The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Nine, Burning Crusade (9)


Skylian system, Nethergarde Keep.

When the "Kronos" space carrier returned to the Skilian system, it was not unexpected to see that the planet Watchfort had been caught in an anxious tug-of-war. From space, it looked like all the settlements were burning.

This kind of battle... even if all the residents on the planet are evacuated in advance, the losses caused are real. Although the Star Alliance will compensate all affected residents after the war, their peaceful and fulfilling lives in the past will still remain. Gone forever.

"What's the current situation of the battle?" Jack sat on the captain's seat, holding his chin with the back of one hand, looking at the constantly switching pictures and reports on the big screen.

Although the current situation has been roughly speculated, there is no detailed information compiled and analyzed by computers.

"The Batarians did not choose to attack the 'Space Anchor', but instead adopted the tactic of a large corps landing on the planet. However, in order to prevent them from making a false shot, the fleet battle group guarding the space fortress where the Space Anchor is located remained stationary," the adjutant general said briefly. The battle report came to the screen: "The battle group responsible for cutting off the retreat has blocked the mass effect relay. The planetary defense battle group is outflanking the Batarian troops in the orbit of the Watch Fortress, and the local garrison is working with the landing force. Engage in a firefight.”

"Hmm..." Jack nodded.

At present, the battle situation is basically within the several assumptions deduced by the Star Alliance in advance, and it is neither good nor bad.

The Batarian First Fleet deployed its defenses in the Kashan Star Cluster. There was no sign of mobilization. It seemed that they wanted to disguise this conflict as a conflict between the Star Alliance and the pirates. Even though the pirates were all Batarian and used the Batarian military's Standard weapons.

In this way, at least nominally, they did not participate in these two local wars.

"The Planetary Defense Battle Group has the upper hand in the firefight. The Batarian ships are forcing an emergency landing at the Watch Fortress. This has caused extreme weather changes in the surface atmosphere, causing serious interference to our communications with the surface. Communication is temporarily impossible." Adjutant added.

It seems that the troops defending space anchors and relays have no room for their own efforts, so...

"Let's go to Fort Watch to see the results of the ground defense forces and support them by the way." Jack decided.

To be precise, it was the result of the "Overwatch" battle. Although Sharon and her agents stayed there, with the assistance of Jin Gu and Gwen, there were many more enemies this time than in the first raid.

"[Hey! Girls and boys! Did you hear that? We're going to do something big!]" Eva's voice came from the space carrier's driving channel.


"[Passengers~ please hold on to the deputy next to you~ I'm going to start the countdown to the jump~]" Eva's tone became more and more excited.

Has she got all the crew members behind the wheel? It’s too fast!

"[Ten seconds countdown~10, 3, 1, let's go!]"

Boom boom boom——

The space carrier's eight main engines roared loudly at the same time. Jack felt himself thrown back suddenly. The original starry sky outside the window instantly turned into streams of light, but before these "streamers" began to lengthen, the sky outside the window suddenly The scenery returned to normal, and the planet Watchfort, full of fire, suddenly appeared outside the porthole window directly in front.

"[The 'instantaneous jump' technique that does not require acceleration has been successfully completed ~ Congratulations everyone!]" Eva was still making noise in the channel.

Don't try out new tactics on the battlefield!


Dark clouds threaten to destroy the city, which can be said to be a true portrayal of the planet Watchfort.

Its originally empty satellite orbit was filled with floating warship debris, rattling the Kronos's mass effect shield. Thanks to these debris, observation through optical means became almost impossible. s method.

Moreover, due to the outrageous appearance of Cronus, the warships fighting nearby, whether from the Star Alliance or the Batarian side, all began to lock on it.

Although both parties can confirm the identity of Cronus through the identification code after locking, this is a ship specially provided by SSR. Its own locking interference module is very powerful and can extend the locking time of about ten seconds to nearly one. Minutes, enough time for it to escape.

Therefore, in order to avoid wasting the energy output when friendly forces locked on his side, Jack decisively made a move to reveal his identity - directly identified two Batarian frigates through reverse locking and opened fire to destroy them.

As for how to determine? That kind of thing can be interfered with by the jamming lock module and the locking operation lasts for more than two minutes. Who else could it be if it wasn't Batari's broken ship?

However, it can launch an attack on the target by being "locked", or even just an unfinished lock. This aerospace carrier is indeed a professional spy ship.

After "identifying", the locking operations of the Star Alliance ships were canceled one after another, and they no longer paid attention to the sudden appearance of the ship. There were even captains with bad tempers who sent "What a great agent" and "SSR or something, who seems to be There is no such thing as a one-way message.

"Mr. Jin Gu? How is the situation over there?"

After the episode, Jack directed the correspondent to contact the Governor of Watchfort first. After all, in such a harsh environment, if there is anyone who can definitely be contacted, it must be this "Iron Man".

"[Ah, okay, the technological level of these six-eyed monsters is quite low, but those giant insect transport ships are more troublesome.]" The communication interface showed Jin Gu's big face, with reflections in his cheeks and pupils. There are some constantly changing lights, which seem to be shots of the inside of his helmet.

This guy has no blind spots even when the camera is so close...

Jack glanced at the other people on the bridge and found that most of the female crew members were staring at Jin Gu, except for Eva, who was originally looking at Jack. When she saw the eyes staring at him, she whistled and turned her face. Moved away.

She was transferred from the cockpit to the bridge by Jack because she had just gotten into trouble. Regardless of whether she could play a role here, as long as she could not cause trouble.

"Ahem, Mr. Jin Gu, how is your current situation? Is there anything in Watch Castle that requires our assistance?" Jack continued to ask.

"[The agents you left behind are all very capable and helped a lot in the battle. I have adjusted their contact information so that you can communicate directly. As for me...]" Jin Gu's lips curled up slightly: "[ 'Slaying the dragon'】"


While Jack was wondering, he saw the communication lens suddenly change, from the perspective inside the helmet to the perspective of the steel suit following him.

I saw this golden battle suit swooping down from a high altitude and rushing straight into the "back neck" of a mechanical dragon that everyone was already very familiar with. Along the way, it used palm lasers, missiles and mass effect cannons to bombard its interior. It exploded, and finally passed out of its "throat" and landed steadily.

The next second, the "camera" shifted to a slightly downward angle from the front of the Iron Man suit, which just showed Iron Man's handsome landing posture and the mechanical dragon that exploded in mid-air behind him.

Then, communications broke down.

It’s too much to be cool in regular communication! He must know that all communications from Cerberus will be submitted to the SSR for review!


In view of the fact that on the battlefield of the Skilian Galaxy at this time, humans and Batarians were all playing cards, so there was basically no situation where the "civilized ones" would jump back, so Jack decisively ordered the Kronos to enter the Fortress. Atmosphere, assist the ground legions in dealing with Batarian airborne troops.

This time, because Eva was caught on the bridge, the intrusion of the space carrier was relatively smooth. There were some Batarian aircraft hovering nearby. After seeing this big guy, they seemed to think that it was not flexible enough, so they circled and planned to do something. However, the drone fleet released by Cronus captured it in one fell swoop.

It's just a joke. The mothership may lack firepower and flexibility, but it needs as many drones as it needs to protect itself. If there is any loss, it can even be manufactured on-site using a production line.

Jack asked the crew responsible for drone control to eliminate the Batarian combat units within the cruise radius while trying to contact the remaining Cerberus personnel.

"[This is Captain America, working with Doomsday Iron Fist to clear area A13.]"


"[This is the 'Sun Knight', assisting the armored forces near C07 with the 'Bard' and the 'Yangtze River Knight'.]"


"[This is the 'Full Moon Wolf', patrolling alone.]"

"Please move near C07."

"[This is 'Mr. Mighty', who is performing a sniper mission near D09 with 'Wise Wolf Holo'."

"keep in touch."

While recording the locations of his subordinates, Jack cursed, these are all weird code names... In comparison, his "Illusive Man" is not cool at all.

"Well..." Eva said thoughtfully beside her: "I'll just call you 'truck driver'. How about that?"

not so good! Don't make trouble! And why a truck?

"[This is 'Spider Girl'. I'm guarding my own research institute. As you said, these reptiles are planning to steal my research results. I've caught more than a dozen of them now. By the way, I can kill them." Feed the spiders?】"

"Leave it to the military properly!"

Obviously, Batali will still do some research on the place they want to invade. Maybe they don't know that Gwen has awakened her superpower, but those huge and dangerous white-spotted wolf spiders must have caught their eyes.

After all, they all have six eyes.

At this time, a little girl's soft voice came in.

"[This is the 'Replacement Messenger'...I'm underground...I don't know what area it is, but I heard those Batarian monsters seem to be detonating nuclear bombs...Ah, they are moving, I want to catch up.]"

Communication is interrupted.

Nuclear bomb? Does Nethergarde have a nuclear bomb?


Nethergarde, underground area.

After turning off the communication function of the universal tool, Lavisia quietly followed several Batarians who appeared underground for unknown reasons.

Her mission is to protect Nethergarde's mines from destruction so that production can be resumed more easily after the war.

Originally, after discovering a few sneaky Batarians entering the mine, they could just knock them out or kill them directly, but before taking action, they heard a few words about "nuclear bombs."

Nuclear bomb?

With mass effect being widely used, this kind of weapon has been almost eliminated. If their yield is small, they cannot even penetrate the mass effect shield of a medium-sized colony. Only backward civilizations in the early space stage with almost no means of protection can Treat them like treasure.

However, the Batarian is such a backward civilization, and the colonies in Watchfort are unable to defend themselves against such attacks even if their mass effect shields are destroyed.

Even with the technological level of the Citadel, it is troublesome to control the pollution caused by nuclear explosions.

Judging from the original plan of the Batarians to "kidnap the residents of Watchfort to threaten the Star Alliance", this is probably their backup plan: "to threaten the Starfleet by detonating a nuclear bomb at Watchfort."

Anyway, no matter what, he is a guy who dare not face the enemy head-on.

"[The nuclear bomb has been delivered to the mine.]"

"[It seems that we chose a place that is most likely to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.]"

"[We lost this time, but humans can't win either.]"

They plan to completely destroy Watch Keep...

Lavisia followed the Batarians while resisting the urge to rush out and kill them all, but she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

If they plan to manually detonate a nuclear bomb, how will the operators evacuate?

A few minutes later, the Batarians arrived at the main mine tunnel of a mine. They looked at some kind of map while searching, and finally found a round, two-person tall man in a resting place. A "mechanical egg" with a bluish-gray appearance.

How did that thing come here? Is there a mole in Nethergarde? !

Due to the distance, Lavisia could only hear them muttering words such as "[Password]" and "[Teleport]", and then opened the "mechanical egg."

Bang bang bang——kakakaka——

After a dazzling transformation, the "eggshell" turned into a strange arch, and then revealed the dangerous-looking cylinder inside, with obvious nuclear warning signs on it.

Very good, you can go and die...

Lavisia bowed her body and approached, ready to pounce.

At this moment, she noticed that the Batarians suddenly became panicked.

"[What? Explode in one minute?]"

"[Use the teleportation device quickly!]"

"[The teleportation device can only be used by one person at a time! And it takes thirty seconds!]"

If the situation hadn't been so urgent, Lavecia would have almost laughed out loud. The person who provided them with the nuclear bombs had no idea what the evil intentions were. It was obvious that they wanted them to kill each other decisively and decide the winner within thirty seconds. The one who survives can escape.

But there is only one thing she has to do at this time, which is to kill them all, and then send the nuclear bomb away with a teleporter!


boom! boom! Zhizhi——

Lavisia was only halfway through the attack, and was shocked to find that the battle was already over.

The golden battle armor penetrated the rock formations and fell from the sky, and in less than half a second, several Batarians were burned to coke with lasers.

"That...nuclear bomb..." Ravicia pointed at the cylinder dully.

"[It's a good idea,]" Iron Man nodded and shook his head: "[Unfortunately, you probably can't lift that thing.]"

Next, the golden armor picked up the nuclear bomb with difficult movements and walked into the portal step by step. Then, blue lightning began to jump repeatedly on the two of them.

"Jump out quickly! Mr. Jingu!" Ravicia exclaimed.

"[If I come out, the armor will not be able to exert its power.]" The golden armor gestured to the girl, and then disappeared into the portal together with the nuclear bomb cylinder.

Two seconds later, the seemingly solid portal shook and fell apart.

"Mr. Jin Gu——!"

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