The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and One, Burning Crusade (1)


World God Galaxy.

This is a relatively rare galaxy that has no habitable planets at all, but is developed by intelligent creatures.

Its star is a blue giant with six planets in total, all of which are gas giants, but each planet has a "halo" composed of countless asteroids or satellites.

This peculiar star structure determines that it will not have indigenous inhabitants. All intelligent creatures that come here come here for the minerals contained in the "halo".

And when the minerals were exhausted, the abandoned mining buildings left on various asteroids became a breeding ground for pirates - given that it was very close to the Batarian border, the "breeding" speed of pirates also became Very amazing.

In addition, although this galaxy is located on the boundary between humans and Batarian theory, since the Batarians came into contact with this galaxy earlier than humans, the Citadel used the "boundary" in Batarian mythology to manage the boundaries of everything. God" named it.

After humans joined the Galactic Alliance, they had no choice but to deal with the fact that it was a done deal. At most, they complained about why they were not just called "Kaiou" or "Kaiou God".


With the light and shadow effect at the end of the short jump, Dunkirk arrived in the space where the planet Torfan is located.

"[Well done, Mr. Clown!]" Saren greatly appreciated this: "[Being able to escape the pursuit of the Batarian army so smoothly, if you were in Paleven, your skills would definitely rank among the top 10,000. name!】"

"[I didn't understand for a moment whether you were hurting me or praising me.]" Cicero's words from the channel were a bit depressing.

"Of course it's a compliment," Benacia responded: "Paleven has a permanent population of 11 billion, and they are a people-oriented army. Being among the top 10,000 is the best among the best."

"[Oh, okay.]" Cicero said in a tone that made him smile.

"But..." Kangna crossed her arms and looked at the scan results displayed on the star map: "Why would the Batarian regular army provide protection for pirates?"

"Who would be a serious person to be a pirate? The pirate bases we scanned must be all Batarians." Anderson said out loud.

"'s hard to disagree with this." Kangna nodded slowly.

You must know that although the Galactic Alliance has allocated the entire galaxy according to the number of intelligent civilizations, every galaxy and even every planet has untapped areas. Even Thessia, the home planet of the Asari with the longest history, has There is a considerable degree of undeveloped area.

Let’s not talk about issues such as environmental protection. In short, any intelligent creature that is willing to work can always find a place where it can shine. As for robbery, if it is not an impulsive crime but regarded as a profession, it can be It is said to be quite hopeless, because the Galaxy Alliance generally implements a star currency system that is bound to individuals. The victim must agree to the robbery, and the possession is equivalent to being frozen. If you want to use it, you have to spend a lot of effort to convert them into an anonymous star currency card, which is not as good as Simply rob valuable goods and resell them.

In short, only those who are determined not to work and can't even do Batari's old job - robbing slaves will do it.

However, since interstellar pirates can exist, there are naturally indispensable black-hearted businessmen who provide them with supplies.

In this operation, Saren's identity was that of a black businessman who provided supplies to pirates in the World God Star Territory.


Planet Torfan,

Satellite No. 16.

This is Saren's destination, or in other words, the transaction target of the black businessman he pretends to be.

At this time, Dunkirk looked like a broken ship that was about to be scrapped. It was stained with rust, and its parts were unevenly exposed and rickety. It was almost the same as those Batarian scrap-iron ships.

Of course, this is just painting.

"You really don't know how to pretend to be a businessman? And isn't it a bit exaggerated for us to follow you?" Kangna asked while putting on makeup: "turians can work part-time as black traders and so on..."

"[How many times have I said that I am not a 'pretending businessman', but really a 'real businessman' who provides them with the supplies they need," Saren was covering himself with a black hood: "The goods are genuine, Tong. No one can be deceived."

...Did this guy speak human language?

"[What do you usually sell to them? Even if it's a disguise, you can't sell arms directly, right? Turians and Citadel don't care?]" Kangna put on an eyepatch, originally covering her left eye, and then changed it after thinking about it. into the right eye.

"Basically, they are all outdated products that have been eliminated. Turians don't know that our Asari regulations on this are that equipment within the third generation is not allowed to enter the market." Benacia answered, she didn't put on much makeup. After all, the overall appearance of the Asari will not change much, and people who are not from the same tribe cannot see the difference at all.

So is that why their ship is so broken?

"If that's the case, how should we inquire about information about the Reapers?" Kangna asked: "A black marketeer who cares about those things is afraid that as soon as he opens his mouth, he will have more than a dozen guns pressed to his head, right?"

"[It's not that exaggerated, and do you think pirates like this who have never thought about the future will care about the Reapers who will destroy the galaxy in who knows how many years?]" Saren took off his combat auxiliary goggles and replaced them with One is round, and at first glance it looks like a businessman’s monocle round glasses: “[Just ask casually if there are any ‘special’ goods. ]”

Highly recommended, it’s really good and worth installing. After all, there are many sources of books, complete books, and fast updates!

"Well..." Kangna finished her makeup and looked at the group of four who were going on this trip: "Is there something wrong with this group?"

A turian businessman who couldn't hide his murderous intent, a ferocious one-eyed human, an Asari in black robes, and a humanoid machine with a marmot on its shoulder.

"[The more complex the members are, the less suspicious they are,]" Saren pushed up his glasses: "[If you were a pirate, would you suspect such a strange combination of spies?]"

That makes sense...

"I won't go." Anderson was still studying the scan results of the entire galaxy: "The appearance of Dunkirk is just an illusion. I have to stay here to prevent those pirates from getting in."

"I think we will find red sand this time." Kangna glanced at him.

"We have to believe in science rather than metaphysics. It's impossible for me to find red sand every time I participate in an operation - they are pirates." Anderson retorted.

"[Theoretically, pirates will not buy things that will reduce their combat effectiveness,]" Saren spread his hands: "[But if you find that they purchase and resell...]"

["Just bring them to justice." (Model)]

["Just kill them all." (Rebellion)]

[Collect evidence and talk about it later. 】

"Then raise their base." Kang Na said.

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