The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Eight, Burning Crusade (8)


Skillian, Nethergarde Keep.

Shortly after the Second Fleet Vanguard Battle Group passed the Mass Effect repeater, the airspace they had been in exploded.

Although it is very strange to use "explosion" to describe an airspace, Siduli could not find other words to describe the scene of "a large amount of material suddenly appearing from a certain point and spreading in all directions."

Of course, that's not "material", but countless shabby Batarian spaceships.

As if they had planned it in advance, they ignored the Star Alliance warships patrolling near the repeater, and at the same time launched a jump towards the defense line of Mount Ili, or the Watch Fortress. Because there were so many warships pouring out, even one Another one was directly destroyed before the jump was successfully executed, and more than 80% of the warships still flew to the satellite orbit of Watchfort.

The same situation happened again. Under the attack of anti-aircraft firepower and the fleet remaining outside the atmosphere, these leaping Batarian fleets were once again damaged by nearly 20%, but they still resolutely broke into the atmosphere and headed toward the entire planet. All colonies undergo a sudden drop.

"Obviously, they plan to plunder the colony's population to threaten the Star Alliance." On the rooftop of the Governor's Mansion, Jin Gu looked at the tracer bullets and the take-off and landing spaceships across the sky, and said with contempt: "It is obvious that the Turians have failed. They failed once, but they didn’t think they would fail too, haha.”

"In fact, these Batarians have failed, haven't they?" Siduli stood behind him: "Most of the colonies in the Watch Castle no longer have civilians in the conventional sense. They are all soldiers in disguise. The real civilians left with the reconstruction team before the war started. In this "replacement" operation, neither the soldiers pretending to be civilians nor the residents who were transferred had the opportunity to send messages to the outside world, and the transport ship responsible for loading them had no chance to send messages to the outside world. , then you don’t know which planet the mission is on. In other words, no one can pass on the news that ‘this is an ambush circle’, except...”

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Siduli glanced at Jin Gu and hesitated to speak.

"Except for me, isn't it?" Jin Gu turned around and stared at Siduli with his purple eyes: "Are you surprised that as the leader of the 'Earth Guardian', the purpose of all my previous actions seems to be for Let humans shrink to the earth, and we will not hesitate to cause losses to humans and the Star Alliance, but why are we not seizing such a good opportunity? As long as the arrangements of the Star Alliance are leaked in advance, this battle will inevitably fail, and the Star Alliance will fail. There will have to be contraction, yes."

"Especially...that stupid SSR agent invited you to join Overwatch. This proves that even if you do it, you will never be suspected." Siduli nodded.

"Of course that's because my purpose has never been to shrink humans back to Earth." Jin Gu shook his head slightly and walked towards the golden steel suit aside: "That's just a means, not an end."

"Then... what's the purpose?" Siduli took two steps and asked.

"Of course -" Jin Gu walked into the suit and buckled his helmet: "[For the blue and pure world.]"

The golden figure soared into the sky.


The surface of Nethergarde Keep.

As more and more spaceships suddenly landed, the Batarians were surprised to find themselves trapped in the quagmire of street fighting. The plan to successfully capture civilians and threaten the Star Alliance was completely ruined. Without receiving further orders,

They can only fight on their own and try to join each other.

"Damn's all your fault."

At the top of an apartment building, Sam Fisher, dressed in tight black clothes and wearing three-eye goggles, skillfully assembled a sniper rifle in 7.3 seconds.

"If it weren't for you six-eyed monsters, I would have married Anna——"

Boom! He shot the first Batarian soldier out of the crash-landed spaceship in the head, then turned around and ran away.

The empty rooftop was directly blasted away by a mass effect cannon in a dozen seconds.

"You want me to evacuate to the back, but there is no door," Sam muttered as he ran in front of various buildings: "My wife hasn't evacuated yet."


Just as he turned a corner, a troop carrier with only a frame, as if it was assembled haphazardly from scrap metal, rushed straight towards him. There were no less than ten Batarians in the car who were shooting randomly.

Damn it! The eyepiece scans this thing as a large piece of abandoned garbage?

"Be careful-" Boom!

Just before Sam was about to perform a tactical roll, a slender figure rushed out from the side and held a shield directly against the front of the scrap metal truck.

This red and blue armor color scheme and the blond hair leaking out from under the it called "Captain America"?

"[Enemy Attack]!" "[Where?]" "[Front!]"

The Batarians in the car started making noises, and then they all turned their attention to Sam.

"..." Is it because the American captain is too short that he can't see it?

boom! Sam killed the driver with an armor-piercing bullet before the Batarians opened fire, and then rolled to avoid the hail of bullets that were not very accurate but overwhelming in quantity.

"[The car broke down!]" "[Get out of the car and chase!]"



Sam originally listened to the noise of the Batarians and was about to temporarily install a booby trap in the corner, but the next second he heard a young man's low shout and a loud banging sound, and then the Batarians were completely silent. .

"Damn it! Bucky! You stole my head again!" "That... my name is not Bucky..."

Sam looked over and found that the troop carrier had been lifted off more than ten meters and hit a building. The Batarians inside were scattered around. It was unclear whether they were dead or unconscious. Judging from the words of the American captain, most of them were He must be dead.

Standing in front of the American captain was a young man with short gray hair and wearing white and green armor. One of his arms was replaced by a mechanical prosthetic limb. He was sheepishly scratching his head and apologizing to the American captain.

"That..." Boom!

Before Sam was about to say anything, a transport plane crashed not far away, and gunshots continued to ring out at the crash site. The American captain and the man she called Bucky immediately stopped chatting and rushed over without looking back.

In short, when Anna is away, he has to protect Watchfort for her.

Sam looked around and chose a location where the fighting was relatively fierce and rushed there.

Why is it the most intense? Didn't you see "Iron Man" flying around and firing lasers over there?

I haven't seen "Spider Girl" so far, maybe her abilities are not suitable for this kind of battlefield.

As Sam walked along, he could see various strange and powerful monsters beating the Batarian army from time to time.


"Praise the sun!"

"Ouch - ow -"

The "Illusive Man"'s subordinates seem to be capable...

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