The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen, Wrath of the Lich King (4)

——? ? ? ——

[87.5%...100%...transmission completed. 】

After the "movie" ended, or came to an end, Kangna unsurprisingly found that her environment had changed.

The grey-blue, uneven stone walls, the iron-gray floor that looks like it is made of some kind of metal, and the mining picks, anvils, furnaces and cooling tanks scattered around create a scene of a long-abandoned underground mine. .

What provided illumination for these scenery were several strange lanterns hanging on the surrounding walls that looked like oil lamps but lit up with icy blue flames.

The authenticity of these things made Kangna wonder if she had encountered a subspace storm and was thrown out casually. After a simple trial and found that most of the functions based on the android database could not be used, she rejected this conjecture.

In other words, this is still subspace, and these things were deliberately created.

In addition... Kangna looked at the fortress next to her that was scratching her head and beeping, not knowing what to say. This was also an ironclad proof that she was still in the subspace.

If the transmission is so slow, you shouldn't think it's with you, right? Is there something wrong with this judgment logic? Even if she counts herself as a bionic robot, the structural difference between her and Bastion is quite large.

But forget it, let’s settle down now that we’re here, first find the owner of this place, the girl named “Aisha”. I don’t know if she, Mathew, Emil, Sophie and the others know each other.

Kangna looked around and found no obvious entrance or exit in the "Mineral Smelting Department" where she was. It seemed that this place should be similar to "Cloud City". The transmission location was fixed, and you had to walk where you wanted to go.

And just as she had these thoughts, a new task appeared.

[Mission goal: Pass through the Soul Furnace, the Saron Mine and the Overthrow Hall. 】


Kangna was thinking about the meaning of these terms as she walked along the tunnel of the mine. The first two were okay. From the literal meaning, it could be judged that they were some kind of furnace or mine, but to level the hall? unclear meaning.

Beep beep beep!

While Kangna was thinking, Bastion grabbed her and at the same time raised the rifle mounted on her hand forward as a deterrent.


Here, just like Yunzhong City, all the various combat modules originally loaded on the body have failed. However, it is very safe there and is basically unused, but that is not necessarily the case here.

Kangna casually took off the automatic rifle hanging on her back and glanced at the fortress while guarding the front.

Based on previous experience, some things that are considered "part of oneself" can be brought into Cloud City, and it seems to be the same here, but how does it treat weapons as part of itself just after it obtains them? Mechanical talent?


The sound of metal scraping from far to near in front of her attracted Kangna's attention.

I saw a figure wearing tattered armor dragging a giant battle ax in front of the corridor. He walked and swayed as if he had difficulty moving, causing the ax in his hand to make a loud sound on the metal cast floor. Rhythmic...noise.

Bastion looked very excited and was about to raise his gun, but was stopped by Kangna.

Is this place themed medieval? Anyway, try to strike up a conversation first.

"You..." Kangna paused mid-sentence.

It wasn't something that could be communicated with at all. To be precise, it didn't even seem to have a mouth.

Under the armor was a humanoid figure made of vague light and shadow, with no facial features or other details at all. No wonder the fortress was ready to shoot directly.

No, wait, this is also a subspace composed of conscious bodies. He may be able to speak without using his mouth...

【Gah! 】

The armor-clad "ghost" let out a powerful roar, then rushed towards Kangna and the fortress with its axe.

The good news is, he can actually talk, and the bad news is, he clearly has no intention of communicating.

Beep! Bastion raised his gun again and fired directly.

This time, Kangna chose to launch an attack with Bastion. As for communication, she would wait until she met someone who was willing to communicate.

Take, take, take! Ding ding ding!

After a fierce rain of bullets, the "ghost" completely dissipated, but the worn armor it wore was left behind. Bastion picked up the horned helmet and tried it on his head, but unfortunately threw it aside.

Next, Kangna talked to the fortress with firepower, passed through the "Soul Furnace" and "Salon Mine" in turn, and entered the "Tank Hall".

The former is a steel furnace built on top of the bottomless abyss, while the latter is an open-pit mine that is mining some strange green mineral.

In these two places, most of the enemies are the previous "ghosts" with only a humanoid outline. Occasionally, there are one or two "ghosts" riding the same transparent "ghost dragon". They are undoubtedly unable to carry out operations. Conversational.

Kangna also saw a few special "ghosts" who could hold conversations, but it was hard to say whether that kind of conversation was possible.

For example, a ghost named "Blonjam" will only keep roaring: "Take it! Dad's trendy backpack!"

However, you won't get any backpack after defeating it.

There is also a guy named "Galforster, King of the Furnace", who is five times as tall as Kangna. He holds a sledgehammer and keeps shouting about "You can't move when you're frozen."

Finally, there is a ghost named "Scale Lord Tyrannus". He is covered in tight plate armor and assisted by a giant ghost dragon. It can be said that he is the most difficult one. Bullets are ineffective against his armor.

After a long struggle, Kangna found a way to lead him into an unstable mine and bury him.

Next, there is the "Inversion Hall".

The "Inversion Hall" is not like a hall, but more like a long corridor, and its decoration style and decorative materials are more gorgeous than the previous two locations.

The armors of the two heavily armored knights guarding the entrance to this hall are equally gorgeous, and it is almost foreseeable that the bullets will be ineffective.

When Kangna saw them, just like when she encountered named monsters several times before, a separate mission appeared.

[Mission goal: Defeat Farric and Marvin. 】

There seems to be no place to bury them here. Is there any place in this corridor that can be used?

Kangna was watching the two stationary heavily armored warriors thinking about tactics from a distance, and the fortress had already walked over with a high head.

Farric and Marvin began to shake their bodies almost at the same time, preparing to attack.

"Hey, Bastion, you..."

Beep beep ~ Gu Guli ~

Without waiting for Kangna to provide support, Bastion "sat" directly.

No, to be precise, it underwent a transformation from a gun-wielding humanoid machine into a large Gatling heavy machine gun.


Seeing the two heavily armored warriors charging, Bastion shouted slightly anxiously.

"There is also this usage..."

Kangna rushed over and grabbed the handle behind the fortress.

Buzz buzz...

Da da da da da—!

Blue fire burst out, and the armor flew away.

[Mission completed: Defeat Farric and Marvin. 】

[Mission completed: Pass through the Soul Furnace, Saron Mine and the Overthrow Hall. 】

[New mission: Talk to the Lich King. 】

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