The Collection of The End

Chapter 150 River Wood and Dragon Claw

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 17th, 12:00——

Riverwood Town (Riverwood), as its name suggests, is located on the riverside of a tributary of the White River, and is surrounded by a large number of trees. At the same time, because it is located in a valley between two mountain ranges, the climate is relatively mild, which is very suitable for the growth of crops.

At first, there was only a mill built here to provide food for Xueman, and then a sawmill appeared to build farmers' residences, and a blacksmith shop was built to provide tools for the sawmill. With the increase of residents and houses, It was necessary to build a wall to protect them, and here came a quarry, and then because it became a safe base, nearby hunters would bring their prey here to sell and live temporarily, and hunting grounds and hotels came into being.

After it unknowingly became an important source of materials for Xueman, the lord sent regular soldiers to protect the safety of this place. As a result, caravans and traveling merchants also began to consider using this place as a foothold. Finally, the bard It has become a famous place in the old agricultural town of Loristed.

However, this naturally formed large town does not have a mayor in the usual sense. The lord of Xueman did not arrange for his men to take up this position due to certain considerations. The decision was made through negotiation, and if a consensus could not be reached, a messenger would be sent to Xueman to ask the lord what he meant.

However, there are still some things that can't be asked of the lord, such as which side to favor the Empire and the Stormcloaks.

At this time, due to the return of Hadava and Rarov and the news they brought, these actual power holders are discussing countermeasures in the hotel in the town.

"There's nothing to say," Gordo in the blue dress looked at the other people sitting around the firepit: "Everyone who went out to work must be withdrawn, and more people should be sent to patrol, and pay attention to the sky-that's A train."

She is a typical Nord, with golden curly hair and blue eyes, but she is smaller than other women. It is difficult for people who see her for the first time to guess that she is the owner of a sawmill and a mill. At the same time, she Also Raloff's older sister.

"Well, that's right." Hood echoed. He was originally a worker in a sawmill. Because of his excellent work and honesty, he was favored by Gordo, so he naturally turned to his wife in everything.

"No, no, no, Gordo, you think things are simple, it's not as straightforward as logging," Arvo, who hadn't taken off his blacksmith clothing, shook his head: "Have you ever thought about why that dragon To attack Helgen?"

Arvo is the owner of the Brookwood blacksmith shop, and his craftsmanship is not bad. In addition to meeting the needs of the sawmill, he can also make agricultural tools and weapons for others. He is also Hadawa's uncle.

"Besides, Hadava said that the dragon crossed the cold mountain and disappeared, so there is no need to be so nervous." Arvo's wife, Sigri, was at the side to chime in. In fact, she had no conflict with Gordo, but they were both beautiful women. See She always wanted to sing a different tune in her early days.

"Can you guarantee that it won't come back?" Gerdo cast his gaze over: "Don't forget, the black smoke from your blacksmith shop is quite eye-catching, and the dragon will be the first target if you want to burn it."

"No, wait, Gordo, that's not what I'm talking about." Arvo interrupted the two women's saber-rattling. If they quarreled, they would definitely develop into attacking each other's industries.

"The reason why the dragon attacked Helgen was that there were too many people there." He said: "The prisoners, carriages, soldiers, and onlookers gathered too many people to attract the attention of the dragon. Dorsey always goes to water the ant nest when she sees it."

"Heh, it's the same with my Frogner, who always brings Stamp around to cause trouble." Gerdo also thought of his son.

If nothing else happens, that troublemaker will marry the little girl from Arvo's family when he grows up, and then he will be the same generation as Arvo,

And Larov will be a generation older than Hadava, and it will be very interesting. Thinking of this, she no longer deliberately targeted Sigri: "So, what do you think?"

"My opinion is that everything is as usual, but let everyone avoid unnecessary outdoor activities," Arvo said: "At the same time, send a messenger to the lord of Xueman to ask for help. After all, his palace is called Dragon Cloud Palace."

"Well, indeed, we have all heard the story of the one-eyed Olaf killing the dragon. The dragon's skull is still hanging on the wall of the palace. If there is anyone who can deal with the dragon, it must be the lord—but who will deliver the letter? "Goldo said.

"It's better to let Faendal go. The elf has long legs and runs fast." Swan, the bard beside him, replied.

"The hunting ground is inseparable from people, I think Swann is fine," the high elf Faendal, who was carrying an elf-style longbow, replied: "Bards run faster."

"I think it's better for you to go together." Lucan Valeris, the owner of the storehouse in Ximu Town, said angrily, "If someone is taken away by the dragon, it won't make Ximu a mess."

Everyone in Ximu Town knows that the poor hunter Faendal in the hunting ground and the out-of-tune bard Swan in the hotel have taken a fancy to the sister of the imperial Lukan, who is completely different from the Nords, the brown-haired and brown-eyed Kemi La Valeris.

At the beginning, they were more courteous to Kemira, but now they have turned into attacking and smearing each other, and they don't pay much attention to the Lord.

"It seems that you have reached a consensus," the hotel's chef Ogner began to place bread, Alto wine, cheese and grilled fish on the tables of the participants: "The preparation was hasty and the hospitality was not good."


"Shall we cooperate with the escort?" At the intersection leading to Xueman from Ximu Town, Hawada and Larov were talking with two Xueman guards, and beside them were bandits with their hands tied.

Unlike the dark brown of the Imperial Legion and the dark blue of the Stormcloaks, the uniform color of the Snowman Guard is bright yellow, and the two guards look very similar in appearance.

"We brothers are not here to change the guard," said the taller guard who called himself Thor: "This time I came to Ximu to build the western watchtower outside Xueman City, and to discuss the purchase of wood and stone. Some labor will need to be hired, but the bandits you brought here will come in handy."

Hearing these words, the robbers were a little agitated, but they calmed down when Xueman guards glared at them.

"If they register at Xueman, they won't be able to escape," the thinner guard named Loki pouted at the robbers: "So they will definitely try to escape on the way. If there are only the two of us as guards, there is no guarantee." These two days can be optimistic about them."

"This..." Hadawa hesitated.

"Still thinking about Arthur?" Larov sneered, "Don't think about it, he seems to be a man with ideas, why would he run to be restrained by the Imperial Legion?"

"But I also didn't accept your proposal to go to Windhelm City." Hadawa looked at him, "Didn't he say he wanted to investigate the place where the dragon disappeared?"

"If you want to go back to Dugu City and Windhelm City respectively, you can go to Xueman to hire a carriage and drop by." Thor said, since the lord was neutral about the battle between the two sides, this attitude also affected the two guards. The two wearing the uniforms of hostile forces showed no curiosity.

"Besides, you just mentioned the dragon," Loki pointed to the sky, "You must have the task of reporting to the lord."

Indeed, Hadvar and Raloff looked at each other, but not Lord Snowrun.

The dragon appeared without any warning, and disappeared just as silently. Although Swann's mother said that it disappeared in the direction of the cold mountain peak, one can't expect any sharp eyes from an old lady.

The Lord Snowman sent a messenger from Ximu to inform them that the two of them were tasked to go to Solitary City and Windhelm City respectively to inform the two leaders of the situation after Helgen—after all, they retreated quickly.

"Alright then," Hadawa made a decision, "We will be traveling companions during this time."

"Hehe." Larov sneered at the bandits who were instantly discouraged. It turned out that they really planned to take the opportunity to escape.


"Hmph, these two guys have become more and more tasteless recently."

At the bridgehead from Ximu Town to the cold mountain peak, Camilla Valeris was staring at the two letter papers in her hand, as if she wanted to burn through them with her eyes.

These two letter papers read "Kemira, I hope you will wash and cook for me and take care of my mother and future children, Swan." and "Kemira, I think our identities are too different. Better not see each other, Farndall."

However, the problem is that these two letters were sent by Faendal who claimed to be Swann and Swann who claimed to be Faendal and asked Arthur to forward them respectively.

"Because Ximu knows their tricks, so you go to deceive outsiders?" Camilla crumpled up the letter paper and turned her gaze to Arthur's face: "But you really have a face that you can believe."

"Thank you for your compliment," Arthur smiled, "Can you tell me about the mountain and the golden dragon claw now?"

After arriving in Ximu Town, Hadawa's uncle gave him a set of iron armor that basically fit, and Raloff's sister gave him a steel two-handed sword. Obviously, the two companions told them their preferences .

Since they were so enthusiastic, of course Arthur wanted to help solve the dragon's problem. He happened to hear from a certain child that Lukan's shop had been stolen a few days ago and lost a "golden dragon claw", and the thief's escape The direction was the cold mountain peak where the dragon disappeared, which made him doubt the connection between them.

"Hanluo Peak got its name from the Hanluo Temple on it," Camilla said, "the Nord temples all have some strange mechanisms, and the one opened with dragon claws is one of them. His claw was used to open the mechanism of the temple, but because the temple and the abandoned watchtower on the road were occupied by robbers, he never dared to go.”

"Understood, I will get it back." Arthur looked at the snow-covered mountain and nodded.

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