The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and thirteen, Wrath of the Lich King (3)

——? ? ? ——

[Start connecting to subspace... The connection is successful. 】

[Locating Cloud City... Positioning completed. 】

[Login request sent...permission granted. 】

[Start projecting consciousness...]

[Start projecting consciousness...]

[Error: Connection timed out, please try again later. 】

[Exiting subspace...exit failed. 】

[Error: Insufficient permissions, access denied. 】

[Warning: You are about to enter the subspace with an unspecified destination. Please ensure the safety of your conscious body. 】

……what's the situation?

When Kangna opened her eyes, she found that she was in a huge space composed of countless gray-black cubes with rounded corners.

This space is in the shape of a hollow cylinder as a whole. There are many corridors and stairs between the inner walls, which are also composed of those squares. In addition, the outer wall of this "cylinder" is not complete, and there are many gaps of different sizes on it. From those places, Looking outside, you can clearly see the gray fog spreading outside.

So, it’s true that this is subspace, but isn’t there something wrong with these blocks and structures that symbolize soul or consciousness? Apart from Salen and Benacia, where else can be found nearby——

While thinking about it, Kangna turned her eyes to look at the surrounding environment, and then the next moment she saw something unusually familiar - a huge crack that cut the "cylinder" in half horizontally.

After looking at the gap over there and roughly calculating her position, Kangna came to a somewhat unbelievable conclusion.

Could it be...that this is the consciousness of the "Reaper Battleship"? Is it alive?

No, it should be said "have lived".

If it was still alive, how could it have been half-buried on this remote planet for who knows how many years? At least its fellow reapers will come to save it, right?

Unless the reapers have no companionship at all and are all cold tools.

But if it is a simple tool,

Naturally, it is impossible for a consciousness to exist, and it is impossible for it to appear here and be seen by myself.

For example, the fortress doesn’t have——

Guli~Ga'er~ The fortress beside him waved to Kangna.

"When did you come!" Kang Na was so frightened that she took half a step back.

Beep? Bastion scratched his head and made a confused sound.

"...I don't understand it at all, but the fact that you can appear here means that you have self-awareness or a soul, rather than being a simple robot." Kangna nodded: "I'll give you a better treatment when I go back."

Beep beep. Bastion didn't know whether he understood or not, and shook his head.

"There are two problems now. Because I am blocked by this 'conscious entity', I cannot seek external help. And you run into the subspace. No one in Saren and Benacia is responsible for finishing the damage..." Perhaps because of too many After gathering an audience, Kangna babbled to the fortress: "Now that we have converged, we must either find a way to leave here and return to reality together, or we must leave this cage composed of reaper consciousness and continue to find foreign aid."

Beep! Bastion responded.

"Very good, it seems you have decided, let's go." Kangna looked around and chose a path to move towards the cut "crack".


Boom boom boom——


Kangna, who was lying near the crack, pulled up the fortress that almost fell into the abyss. At the same moment, the "Union Bridge" she had just used to jump over directly shattered and collapsed.

"I don't want to know at all what will happen if I fall into the depths of the consciousness of this Reaper battleship... Is it probably because of being enlightened?" Kangna took the fortress and took two steps back, listening to the continuous collapse sound coming from below. , with lingering fears.

Bilibili... the fortress also looked like it had survived the disaster.

To describe Kangna's experience during this period in simple language, it would be "collapse wherever you go." After an unknown amount of time, the consciousness of this giant has become like a dried leaf. A little force can make them fall apart.

It seems a bit wrong to talk about power in the world of consciousness, so is it mind disturbance?

In short, after all the destruction, Kangna and the fortress successfully reached the outside of the consciousness of the Reaper battleship and could re-contact Cloud City.

I hope some of them wake up.

[Locating Cloud City... Positioning completed. 】

[Start transmitting consciousness...] seems to have worked this time. It is indeed the problem of the reapers. I will have to tell the girls all the strange things I have encountered recently.

Kangna thought as she looked at the blurry scene around her.

[Error: Due to interference, transmission failed. 】

[Login request has been resent...]

[Login request under review...]

【examination passed. 】

[Start transmitting consciousness...]

No, wait? When do I need to go through the review process when I go to Yunzhong City? Where is this connected to?

[Conscious body transmission...0%...12.5%...25%...]

Sure enough, he went somewhere else!

Although she sensed something was wrong, Kangna, who had already entered the transmission state, could do nothing.

What's even more outrageous is that it seems that due to the slow transmission speed, the transmission interface that originally simulated the mass effect channel flashed and started playing a movie... maybe a movie?

[On the day you were born, the entire Elwynn Forest was whispering your name:]

Following the deep voice of an old man, a snowy field with howling cold wind appeared in front of Kangna's eyes.

【Elsa. 】

In the fierce wind and snow, a girl with silver shawl hair and a strange school uniform came forward. From Kangna's perspective, she could only see her back but not her face.

[I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice. 】

The girl pulled the scarf around her neck and was slowly moving towards an icy lake in front of her.

[You have to remember that we have always ruled this country with wisdom and strength, and I also believe that you will use your powerful power with caution. 】

After arriving at the edge of the ice lake, the girl raised her fist, and a sharp light blade popped out of her sleeve.

[But the real victory is to inspire the people's hearts. 】

The girl waved the light blade in her hand and drew a "Z" shape in front of her at lightning speed. After the three blades of light solidified for a moment, they flew straight forward, causing the frozen A huge crack of the same shape appeared on the lake surface.

[One day, my life will reach its end. 】

The frozen lake suddenly exploded from bottom to top following those cracks. Huge, gleaming claws protruded from the bottom of the lake, followed by a huge body that looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex, and a huge head of the same style.

What was beyond Kangna's expectation was that this was not an ordinary Tyrannosaurus Rex, but a mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex with a body made entirely of metal and a mottled black and white color scheme.

When facing a girl who was dozens of times smaller than it, it did not launch an attack. Instead, it lay on the ground submissively and placed its head in front of the girl.

The girl stepped on the mouth, nose and eyelids of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus with ease, and walked all the way to the top of its head. Then she turned around calmly, allowing Kang Na to see her delicate appearance and unwavering expression. And, golden eyes as bright as sparks.

[And you will be crowned king. 】

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