The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixteen, Wrath of the Lich King (6)

——? ? ? ——

Knights of the Apocalypse? where?

Kangna tried to take another step forward and found that she did not fall into the illusion again. It seemed that this choice was not triggered by the "Lich King". After confirming this, Kangna's movements returned to natural and walked towards the throne.

Woohoo, beep beep. Bastion followed in as if he had discovered nothing.

Speaking of which, the three illusions just now should be his answer to the role model, rebellion and neutral attitude, but what would happen if he directly let the fortress communicate?


Just as Kangna thought of this, her head hit something.

Not too hard, slightly elastic, not causing any damage, but firmly stopping Kangna from moving forward.

Kangna looked at the throne in front of her in confusion, which was ten meters away. She reached out her hand and touched the air in front of her - there was an invisible "wall of air" in front of her.

Wu Lili~ Fortress passed through the air wall without any hindrance, then tilted his head to look at Kangna in confusion, and then walked back.

Okay, I understand. Intelligent creatures with an IQ above a certain level are prohibited from approaching.

In other words, if Bastion had been asked to communicate before, the "Lich King" would have taken care of its IQ and made a more understandable explanation.

It's too late to think about this now...

"Hey, Bastion, go to the throne and see if you can wake up the little sister?" Kangna pointed to the girl on the throne and said to Bastion.

Woo~beep~Fortress flashed the light on his head, motionless.

Okay, it's really late.

So, where is the "Knight of the Apocalypse" we are looking for now?

Boom boom boom——

The ice walls on all four sides of the hall roared, and then a total of four walls sank into the floor, revealing four statues behind them, or at least what looked like statues.

Adhering to the style of this strange subspace entity, the four "Knights of the Apocalypse" are naturally dressed in gorgeous and heavy medieval armor. At the same time, their deeds and names are also engraved on the base of the statue:

[The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were once enemies of the Lich King. They tried every means to hinder the Lich King's cause. The Lich King admired their courage in fighting and decided to take them under his command. Now, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the Lich King's subordinates. The most capable generals, their names are:]

By the way, the reading app I am using recently has many book sources, complete books, and fast updates!

[Whisper of the Void·High Lord Mograine]

[The Weave of Life·Lord Kurtaz]

【The World's Ghoul, Sir Siryek】

[Instrument of Desire·Duchess Blommiux]

He's more like a prisoner than a go-getter...


As before, when Kangna approached one of the Knights of the Apocalypse, she flashed a lot of information.

[Lord Kurtaz welcomed us kindly and cordially, not with words, but with sights, ideas, and ideas. His will penetrated our hearts so gently and softly that we felt that he was there. Think about us from the bottom of your heart.

[Lord Kurtaz calls himself the "Weave of Life". He has a strong curiosity and interest in our biological forms. He shows us a series of techniques and means for the body to grow, change, improve and evolve]

[As long as we take Him into our flesh and blood.

[He awaits our answer as lovingly as a loving father awaits his doting child. 】

【Your choice is:】

[Accept ‘Nurgle’ on behalf of your own species. 】

[What are the benefits of accepting you? 】

【let me think again. 】

This... looks like, Kangna thought for a moment,

It seems that all the mental effects that would have been caused to intelligent life were described in words. Intelligent life will sincerely consider this "Nurgle" to be their kind father and accept him.

But it is obvious that the lord, whose real name is Nurgle, must obtain the consent of intelligent life forms in order to influence them, and cannot force people to accept them during the selection process.

There is no doubt that this is a restriction imposed by the "Lich King" on the Knights of the Apocalypse, but they were pushed aside.

"What's the benefit of accepting you?" Kangna responded.

[The population growth rate of the species to which it belongs increases by 20%, and the average life span of the population increases by twenty years]

[However, there is a certain chance every year that the affected population will permanently lose a certain beneficial characteristic and undergo unknown mutations. 】

Population characteristics? Kangna thought about the information she saw in the Citadel. If it were those things, it would be really incredible. If they lose the "special longevity" characteristic, the Asari would be afraid of annihilation. And if they lose the "intelligent" characteristic, Salarian is afraid that it will never evolve from amphibians to intelligent creatures.

"I'll think about it again, thank you." Kangna turned and walked towards the other Apocalypse Knights.

As for the next one...the old man with the green sword in his hand seems to be a bit kind?

[When we came into contact with the High Lord Mograine, light bloomed from all of us. It was just a soft light at first, then gradually became stronger, and finally turned into an extremely dazzling holy light. 】

[In the majestic holy light, there is a singing harmony. This voice calls itself the 'Whisper of the Void'. He claims that all mortals can master this powerful power because they exist deep in everyone's consciousness. With a little guidance, any being with psychic energy can turn it into a powerful weapon. 】

[As long as we allow him to enter our consciousness. 】

[This is a small price to pay, Highlord Mograine declared, and we cannot even detect his presence. 】

[There is sincerity in his tone. 】

【Your choice is:】

[Accept ‘Tzeentch’ on behalf of your own species. 】

[What are the benefits of accepting you? 】

【let me think again. 】

Doesn’t this name sound right to you?

Kang Na raised her eyebrows, but still chose to find out.

"What are the benefits of accepting you?"

[All psionic users add the ability ‘Power of Holy Light’, and at the same time increase the supernatural damage by 25%. 】

[However, those who hold the power of Holy Light have a 45% chance of becoming "Holy Light Fanatics" every year, and are hostile to all those with powers who do not hold the power of Holy Light, and have a 20% chance of being swallowed by the Holy Light. , and a 10% chance of falling into madness and attacking any nearby creature indiscriminately. 】

Good guy...only 25% of people can use the Holy Light normally, right?

"I'll think about it again, thank you."

Kangna chatted with the remaining two Apocalypse Knights respectively.

The real name of [Serriyek, the Shag of the World] is [Khorne], and the buffs and flaws it provides are easy to understand: the shield strength, armor strength and firepower of all combat units are increased by 33%, at the cost of every year There is a 33% chance of losing one million, ten million, or one hundred million people respectively.

The real name of [Instrument of Thirst, Duchess Braumix] is [Slaanesh]. It can increase the effectiveness of all production projects on the population home planet by 20%, but will cause all members of the population to have a 40% chance of becoming lazy and lazy every year, 40 % chance of becoming selfish, and 20% chance of deciding to rebel.

Wait... Connor took a closer look at the effect of the Duchess.

Could it be that the weird civilization of Batari accepted you?

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