The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventeen, Wrath of the Lich King (7)

——? ? ? ——

After understanding the benefits and harms of all "Apocalypse Knights", Kangna began to think about which one to accept for mankind.

There is no need to question the authenticity of these things. After all, there are examples of Cloud City, Bath, Halo and Grox. Of course, Bath is a relatively unimportant part.

Therefore, it is very reasonable to say that there are some unknown entities in the subspace that can benefit and damage a certain population.

At present, it seems that the abilities of [Whisper of the Void·High Lord Mograine] and [Instrument of Desire·Duchess Braumux] complement each other. No matter how lazy, selfish, or even rebellious, as long as they become... "Holy Light Fanatics", then everything is no longer a problem, except that 10% of people go crazy every year.

[The Thread of Life, Lord Kurtaz] and [The World's Ghoul, Sir Siryek] also have similar coordination. The population growth rate is increased by 20%, but there is a possibility of losing one million to one million people every year. With a population ranging from 100 million to 100 million, if this "20%" reaches at least "100 million", then this is a sure deal to earn 33% of the combat effectiveness.

Well... Judging from the current population and strength of mankind, the Star Alliance obviously cannot afford the blessing or curse of any "Knight of the Apocalypse".

No, wait? Why do you start to think of yourself as a human being?

Even if it has obtained "secondary citizenship" and is recognized as a human by almost everyone, this body is still a "bionic human", right?

If I sign a contract with a knight of the apocalypse, will it be applied to "human beings" or "bionic people"? Or in other words, is it an "abnormal android" who has awakened self-awareness and acquired citizenship rights?

Beep beep~ Bastion tugged at the corner of Kang Na's clothes.

"What?" He looked at the fortress, and then followed the direction of his finger. Only then did he realize that the frost hall, which was originally crystal clear and glowing with blue light, was quietly changing color. Its walls, chandeliers and floors Everything is turning red like blood.

At the same time, the flat-toned girl’s voice that she heard in the dreamland sounded in Kangna’s ears again:

[Make your request. 】

Well, it seemed that I had been thinking for too long, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse realized something was wrong and began to urge.

But "make a demand" instead of "choose a knight of the apocalypse"?

Kangna suddenly had a bold idea.

Before Frost Castle turned completely red, she said loudly: "I want the positive influence of all the Knights of the Apocalypse! But not their negative influence!"

【Can. 】

With this answer, the originally blue ice and snow hall turned completely crimson, and the statues of the four Knights of the Apocalypse continued to shake, as if they were about to come to life and beat up the greedy Kangna.

Boom boom boom——

The next moment, before the statues of the Apocalypse Knights were about to jump off their bases, four walls of ice suddenly rose up, closing them in again.

[However,] the girl’s voice added: [You have to escape Xuebao’s pursuit. 】


You want to say snow monster?


A branch arm of the little snowman originally standing next to the throne was instantly shattered, and then a huge, gleaming sharp claw protruded from the original position of the arm.

Was there any mistake? Just one finger of this claw is larger than the size of the entire little snowman.

Click, click.

The next scene was even more outrageous. The other arm of the little snowman was also broken, and another claw was stretched out. Then the head exploded, and a ferocious-looking mechanical tyrannosaurus head grew out.

This seems to be the one from the previous "movie"...


In the end, the little snowman's body shattered like an eggshell, revealing the huge and complete body of the "Mechanical Greymon". It lowered its head and rubbed beside the sleeping throne of the "Lich King", turned its head and used A pair of vertical pupils glowing red looked at Kangna.

[Run, little girl, run. 】

Following the girl's calm voice, a wall in the hall instantly shattered, revealing a mountain path outside that seemed to be built on a cliff. At the same time, the "Xue Bao" slowly walked toward Kangna.

"Hello, Olaf, goodbye, Olaf." Kangna grabbed the fortress who seemed to be about to shoot the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, turned around and ran away.


boom! boom! Da da da--

"Xue Bao" was slowly climbing up the icy cliff. From time to time, he slapped his paw to interrupt the path of the cliff, and turned a blind eye to the rain of bullets splashed by the fortress.

At present, it seems that the "Lich King" is still in a sleeping state, and all her reactions to the outside world are preset.

The small book booth that book lovers used before has been shut down, and now they are basically using microphones for reading.

Connor thought as she pulled the fortress and ran away.

As an android, Kangna is very confident in this inference.

In other words, under normal circumstances, mortals who arrive here will first pass through the "Soul Furnace", "Salon Mine" and "The Hall of Downfall" before meeting the "Lich King".

Without their own "mission reminder", those who arrive unexpectedly don't even know who they are facing and what they can get.

Well... No, not necessarily. If the "Lich King" has existed for a long time, some civilization or group may have a description or even a "strategy" for her.

But it was probably the first time in history for someone to say "I want them all" without being influenced, as he did.

In short, after encountering the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", they would probably choose one of them in a daze, and then be kicked out of the subspace. It would be impossible to see Olaf transform and then be hunted down.

Just like the unlucky Batarian who chose [Duchess Braumix].

Although it is unknown how long ago they obtained the "home planet gain", judging from the external performance, this group is basically finished.

And the last straw that pushed them completely into the abyss was to offend humans.

Click! Da da da--

Olaf threw a giant ice block forward to block the road, Bastion skillfully transformed into a blue fire Gatling, and Kang Na opened the passage with a strafing shot.

So far, this pursuit is very regular. Olaf will continue to collapse the mountain road, throw ice blocks to block the road, and summon ghost knights like before to interfere, but these methods are meaningless in front of Gatlin. Kangna led the fortress and charged all the way, which can be said to be unstoppable. The end point of this escape, a moon-white round platform that looked like an artificial construction, was already in sight.

The final problem is that there seems to be no other passage here, nor is there anything like a portal, nor can it directly return to reality, so after all...

Whoops! Buzz——

While Kangna was still searching around on the circular platform, Olaf had already caught up to him and swatted him down with his huge metal claws.

The next moment, Kangna and Bastion disappeared in the sudden aura of sparks.

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