The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred, Overwatch (10)


Yilishan, Institute of Biology.

"How is it? Mr. Illusive Man? How am I doing?"

In the reception room, Gwen Stacy, who was wearing ordinary researcher attire, looked at Jack who was thinking after correcting the questionnaire on the multi-tool, and asked in a relaxed tone.

"Of course, there is no problem. There is no psychological imbalance due to the sudden acquisition of superpowers, so there is no need for psychological counseling." Jack nodded.

Of course, this is nonsense, he knows nothing about psychology, and Cerberus has no obligation to care about the psychological problems of people with superpowers.

This answer sheet is ostensibly to test the psychological problems of people with special abilities, but it is actually used to test whether they have been educated.

It is specially provided by SSR, and it is full of inexplicable and illogical questions, such as:

——Do you think apples should be red or black?

——If you could turn into an animal, would you like it to be a bird or a fish?

——Is life always so difficult, or is it just childhood?

——If you could stop time, would you like it to last 9 seconds or 11 seconds?

Fortunately, Ms. Nine-Tailed Fox probably did not intend to torture her subordinates who corrected the answer sheets. All the questions were multiple-choice questions. The agents only needed to run the calculation program attached to the questions and check the answers.

As for whether this method is effective... Jack said that he joined not long ago and has no idea at all.

After all, it's a bit outrageous for someone who has been indoctrinated to still fill out an answer sheet in front of an agent.

According to the score of this answer sheet, Gwen Stacy's enlightenment degree is 7%, that is, "she has complete self-awareness and is almost impossible to do any behavior induced by the Reaper."

Hmm... She obviously filled in a lot of outrageous answers...

"So, can I continue to be a 'good neighbor to the residents of Elishan'?" Gwen adjusted her glasses.

"I'm afraid not," Jack paused, and continued in the face of Gwen's reproachful gaze that said, "You don't mean what you say." "You will be a 'good neighbor to the residents of [Watchfort]' from now on."

"Watchfort?" Gwen asked doubtfully.

"Yes," Jack nodded: "Although it is considered a confidential matter, it doesn't hurt to tell you now. 'Yilishan' will be added as a military fortress. Since you are the first planet to be attacked, the military fortress will Named 'Watch Keep'."

"Is this necessary?" Gwen pulled her hair: "If it is a military fortress, there is nothing that requires the help of 'Spider Girl'."

Is there something wrong with her focus?

"Even if you don't understand the overall situation of the Star Alliance, don't you have any thoughts of revenge for the brutal attack by the Batarians on Mount Ili?" Jack paused for half a second: "No, it's not 'revenge', it's ' Justice'."

"...Do you know?" Gwen took off his glasses and looked up at the sky, "If it was not those iron lumps that attacked Mount Ili, but those six-eyed monsters, I would have used spiders to attack them. The silk is hung up to dry and then fed to the white-spotted wolf spider.”

Well, she expressed her position indirectly.

"In that case, do you want to consider joining us?" Jack nodded.

"What to join? SSR or nine-tailed fox?" Gwen blinked.

She is very familiar with agents...

"No, it's just a team temporarily formed during the counterattack. It is mainly responsible for ensuring the safety of Watchfort and the logistics of the fleet from being disturbed. Its authority is equivalent to that of the Nine-tailed Fox." Jack glanced at the multi-purpose tool.

To be precise, it is to ensure that the "civilized" and "earth guardians" do not cause destruction during the war.

Not to mention the former, even if the "Earth Guardians" are not willing to expand, they probably don't want humanity to lose.

"Where are the specific members?" Gwen seemed very interested.

"Basically, we are mainly composed of the members of the 'Nine-tailed Fox'. We have also invited Mr. Jin Gu and several elites from the local garrison. Their scientific and technological strength and familiarity with the local situation are very useful. "Jack replied.

"Hmm...Okay, I'll join," Gwen's expression seemed a little weird: "So what's the name of this organization?"

"I've already thought about it,"

Jack nodded,

"Since this place is called Fort Watch, then the name of this team is——"


Akuz, satellite orbit, Dunkirk frigate.

"Woof woof woof! [Damn Zhen Yuanzi! Don't think I can't recognize you after you show your prototype!]"


On the bridge, Bass was barking at the groundhog that was brought aboard by Kangna, but the groundhog looked confused.

"Commander, if you pick up an Asari, you also pick up a geth. The most outrageous thing is that there is also a hamster. Look at Buzz, he is going crazy." Captain David Anderson said. An expression that makes you want to plug your ears.

"That's not an Asari or a geth. Her name is Benacia, a matriarch, and it's called 'Fortress'. There is no abnormality at all after testing. As for the hamster..." Kangna watched the dog with interest. Rat.

Zhen Yuanzi? What's coming?

"Woof! [It's no use pretending! There are no living things on the surface of Akuz!]" Bass continued to bark.

The groundhog seemed a little tired of Buzz's roar, turned around and climbed up on the shoulder of the "fortress", then straightened up and opened his mouth to Buzz:


It’s hard to imagine that such a small person could make such a loud roar.

"Woof..." Bass lowered his body and arched his back, looking like he was ready to attack.

Beep beep~didi~

The humanoid machine named "Fortress" by Kang Na raised his hand to touch the groundhog and nodded in approval.


The groundhog rolled around happily.

"Wow... [Okay, as long as you are happy, I don't dare to do bad things.]" Bass ran away with his tail between his legs.

Hmm...Kanna looked at its back and then at the groundhog.

If Bass is the group consciousness of dogs, then what kind of "Zhen Yuanzi" is the group consciousness of all prairie dogs? It seems to be very weak, unless there is a prairie dog as big as a mountain on some planet...impossible.

"Okay, let's get down to business," Anderson pinched his forehead: "In other words, after your investigation, it has been confirmed that the Batarians possess a large number of 'Reaper items', and the number of them who have been 'civilized' is very likely to reach An astonishing proportion, it is even possible to actively lead the way for the arrival of the Reapers?"

"Yes," Kangna patted "Fortress" on the shoulder: "The model of this robot is the 'F13 Attack Robot·Trial Model'. The design is mixed with a lot of technology from other civilizations and even Geth. This is The true technological level of the Batarians, that outrageous mechanical giant insect, is completely the technological line of the Reapers, and Ms. Benacia can confirm this."

"Hello, matriarch Benacia." Anderson looked at the Asari next to him.

Asari is a genderless race, or in other words, a purely female race. Their appearance looks exactly like human women, but their skin is light blue and they have no hair, or in other words, hair that grows on the top and back of their heads. And the tentacles of the lower jaw are hair.

This race reproduces by extending nerve clusters from the body to fuse with other individuals, so there are no restrictions on gender or species. At the same time, their powerful genetic genes will completely crush the genetic material of the "father". No matter what, the offspring will It's a standard Asari.

In addition, their lifespan is extremely long, ranging from about 0 years, which is generally divided into girlhood before 500 years old (e), adulthood after 1000 years old (e), and the female tribe's long period after 3000 years old (e).

This is not to say that Benacia is a 3,000-year-old monster. The title "matriarch" also refers to the leader of each tribe in the Asari tribe union, and its influence changes according to the strength of the tribe.

As for the matriarch who can use the power of "teleportation" to cross countless galaxies, but immediately raises her hands to surrender when seeing the enemy... it is better not to comment.

"That's right," Benacia was able to speak human language directly without a translator: "I can confirm that those mechanical bugs have the characteristics and energy traces of the reapers, which were sent to me after I heard about the Akuz incident. s reason."

She said nothing about directly hollowing out the teleportation coordinates to prevent herself from getting stuck in the wall, but now was not the time to dwell on this.

"[So, we must go to Batari earlier than the Starfleet Fleet to investigate. If the battle between the two sides may lead to the arrival of the Reapers, we must prevent it from happening.]" Saren continued.

"How to stop it? Based on the intelligence we know so far, the Star Alliance's counterattack against the Batarian can be said to be inevitable." Anderson looked at Saren and then at Kangna.

"If we wipe out all the Batarians, wouldn't there be no war?" Kangna raised her hand and made a gesture of squeezing something.

"[Good idea, then the Batarian territory will be divided between humans and turians.]" Saren nodded in agreement.

I'm probably an idiot for seriously discussing with them...

"In other words," Anderson summed up: "We have to sneak into the Batarian territory before the actual war between the two sides, find and destroy the Reaper items, and then escape smoothly? - No mention of destroying the Batarian matter."

"...That's right." Kangna blinked in agreement.

"Okay, you can report to N7, and I'll go check out the supplies on board." Anderson waved his hand and turned to leave.

"In that case, we have to give this wonderful operation a name, right? What should it be called?"

Kangna's voice came from behind:

"Since you are serving as a vanguard for the large army, why not call me——"


Europa 7, Academy Urban Institute.

"Very good! You are all defenders and defenders who have strong abilities and are willing to work hard to protect the safety of students in Yi and the entire Academy City! In order for them not to encounter such terrible things again, we must redouble our efforts!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The research institute, which was supposed to be serious and quiet, was bustling with people. In a large science and technology exhibition hall, a giant orangutan was giving a speech, and the audience cheered or took photos, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

"Anyway, this is the situation..." At the side door of the exhibition hall, Ms. Ling opened the door of the internal passage and gestured to the outside.

"Okay, let them see for themselves." Before she finished speaking, she was dragged away by Yuriko Suzuko, who looked impatient.

The people who stayed to continue observing the orangutans were Kaos, Naia, Kedoli and Ilia - without any bears.

This is an official activity of the SOS group. The so-called "formal" means that its action plan was not the result of Naiya's sudden whim, but an activity that had a formal plan in advance, was recognized by the instructor, and can obtain funding. Specifically In other words, it was "to check on the health of Teacher Yueyong's mount."

After the Akuz incident, Winston and Barsaka, two huge, safe and furry creatures, became the mascots of Academy City. When they were injured, they actually received a lot of visits and visits like humans. Gift.

A few days later, Basaka quickly recovered, but Winston was never "discharged". Although Teacher Yueyong was worried, she never had time to see it due to her busy schedule, so she turned around and entrusted the SOS team.

Of course, Naijamo changed it to a journey of "investigating whether Winston is an alien".

"How's it going? Is Winston an alien?" Illya looked at the orangutans outside, and looked at the members of the SOS group next to her with some worry.

"No, it's obviously a 'product' manufactured by your company. Why do you think it's an alien?" Kaos complained.

"The first one I saw was a small one, and it wasn't named Winston." Illya blinked.

It was obviously a growable android created by the model-controlled life form... Kaos turned his attention to Naia.

"Hmm... Although, it is indeed not an alien. If I have to say it, it can only be an alien monkey." Naiya nodded very confidently.

"Are you [sure] it's not an alien? If it wasn't an alien, what kind of organization would it call together students with super powers? The strangest thing is that he succeeded and recruited more people than our SOS group." Kaos asked.

"I'm [sure]...Are you looking down on my team? Death penalty!" Naiya poked Kaos hard with his stupid hair.

This half-hearted code is to confirm whether Winston has been replaced by some "old man" or "outer god", but now it seems that everyone is basically sure that there is no problem with it.

However, Kaos has a more troublesome guess in his mind. After all, speaking of monkeys, they still like to cause trouble and have many subordinate monkeys.

There is only "that one"...

No, no, no, according to the theory of evolution, the difference between monkeys and orangutans is greater than the difference between monkeys and humans. If we can cross-species interference from monkeys to orangutans, we can directly interfere with humans.

But... could Darwin control "that one"?

In short, let's see what it plans to do first. If it's interesting, you can mix it in appropriately. After all, the students it summons are already very famous just by their names.

"Our duty is to rescue the students when the security personnel cannot arrive in time~" Winston was still giving a speech: "We are the angels who silently watch over the students and are the pioneers who eliminate unsafe factors as soon as possible. ~"

"Our names are—"


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