The Collection of The End

Chapter 151 Temple and Ghoul

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 17th, 14:00——

The wind was cold and the snow was flying.

Since Skyrim Province is originally located on a plateau, the location of Hanluo Mountain is only more than 200 meters higher than Ximu Town, and the surface is completely covered with snow. Although the harsh environment makes it difficult for Arthur in iron armor, it is also This made it difficult for the robbers in the abandoned guard tower ahead to find him.

As a province with constant wars since ancient times, Skyrim Province must have sentry towers and fortresses built at most of the pass roads. However, due to the loss of strategic significance in certain locations, defensive buildings in some less critical locations will be gradually abandoned and then replaced by Robbers take over.

Obviously, this sentry tower was built to defend the destination of Arthur's trip, the Hanluo Temple. It was likely that in ancient times, it was a very important place for both warring parties.

Arthur, whose hair and armor had been whitened by the wind and snow, was hiding behind a huge rock near the abandoned watchtower, carefully observing the watchtower and the number and equipment of the robbers.

This is a common three-story bow and arrow sentry tower. The bottom layer is the arsenal, the middle layer is the guard's residence, and the highest point is the open-air watchtower and shooting position. However, after being occupied by robbers, the defense cannot be as strict as the regular army. Se only saw a robber guarding the gate outside the sentry tower. It has to be said that the Nords are very cold-resistant and have a strong physique, but this robber was shirtless.

If there is any difference between these robbers and the beasts that Arthur has been hunting all this time, it is that they will surrender. They will squat on the ground and beg for mercy. At this time, they can be caught and sent to the guards to receive a bounty. They should then be sent to work in some places such as mines or construction sites, or they may run away again to other places. The place is a robber.

Arthur bowed his body and approached the robber who was watching the wind from behind, and then struck the iron helmet on his head with his sword. The muffled sound disappeared in the wind and snow. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground shaking.

There was no need to cause trouble, Arthur looked at the watchtower that was completely silent, touched the few gold coins carried by the bandit casually, bypassed the watchtower and continued towards Hanluo Mountain.


The reason why the cold mountain peak got its name is because there is a huge "cold temple" embedded in the mountain wall near its peak. Although it is called a temple, it is actually a tomb of the Nords.

Perhaps few people do that now, but the tradition of the Nords in ancient times was to wrap the corpse in a shroud after embalming and bury it in sarcophagi of different sizes. The nobles may have the coffin exclusively Or the tomb, while the lower ones had to share the tomb with other dead, and the lower ones didn't even have a coffin, and the corpses would be placed randomly in the grooves dug in the wall.

In addition, because the Nords still have the custom of burying valuables, in order to prevent theft, they will set up various deadly organs in various tombs, and finally seal the surface and build them into tombs or temples. This large-scale tomb It can be found almost in most parts of Skyrim, and it has basically become a gathering place for tomb robbers.

After Arthur reached the top of the mountain, what he saw was a bandit camp with more than a dozen people built near the main entrance of the temple. Judging from the size of the bonfire and the oldness of the fur tent, it should have been established for a long time. The sentry tower on the mountainside should also be occupied by their people.

Ximu Town has never heard of their existence in such a large-scale bandit camp. This can only prove that these bandits have gained a lot of benefits from the Hanluo Temple, and they are too lazy to rob ordinary passers-by. It's purely my own bad luck.

Arthur remained concealed and approached the camp, and because the constellation representing "stealth" lit another star, he approached the camp completely unnoticed,

They stopped behind a fur tent and quietly observed the bandits around the bonfire. The wind and snow could be avoided here, and there was a sentry tower on the mountainside to warn them. The bandits wearing miscellaneous leather armors were not too vigilant.

"Everything that can be searched in this temple has been searched, should we change the place?" Arthur heard a robber say.

"Damn looting, we haven't even entered the first floor," replied another robber.

"Unless we have a way to deal with that spider." Another robber answered

"Perhaps the swift Makur can avoid the spider, he rushed in with the golden dragon claws." The robbers said, "Let's wait a little longer. If he brings out something good, he can't let him eat it all by himself."

"Clang." "Who is it!" "Someone is here!"

Arthur, who heard the keyword, accidentally kicked over an iron can. No matter how bright the stars on the Stealth Constellation were, it was useless. He had to pull out the steel two-handed sword behind his back and face the robber who was searching. Sweep past.

Although Arthur is better at weapons such as bows and arrows, hand axes and shields, which are convenient for hunting, the familiarity with the two-handed sword seems to come from his soul. The illusion is that the constellation with the pattern of the two-handed sword has been activated when cleaning the coal mine. Three stars lit up, and when there was no one else standing in the camp but himself, a fourth star lit up too.

"Huh..." Arthur kicked the iron can that led to his discovery, and looked at the scattered corpses in the bandit camp: "Without any witnesses, this infiltration is considered a success."



Arthur casually chopped off the two pounced snowrats, and continued to walk down the dilapidated tomb corridor of the temple.

Just as those robbers said, the funerary objects on the surface of this temple have been looted by them, and some simple mechanisms have been completely destroyed, but the traces of those destructive looting suddenly disappeared in front of a tomb covered by a large number of spider webs. At the end, Arthur could vaguely hear the crawling sounds of spiders crawling behind those spider webs. There was no doubt that this place was used as a nest by frost spiders, and the bandits who were not strong in combat naturally did not dare to go further.

"Anybody? Anyone, come and save me, and I'll give you half of the treasure—oh! Holy Spirit! It's coming again."

After Arthur cut through several layers of spider webs, there was a sharp cry for help from the front. The other party seemed to hear the movement of him breaking the spider webs and it became louder, but at the same time there was a muffled sound of something huge hitting the ground.

The robbers outside didn't notice the dragon flying by at all, and the only clue was the golden dragon claws, but if this guy was caught by the spider, who released the dragon?

Arthur broke through the last layer of spider web, and it was not surprising to see a thin robber tightly bound by the spider web, and a huge frost spider in front of him.

Compared to the few spiders that were killed in the bear cave before, this spider was obviously three to four times bigger, and it reacted extremely quickly. It turned around and sprayed a cloud of venom at Arthur, but it missed at all.

Arthur rolled over directly, swiped his sword and cut off half of the big spider's three legs. Then, taking advantage of its loss of balance, he jumped high and directly inserted the two-handed sword into the spider's head and pulled it out quickly. The spider screamed, and the green poisonous Blood splattered everywhere, but only hit Arthur's leather buckler, which was in front of him in time - he had brought it with him when he raided the bandit camp.

"Now we should talk." Arthur used the spider's caustic blood to melt away the web that bound the skinny bandit.

"Who will give you the treasure—" The robber just broke free from the shackles, jumped off the spider web, and ran directly to the depths of the tomb.

"Hey, wait!" Arthur clearly saw that he was holding a claw-shaped thing in his hand, dropped his shield and followed closely.

The bandit, as he was called "the swift" by his mates, was indeed fast enough to limping about in the intricate vaults and nearly throwing Arthur off, but when he got carried away he stepped on some kind of floor trap , was directly hit by the door mechanism that was thrown over suddenly, and slammed into the wall where the simple tomb was dug. He watched Arthur who was chasing him back again and again, but he didn't notice that there was a blue flame in the eyes behind him. The "man" raised his sword high towards him.


Arthur swung his sword just in time, stopping the long sword that was about to split him in half, and then saw that it was an ancient Nord mummified, trying to attack with the long sword it was buried with. Makur, but his movements were completely out of order. Arthur knocked it down with two swords, and the blue fire that was originally glowing in the eyes of this mummy was also extinguished.

"Help, help——" Arthur was thinking about how the corpse would come back to life. The skinny robber took the opportunity to sneak away, but almost immediately, he fled back rolling and crawling, followed by a few wobbly ones Nord mummy, not only wielding one-handed swords, but also holding two-handed axes and bows and arrows.

"What is this? You made it?" Although these corpses looked scary, they were actually vulnerable. Arthur stepped forward and knocked them down with a few swords. Then he frowned and asked Makur, who was timid and afraid to run again.

"That's a corpse, a ghoul!" Makur's voice changed: "The dragon returns, the dead wake up, the end of the world—"

"Did you see that dragon? And what about the end of the world?" Arthur didn't have much idea about a fragile monster like a ghoul, but he was very interested in another sentence.

"Okay, I saw that huge black dragon in the morning, it passed over the top of the mountain and headed towards Xueman, but I said those idiots didn't believe it, so I had to try my luck with the dragon's claw—— He seemed to be afraid that another ghoul would appear, and he followed closely beside Arthur, answering every question: "That is the ancient legend of Nord, when Alduin, the Eater of Worlds, returned, the dead in the tomb will wake up, and the world will be destroyed.”

The end of the world, seems... familiar, Arthur thought, frowning.

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