The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Five, Burning Crusade (5)


Planet Torfan, moon sixteen.

"[Who are you? What are you doing!]"

After the Dunkirk docked in a huge building on the surface of the satellite that looked like a mining station, but was equipped with various protective walls and turrets, it was immediately locked by several warships that emerged nearby and pointed their main guns at it. At the same time, there was forced communication access.

With the communication protection level of the Dunkirk, it would not be so easy to be breached, but now that he is pretending to be a black marketeer, he naturally has to pretend to be a bit more like it.

"[Calm down, Sarul Man,]" Sarun, who was sitting on the captain's seat, waved his hand: "[It's me, 'Devil Lord Sauron'."

Even the code name is outrageous and over the top. Is this an obvious attempt to bully the Batarians and disdain to understand the culture of other civilizations?

Kangna, who was standing aside pretending to be a guard, secretly rolled her eyes.

At this time, the bridge has been arranged in the so-called "black business standard style" under the command of Saren, but in Kangna's view, it can be called "chaotic and random style", or "forced to death by mysophobia and compulsion" syndrome style”.

"[You haven't been here for a year. The situation here is a bit tense. You——]" Shalu Man turned his eyes and saw Kang Na: "[What's going on with that human! Are you a star?" United spies!?]"

[Commander, half of the weapons aimed at us are activated. 】Etty reminded.

[Leave it alone, and if someone overreacts, prevent the device they control from responding. ] Kangna responded.

【receive. 】

"[Saru, do you know why you can't be promoted? Because you don't even have basic logic,]" Saren casually possessed himself and rummaged through the "trash pile" and looked for something: "[I'm a Turian , working as a spy for humans? And bringing a human with him, specifically for you to see?]"

"[Uh...]" Shahru's six eyes blinked alternately: "[The wind has been relatively tight recently, and we are asked to pay close attention to the ships coming and going. They may be scouts sent by humans.]"

"[That's such a pity. It seems that I can only feed these canned herrings as gifts to the dogs.]" Saren took out two sealed cans from the pile of debris and shook his head pretending to be regretful.

"Woof woof! [Why am I doing this kind of performance? You have to pay extra!]" Bass barked twice at the right time.

"[Hey! You can't do that! I'll lift the alert and arrange to log in!]" Saru hurriedly began to operate on the control panel that was invisible on the screen.

"[Boss, I think there is still a problem with this, maybe he did it on purpose...]" A voiceover reminded Shahruman.

"[Ah, by the way, this time I am here. In addition to regular business, I will also provide you with a new customer, Bella~]" Saren waved to the side, and Benacia reluctantly walked into the camera with Bao Bao. ", "[This is Asari's mechanical expert, she wants to buy some 'machines' from you, you know.]"

"..." Cell's six eyes passed over the Asari and the obviously Geth-style robots one by one, and the operation that had been slightly paused became much faster: "[Welcome to Tolevan, my friend .】"

The locking alarms were lifted one by one, and when Cell shut down the communication, Kangna could hear "Shut up! Idiot! He is a Turian, colluding with Asari to work as a spy for humans? Do you want to calculate the possibilities?" "the sound of.


It’s really good and worth installing. After all, you can cache and read books offline!

What a shame, the odds are one thousand percent.


Satellite No. 16, pirate base.

"[What a pity, it seems you don't have much 'that kind of thing' here.]" Benacia looked dissatisfied.

After a series of bargaining and mutual testing, Saren successfully exchanged the garbage in the half warehouse for another pile of garbage - at least in Kangna's view, it was basically useless.

As for intelligence, this backward equipment has no confidentiality at all. There is no need to deliberately crack anything. All its data and intelligence are already visible at a glance.

At the end of the transaction, Saren finally revealed his initial purpose: "[If you know a guy who has related stuff, you can introduce it to me. It doesn't matter even if he is in Ka·Shan. We are planning to go there.] "

After hearing this, Shalu's eyes, which were originally a little suspicious, finally relaxed a lot.

After all, if Saren, a "business partner" he hadn't seen for a long time, came and left in a hurry, it was highly likely that he was a spy or had other purposes.

But with the Asari accompanying them, this may be reduced a lot, and they also bring the AI ​​geth, which is expressly prohibited by the Citadel.

Moreover, he brought things that Kashan's home planet needed but that the Space Fortress did not need, and claimed that he was going to Kashan. In this way, the possibility of spies could basically be eliminated.

Hmm... Judging from his expression, he probably thought so. It was certain that he had been completely fooled. Kangna remained silent on the side.

As for Kangna's identity as a human, Saren explained it as "a friend from the human side. It would be inconvenient to ask too many questions."

This is a hint that she is the black marketeer's "supplier" to humans.

This explanation is difficult to convince Shahru, so since Kangna landed, weapons have been aimed at her the whole time. If she makes any movement, the snipers may shoot directly.

But it's a pity that they couldn't even guess that an existence like Yi Di could penetrate the entire base silently.

However, now that he is ready to leave, it is best to eliminate the suspicion for the last time, otherwise if this guy is caught alive in the upcoming battle, it will always be troublesome to confess.

And if given the chance...

"[The scum of the World God Galaxy!]"

At this time, a new communication cut directly to the screen in the reception room, showing, uh, another Batarian face.

Hmm... It seems that it is a Batarian tradition to cut into other people's communications at will.

Even with Kangna's computing power, there was no way to find out the identity of this face, because Batari's personal identity database was in the distant Kashan.

But when she thought about it, after arriving in Kashan, she would have to use such boring things to expand her database, which made Kangna feel a little sad.

"[General!]" Regarding this non-two-way communication, which was obviously a group message, Shahruh also jumped up and saluted. It was obvious that the other party was cruel enough.

"[You are out of luck! The direction chosen by humans to attack happens to be your galaxy! Hold back their main force. Our main force will go around their rear, capture their residents, and then threaten them to withdraw!]"

"[They actually still have a live broadcast, it's hilarious, their locations are all exposed to us!]"

"[Use your scrap metal and pretend to fight back with all your strength. After victory, I will compensate you tenfold!]"

...It's such a simple, easy-to-understand and extremely stupid tactic.

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