The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Four, Burning Crusade (4)


Academy City, Superpower Research Institute.

[Signal interrupted. 】

When the reporter who called himself "Ao Yuyu" was being cute, the live broadcast was interrupted directly with a flash of dazzling blue light. Starlink TV was obviously very confident and just left the color screen with no signal, saying "I don't believe it" "How dare you change the channel?"

"Yuyu, my Yuyu~"

"How could you send Xiaoyu to such a dangerous place! Starlink TV is going too far!"

"Haha, what a surprise, I heard it as soon as my wife opened her mouth!"

"Bah, give me some peaches for the young master."

The students in the lecture theater were crying and howling, and there were both men and women. If nothing else, other personal channels with hosts had also exploded.

"Don't worry, everyone, this is normal transition signal shielding." Winston held the microphone and said seriously, and then caused more laughter.

"Hey? Is that girl a celebrity?" Ms. Ling asked doubtfully.

"Isn't it? You all..." After hearing this, a nearby student turned around and was stunned for a moment after identifying Ms. Suzu's age. However, before he could reorganize his words, Yuriko Suzuko looked at her with a mixture of murderous intent and contempt. He threw himself over, then shrank his neck and turned back.

Hmm... It seems that no matter how cruel this "sleepless one" is, her mother can always cure her.

From this point of view, she seems to be similar to [that person], but if [that person] became like this, the world would have been destroyed long ago.

"That's the 'Beautiful Girl Reporter' who only came into the public eye after the 'First Contact War'," Yuriko Suzina explained reluctantly under Ms. Suzu's expectant gaze: "Because of her lively personality and sweet appearance, she likes She does pranks and always appears on the news, so she has gained a lot of fans. However, people who did not watch TV before did not pay much attention to her. This time she appeared in such a major incident, so she must be praised. "

"Eh? Why do I hear a sour smell?" Ms. Ling patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, you are not bad either. You will be very popular as long as you have a better personality."

"This king is different from that kind of wild girl!" Yuriko Suzuko protested angrily, and then used cold eyes to glare back at everyone who looked at her with disapproval after hearing this sentence.

"[Hey, who do you think she is?]" Naia poked Kaos with her stupid hair, of course, using a frequency that no one else could hear.

"[Sooner or later I will pull out that thing of yours,]" Kaos glared at her, and then recalled Ao Yuyu's appearance: "[It's hard to judge without direct contact, but it's either 'Taotie' or '梼杌' 'Well, the greater probability is '梼杌'.】"

Teacher Tsukiyomi Kanna has a "taotie" appearance. Although there can be more than one incarnation of "Old One" and "Outer God", if they are controlled too much at the same time, except for the one that is mainly controlled, the other incarnations will be in the same state. "On-hook" status.

Anyway, no matter which one it is, the aliens over there are finished.

After all, compared to the "outer gods" who were born from the stars and have uncertain attitudes, the "old days" who were definitely born on the earth are naturally close to humans - although they may drive them crazy if they are not careful.



"[Hi~ I haven't seen you for a few seconds, I miss you so much~]" As a burst of snowflakes flashed by, Ao Yuyu's little face reappeared on the screen: "[Did everyone miss me?]"

"Not for a second,

It’s like three autumns! "

"We miss you so much!"

The students continued to boo, completely forgetting that this was at least twenty minutes ago.

"[Hmm~ Yeah~ I miss you all too~] The girl said as if she was really interacting: "[But, today's protagonist is not me. If I don't do my job, I will be scolded by the station manager. Yes, so everyone come with me to watch the live action~]"

"Don't do anything serious, Yuyu~"

"The station director and so on are just used to make people suffer~"

The students continued to boo.

"Why do you say that?" Illya tugged on Yuriko Suzuko's sleeve.

"..." Yuriko Suzuko glared at her fiercely for a few seconds, but it had no effect except making the little girl tilt her head in confusion: "...because she is a qualified reporter anyway. Once she starts doing business, The show will become completely boring, do you understand? Why don't you let go?"

"Oh, you really understand." Illya obediently let go of her hand, but Yuriko Suzuko's face turned darker, especially after seeing Ms. Suzu looking over with a pleased look.

"[We can see that a certain battle group of the Second Fleet has successfully entered the World God Star Domain, and there are no Batarian ships within the visual range.]" Following Ao Yuyu's words, the camera moved from left to He scanned right, but due to the insufficient viewing range of the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could only see one side of the fleet: "[Since it has now entered combat mode, all battleships are on alert waiting for further orders from the flagship. In addition, the reconnaissance ship's The scanning probe has been launched and will conduct real-time analysis of various targets in the galaxy. At that time, we may make a short jump to a valuable coordinate point. This offensive jump will generally maintain a distance of thirty to fifty kilometers from the target position. The distance is a buffer, but the other party may also prepare in advance and launch a surprise attack on us, and there may even be scanning devices that have not been discovered yet. This is a game at the fleet commander level, and I will not interrupt as a layman.】"

No, you are already quite professional.

Are there any other guys who are still lamenting, "Xiaoyu is doing serious business, it's not fun anymore"? This is a war, can you be more serious?

In the middle of Kaos's rant, Winston had already picked up the microphone.

"Dear students, if you are determined to defend your homeland, these scenes will be very important, because they are not descriptions of movies and TV dramas. What you see is a real battlefield - although the intensity is not very high. "

The orangutan's words made some students chuckle, but more of them straightened their expressions and began to watch the live broadcast on the screen seriously.

Obviously, such a serious event would be very boring if a rigid soldier or expert were to explain it. However, sending a beautiful girl reporter like Ao Yuyu would help alleviate the audience's fear of war... Well , well done.

"[Ah, look, everyone, our fleet has begun to change its formation. Maybe we have found a target and are preparing to make a short jump there...]"


It can be clearly seen from the camera that suddenly eight tattered warships appeared very close to Ao Yuyu's flagship. These long and narrow warships, which looked like rusty knives, did not stop or aim at all. The ground fired four thick laser beams in the direction of the camera.

Obviously, the Starfleet fleet's timely response killed half of them, and perhaps destroyed the other half in a few seconds, but it was completely unable to stop the attack that had already been launched.


"Aliens also watch the live broadcast!"


When the classroom was filled with panic and exclamations, Kaos keenly discerned a subtle "hum" from the picture.

The next moment, the energy cannon's attack fell apart outside the window, but the "lens" didn't even shake.

So... the action you took just now when you were so frightened that you threw the camera away was really an act, right?

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