The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Six, Burning Crusade (6)


The Kaishen Galaxy, the airspace near the Mass Effect Repeater.

"[Don't worry, everyone. Although the attack just now was sudden, it was nothing terrible. The mass effect shield of the battleship is enough to protect our safety.]" After the surprise attack, Ao Yuyu also reassured the audience on the live broadcast channel: " [Do you really think that an attack of that level can break the shield of a battleship? No way, no way~]"

The performance is overly grandiose, and it's momentarily difficult to tell whether she's trying to appease the audience or provoke Batali.

"What are the results of the investigation?" Jack looked away from the big screen and looked at the Cerberus adjutant assigned by the SSR beside him.

Although Eva had planned to become an adjutant just to be able to stand with him, she soon gave up because intelligence work was too boring and she couldn't fire cannons or drive.

Thanks to her, the crew members responsible for driving the Kronos space carrier now all speak standard British swear words.

"Yes, a total of seven frigates in the Vanguard Battle Group broadcast our 'live broadcast' to the outside world. This is their ship number and the list of personnel on board." The adjutant responded and typed a statistical form on the screen in front of Jack. .

"Tsk... Annoying 'indoctrinated', inform the fleet command to control the people on these ships first. Who has been indoctrinated can be investigated after the war." Jack gave instructions.

"Yes." The adjutant took down the form and began to try to contact the fleet in the distance.

This nonsensical battlefield live broadcast is undoubtedly the idea of ​​the "nine-tailed fox". It is theoretically impossible to pass, but because this is not actually a regular war, and what "star improvement" she has come up with "To unite the people's sense of civilization pride", "Let ordinary people who usually have no contact with the military know their protectors", "Let young people who are interested in joining the army see the space battlefield in advance", and "You can take the opportunity to catch the mole. "Waiting for the benefits, in the end the commander of the Second Fleet, Admiral Drescher, actually agreed to the plan.

Perhaps he also believed that if the counterattack against a failed slave-robbing operation was too formal and would end up with slave traders and pirate faces, it would be best for Star Alliance to kill them all with singing and dancing.

However, frontal combat has nothing to do with SSR and Cerberus. They are mainly responsible for ensuring logistics and capturing "the indoctrinated". seems to be the other way around.

Catching the first wave of "indoctrinated people" is easy, because communications must be kept silent during wartime, and those indoctrinated people will take the initiative to forward Ao Yuyu's live broadcast signal. After all, there will be a 20-minute delay in normal live broadcasts, but right now However, the signal source of our fleet has no delay. If we grasp the lens information of the reporter who took random photos, we can grasp the location of the Starfleet fleet.

No, the first short-distance jump raid was directly destroyed by the well-prepared fleet, and the shield of Ao Yuyu's ship didn't even waver.

At the same time, the pirate ships hidden in the asteroid belt also came out one after another.

From the visual effect, it looks like a huge rust-colored pocket trying to completely envelop the Starfleet fleet.


Naturally, there is no sound propagated in space, but what happened next made Jack involuntarily make up the sound.

Not two seconds after those densely packed pirate ships surrounded the Star Alliance stage, a sharp light began to bloom.

These roughly bright white lights protrude like spikes from the inside out.

The pirate ship net surrounding them was completely pierced, and from the outside it looked like a glowing sea urchin.

The next second, these light beams neatly moved to the side, and then folded again, cutting countless triangular gaps on the surface of the "sea urchin". Almost at the same time, violent explosions started from those gaps, and exploded with an extremely high The speed affected other pirate ships involved in wrapping the Starfleet fleet.

"[As you can see, this is the 'Force Lightsaber' that we improved from the 'Super Railgun'~]" In Ao Yuyu's live broadcast, the formation of the entire fleet has hardly changed much, but Every time those beams of light swept through the encirclement net, they would always bring about a series of explosions.

The Batarian pirates' response method cannot be said to be wrong, because the Star Alliance obviously adopts a standard combat cluster with battleships as the mainstay, cruisers as flank protection, destroyers and frigates as edge protection, and this configuration can easily be used by frigates. Contained by the sea.

The frigate itself has a main gun evasion rate of nearly 50%. As long as it uses its numerical advantage to clear out other frigates and destroyers on the periphery, the main gun is powerful, but cruisers and battleships with a relatively slow firing frequency have nothing to do with those fly-like frigates.

But...the Batarians never dreamed that the Star Alliance would have such a thing as a "superpower fleet".

Although they had already appeared in the "First Contact War", due to the deliberate concealment by both humans and Turians, the outside world only thought that it was a powerful main gun that used supernatural powers - who knew it could still be used A roundabout one?

This kind of linear attack is naturally easier to hit than a point attack. If you want to avoid this, the evasion rate generated by your own high maneuverability is quite limited. Thick anti-electromagnetic armor can play a certain protective role, but how can these pirates Is there such advanced equipment? Even if there were, there is no room for replacement now.

During Ao Yuyu's layman's explanation, "Look at this, everyone, it's amazing.", the adjutant once again showed Jack a form.

This time there are more ships and personnel involved, and there are even destroyers and cruisers on them, all of which are passing on this new attack method.

"This kind of amount...Ms. Nine-tailed Fox has to taunt Boss 07 again." Jack sighed and continued to arrange for forwarding.

Enlightenment can be said to be quite difficult to deal with. It seems to have no specific purpose. As long as it brings bad luck to the civilization where the enlightenment target is located, the people affected by it will take the initiative to do it after triggering the "switch", but at the same time, there are certain With his wisdom, he can form a certain degree of cooperation with the invasion of foreign enemies and the "Guardian of the Earth".

The reason why it is "certain" wisdom is that this operation itself has the purpose of catching "the indoctrinated". Without deliberately keeping it secret, it cannot be unclear, but it is still included in the planned "lead the snake out of the hole" plan. All his chess pieces were exposed.

As for "a certain chess piece that is specially protected by deliberately exposing other chess pieces"? At least judging from the stupid behavior currently committed by the "indoctrinated people", there is probably no such thing. Even if there is, it cannot escape the sharp eyes of Sharon Rogers.

"Sir, the pirates began to flee, and the Fort Watch defense fleet sent news that they encountered a large batarian fleet." The adjutant summarized the newly received information and projected it on the screen.

"Everything is within the plan," Jack nodded: "Leave it to the Second Fleet to clean up the remaining enemies or pursue the victory. We will return to Watch Fortress and continue to catch the mole."

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