport ship that appeared in Skilian. With more than 90% similarity, it can be determined that it was secretly manufactured. Therefore, trainee ghosts Conna Shepard and Saren Atreus were ordered to investigate the manufacturing site, process and related technology, and hand over any evidence found. things. 】

The Citadel is completely uninterested in the conflict on Skilian's side, but they are very enthusiastic about a group of mechanical bugs. No matter how you think about it, there is a problem. However, since they have thrown out the bait to promote ghosts, the Star Alliance really can't refuse them. investigation.

Of course, when the Star Alliance already knows that there is a mechanical civilization "Reaper", this kind of investigation is the behavior of three hundred taels of silver.

Moreover, it is said that it is a two-person cooperation, but in fact it is more like mutual supervision, and no one can secretly secretly secretly secretly secretly reveal things.

From this point of view, they should have had suspicions about the Perseus Curtain, but there was no evidence.

[The logic module is normal. 】

[The computing module is normal. 】

[Connect to the SCP database and apply to obtain ‘Chenghui’ information. 】

[Acquisition of information successful. 】

[The communication module is normal. 】

[Shiroe, male, 48 years old, former head of Akuz Research Station, former academician of Starlink Institute of Materials Science, was arrested on June 6 for tax evasion in Akuz’s foreign trade. He confessed to the crime. 】

[N7 permissions can be seen: The goods that Shiroi evaded taxes on were called 'red glue'. After importing this slightly addictive legal substance, he further compressed and refined it into 'red ice' and even 'red sand' through the special local environment. He was later resold, and by the time he was caught, he had made a total profit of about 300 million star dollars. Since he was not sold into the Star Alliance, he could only be arrested and sentenced in the name of "tax evasion". 】

...Good guys, why don’t you just ignore it if it’s not causing harm to humanity?

Think about it carefully, human beings have just entered interstellar society, how could there be laws prohibiting the sale of red sand to aliens? If the laws of the Citadel were applied, those aliens might take the opportunity to make some excessive demands, so it was better to seize the property quietly and confiscate it.

But that must be Anderson's problem.

[The analysis module is normal. 】

Well...for now, my strange coma does not seem to have caused much damage to the body. You can consider meeting Saren to discuss the next investigation plan...

"You don't have a headache anymore, right?!" Just as Kangna was about to get up, the ship's doctor looked over fiercely.

["It still seems to hurt a little." (model)]

["I'm completely healed!" (Rebellion)]

[Lie down again. 】

Hmm...Kanna blinked and flattened her half-raised body.

[The behavior suggestion module is normal. 】

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