The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Ten, Burning Crusade (10)


Europa 7.

Although the "World God Galaxy Suppression of Bandits" incident is still ongoing, its popularity in Academy City has declined.

After all, the battle has been going on for nearly a whole day, and the Batarian regular army cannot retreat. Just clearing the pirate base hidden in the asteroid belt can be said to be quite boring. Many other channels have been changed to Other programs, such as asking some experts to comment on this battle, or analyzing the possible economic impact on the Star Alliance.

Just like the launch of manned spacecraft in the early days of the space age, the most attention is the moment of launch, followed by when the astronauts return. As for what research they have done in space and what their daily actions are, some people may be interested. , but definitely not as much as the first two.

Of course, the most important reason is that Ao Yuyu started to rest.

When the fleet is cruising, she will place the "camera" there and let it film automatically. She will only appear to comment on the pirate base when a battle occurs.

If anyone were to keep statistics, they would find that she caused the ratings of this channel to go up and down.

As far as this superpower research institute is concerned, Teacher Yueyong and Ilia have already left because they have to go to class. 10032 feels that this place is not interesting and disappeared. Winston and the "Overwatch" he recruited are loyal audiences and there is no battle. When they were there, they discussed how they would defeat those aliens if they were themselves.

The rest are naturally Naiya who is keen on causing trouble, Kaos who feels that this battle is unusual, and Kedori who is very happy to see explosions.

As the host, Ms. Suzu naturally did not leave, but it was strange that Yuriko Suzina, who always had the "contempt of a king" on her face, did not leave either.

At this time, as the battle came to an end, Ao Yuyu reappeared, and the number of students in the lecture theater became more numerous again.

Of course, this ending is just Kaos's own judgment. When Batali has no intention of taking action and the Starfleet Fleet has found the space fortress hidden in the Kaishen Galaxy, all he needs to do is blow up the ugly thing or make an emergency landing. The goal of this war has basically been successfully achieved. After retaliation and deterrence are achieved, the next thing is the negotiation table.

The Batarian space fortress is not so much a military base as it is...

"[Have you seen the space waste collection station right in front? That is our goal this time~]" Ao Yuyu said in the live broadcast channel.

Although the space building was in dilapidated condition, with some parts even visible through it, and the warships taking off and landing were all like scrap metal, it was still not appropriate to call it a scrap collection station. To be precise, it should be... a garbage dump.

Moreover, compared to the previous pirate stronghold converted from a mining station, this garbage dump-like space building dared to fight back against the Starfleet fleet. It can be called... an armed garbage dump.

As the Starfleet fleet in the video gradually approached, the surface of the space fortress, which looked like a cylinder with both ends exploded, began to glow with the light of artillery fire. The light of mass effect cannons hit the fleet, and the old and shabby Man-machine and small spaceships also rushed in like a mantis acting as a chariot.

So, it's really strange... Kaos looked at the live broadcast and thought thoughtfully: The fighting style displayed by the Batarians is not like a pirate civilization at all. If a civilization that mainly focuses on robbery and slave trading For civilization to do this kind of thing can only prove that they are planning a bigger conspiracy, maybe... Dui Zi?

Although I suspect a conspiracy,

But Kaos is not a frontline commander, or in other words, even if he is a frontline commander, he cannot change the battle plan because of some simple speculation.

"[As you can see, our fleet has spread out and is attacking this space fortress from different angles. The reason for this is... let me check.]" Ao Yuyu suddenly got stuck in the middle of speaking. The camera also stopped moving.

"Because of the overall structure!"

"Destruction in one direction cannot stop the operation of a space fortress!"

“We also need to prevent fish from slipping through the net!”

The students shouted excitedly one by one, causing Winston, who was holding the microphone to speak, to be stunned for a moment.

You have finished talking, what else can he say?

"[Hey, yellow-robed monster, was that you just now?]" Kedoli poked Kaos.

"[If you saw it, that's true.]" Kaos nodded.

"[It was definitely not me this time!]" Naia began to distance herself from the relationship for some reason.

The next moment, the lecture hall became silent.

Just when Ao Yuyu went to "check something", the space fortress in front of the camera exploded.

First, there was a series of explosions in the middle part of the fortress, which were like explosions. Then an unknown dangerous object was triggered. The whole fortress trembled like a wave of water. Then, a large amount of light began to shrink toward the center of the fortress. , the degree and speed of contraction even turned the cylindrical fortress into an hourglass shape. Finally, the "waist" of the "hourglass" suddenly expanded, and a huge, tilted blue light explosion with a "halo" suddenly spread in all directions. Drive away.

By the way, the reading app I am using recently has many book sources, complete books, and fast updates!

The lecture theater suddenly became silent. Anyone who lived in the Mass Effect era knew what that meant. It was the gravitational distortion caused by the Mass Effect explosion.

Such explosions can only be blocked by mass effect shields, which must be more powerful than the core from which the explosion occurred.

On such a large scale, the only thing that could explode was the main mass effect core of that space fortress. A core with such power could only be blocked by the "dreadnought" which was still on the design drawings.

So...these Batarians plan to sacrifice a space fortress and perish together with the Starfleet fleet?

In a flash of lightning, Kaos saw a tall figure wearing heavy black armor standing in front of the porthole. With some disdain, he steadily thrust the giant sword in his hand into the floor.

Holy light, feathers, and a cross-cutting light that almost ran through the entire space fortress flashed by.

Sure must be Yao Zhu.

The next second, shock waves from the explosion followed one after another, causing the "lens" to shake.

"[Eh-huh? What's wrong? What's wrong?]" Ao Yuyu, who had returned from checking the information, appeared in front of the camera unsteadily, and because she lost her balance, she staggered and held on to the porthole, with her face almost touching it. .

"Ah, by the way, this is a live broadcast with a 20-minute delay. If something happened to the fleet, the signal would have been cut off..."

One student said belatedly.

Boom boom boom——

In the live broadcast, the entire fleet was using the most powerful shield to resist the big explosion, and the flagship Ao Yuyu was on was also shaking constantly, but it seemed like it could survive it——

Click, click.

Cracks began to appear on the huge picture window. Ao Yuyu stared and took two steps back, seemingly not understanding the situation.

"[Miss Ao! Please leave with us immediately!]" Two "doormen" wearing Star Alliance officer uniforms at the door rushed into the camera.

Obviously, this temporary "live broadcast room" is not as thick as other parts. Even if it is weakened by the explosion, it cannot withstand it at all.

Click! Boom boom boom——!

The next moment, a golden figure appeared outside the live viewing window, using the shield on his body to firmly block the explosion shock waves coming towards the porthole. After being blocked by him, those blazing blue shock waves immediately turned into Groups of colorful mist flew around.

"[Look, everyone, a peerless hero has appeared wearing golden armor and holy clothes and riding on colorful auspicious clouds!]" Ao Yuyu, who was about to leave, instantly entered the host mode: "[He must be a good person!]"

What a miserable hero.


While Kaos was complaining silently, a cold snort came from behind him. When he turned around to look, he found Yuriko Suzuko walking away from the back door of the classroom without saying a word.



Omega Galaxy, Satellite 4.

A Graytip Shark infantry vehicle disguised as a prospecting vehicle was running across the red sandy soil.

Since there is no reference at all on the ground, you can only drive according to preset coordinate points, and the driving experience is quite bad.

So the task of driving was left to the fortress.

Other passengers were collectively watching the live broadcast of the Starfleet's attack on the Realm Galaxy.

"[I am Iron Man.]"

Ao Yuyu was interviewing the hero who saved the battleship... the porthole glass. He lifted his helmet and smiled slightly:

"[Anyway, I would like to report that I am safe and sound to everyone who cares about me, thank you.]"

"Isn't this the governor of Mount Ili? How did he get into this battle?" Kangna asked doubtfully.

“[After all, it’s his planet that does the logistics, so it’s easy to do that.]” Saren nodded.

"This is called first-come-first-served." Benacia habitually showed off his knowledge.

Wu Li~Hiccup~ Fortress also made an opinion that no one knew what it meant.

"This time things are serious." Although the live broadcast screen looked relaxed, Kangna, who knew a lot of inside information, felt that the matter was a bit serious: "Ordinary pirate bases cannot blow themselves up and destroy the incoming fleet. Although The power of the mass effect core explosion was for some reason more than 80% weaker than normal, but it still caused heavy damage to the Starfleet fleet. It is not clear from the live broadcast, but the ships in that fleet were basically below the cruiser level. It’s considered scrapped.”

"[If this happened to us Turians, the Batari would have been destroyed.]" Saren said casually.

"It sounds like the losses you suffered on Europa 7 were minor." Kangna continued.

"[No, that's not the same thing,]" Saren's expression became serious: "[On Europa 7, the human resistance left a deep impression on us, and most of our battle groups greatly appreciated your commitment to the battle. passion and the will to protect our country.】"

But it was your brother's war group that suffered the loss?

Kangna forced herself not to say these "rebellious" words.

"[But the Batarians are different. They gave up their members who were still in the space fortress, and ignored their will, just to cause harm to you. This seriously violates the original intention of a civilization to establish an armed force,]" Sarun Wei After half a second: "[They are not qualified to continue to be called 'civilization'.]"

["Will you bring this up in the Ghost Recon report?" (model)]

["Let's work together to raise the Batarian home planet?" (Rebellion)]

【"so what?"】

"What exactly do you want to say?" Kangna looked at the second option for several seconds before giving up.

"[It depends on what we will find at the location marked by Bella,]" Saren pointed forward: "[You know, although the Citadel is concealing the existence of the Reapers and believes that it will be a long time before they arrive in the galaxy, But any use of Reaper technology is strictly prohibited, after all... Do you know the 'three-way handshake' theory?]"

"I don't know." Kang Na shook her head.

"That's the research result of our Asari. Don't take the opportunity to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha." Benacia suddenly said.

"[Then please]." Saren gestured with his hands.

"The so-called 'three-way handshake' theory means that even if it is far away from the time when the Reapers invade according to the preset program, a civilization in the Milky Way establishes three consecutive contacts with the Reapers, which will cause them to start intrusion. The existing evidence It shows that our previous civilization, 'Prothean', was wiped out by the Reapers because of the 'three-way handshake.'" Benacia said, holding up her non-existent glasses.

Well... Indeed, Kangna thought back to the historical scenes she saw through the "Spark Source". As a civilization that unified the galaxy, the Protheans seemed not ready to fight the Reapers at all. Judging from their embarrassed appearance, Look, maybe they mistook the Reapers for some kind of civilization that has not yet been conquered by them, and maybe they even said harsh words during the contact process...

Prothean: I jumped out, I went back, I jumped out again~ Come and hit me~


Reaper: I have never seen such a request in my life.

"No, wait," Kangna looked at Saren: "Did our previous contact count? And over the years, haven't galactic civilizations come into contact with other Reaper items?"

"There is no need to worry unfounded," Benacia shook his head: "These 'three handshakes' must be made by the same civilization. You humans have just stepped into the universe. No matter how you think about it, you will never have the opportunity to encounter so many things that can establish a connection with the Reapers. Bar?"


The fortress once again expressed an unclear opinion. Seeing that the people in the car ignored it, it simply flicked its tail and stopped the infantry vehicle sideways.

"What's wrong, fortress? We are obviously still far away from our destination... um." Benacia looked up out of the window, then froze.

It was a huge black thing that looked like a lobster or a squid. It was thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters high. It was lying on the red sand in front of it. It had withstood countless years of wind and sand. More than half of Baptism's body is buried in red soil and gravel. If you don't look closely at it from the side, but from a rough satellite scan, you can see that it is just a slightly abrupt black boulder.

"[Damn it, Batari has been a neighbor of a reaper for who knows how many years? We have to kill it!]" Saren looked furious.

"No, it must contain a lot of lost knowledge..." Benacia drooled.

Kangna started counting on her fingers how many times she had seen the Reaper. It probably wasn't the third time...

[New mission: Prevent Saren Atreus from being civilized: 0/1. 】

[New mission: Prevent Benacia from being civilized: 0/1. 】

Can you two guys make people worry less!

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