The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighteen, Wrath of the Lich King (8)

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——? ? ? ——

[Forced transfer of consciousness occurred, repositioning...]

[Positioning completed. 】

"Dr. Winston?!"

When Kangna regained consciousness, she saw a very familiar person at first sight.

Dr. Harold Winston, the person in charge of "Model Controlled Life" who is responsible for the production and research of "Growable Animal-type Androids", according to the SCP information, he should have been killed by the out-of-control animals on the moon base.

His appearance didn't look much different from the one in the information, except that his hair was a little messy, his beard was a little longer, and his eye circles were a little darker. At this time, he was wearing a black and blue robe, with a A bright red cloak, like a bad wizard, seems to match the previous subspace castle.

"'s me, but I hope you can call me 'Agent Supreme Mage' or 'Doctor Qiyi'." Dr. Winston nodded.

What agent? What PhD?

"Supreme Mage, Agent, Miraculous Arts, Doctor." Winston continued.

Huh? Can he read his own thoughts?

"No, this is just a limited prediction of the future. The 'Supreme Mage' said that speaking to people this way will make you appear more dignified." Dr. Qiyi, who claimed to be the Supreme Mage's agent, said.

Solitary and cohesive, walking alone in one breath, enlightened and enlightened, the melons and melons are regarded as the guide, the dragons are walking, the horns are nook and cranny...

"Stop, stop!" Dr. Qiyi raised his hands in surrender: "I won't talk like that, okay?"

"So, doctor, where is this place?" Kangna looked around: "Enterprise?"

The current location where Kangna and Bastion are located is on an airship in the gray mist of subspace. It has a wide deck and a huge hull. There are two huge oval hot air balloons hanging above it, and the eyesight All the decorations and shapes are quite "medieval", or should I say, "steampunk"?

Is the Supreme Mage so retro?

"It's not the Enterprise, it's the Skyfire," Doctor Strange shrugged: "In fact, this place is very close to where you were just now on the data level, but the 'Old' can't chase it out."

"Although I have many questions to ask you, but as a rule, you wouldn't say them," Kangna continued to look around and said, "Please tell me what you can say, or what I should know."

"To put it simply, you have broken into the territory of [The End of Reincarnation]. If you are allowed to go back like this, mankind will suffer catastrophe." Dr. Qiyi said.

The disaster of annihilation... does it refer to the content of those three illusions?

"It sounds like a person of higher rank than the World's Ghoul or the Whisper of the Void," Kangna nodded: "Then, how are you going to solve this matter?"

"It doesn't need to be too troublesome. As long as your consciousness does not return directly, just follow me to the 'Kama Taj'. By then, the 'subspace mark' attached to your consciousness will not be able to affect the earth."

"Subspace...what?" Kangna asked doubtfully.

"You don't know yet, you have just signed a contract with the 'End of Reincarnation'. As long as you return to your body and let the 'subspace mark' mark the intelligent creatures around you, then human beings will gain access to it within fifty years. The kind that develops by leaps and bounds, but then will be completely destroyed in an instant at the end of the fiftieth year, and cannot be saved." Dr. Qiyi made an explosive gesture.

It sounds very powerful, but the creatures around me...turians, asari and a geth? Kangna tilted her head to look at the fortress and found that the robot was looking at her in confusion.


"So, the job of the 'Supreme Mage' is to ensure that species or civilizations do not accidentally become extinct?" Kangna asked while riding the "Skyfire" towards an unknown place.

"No, why would we do that? The rise and fall of species and civilizations are the result of their own choices.

"Dr. Qiyi shook his head: "From a personal standpoint, if it is to prevent the destruction of mankind, I will still take action, but other races do not have the time to take care of it. "

"So this time it's just a personal stance?"

"No, this time it is the responsibility of the 'Supreme Mage'."


Dr. Qiyi looked at Kang Na's "Are you kidding me?" expression, and further explained: "I wonder if you can understand that the job of the 'Supreme Mage' is to maintain the security of the 'dimension', and you and [Reincarnation] The consequences of signing the contract will seriously endanger the security of the dimension."

So, the rise and fall of mankind is actually not that important to the dimension, but if [The End of Reincarnation] is allowed to take action, will it cause damage to the dimension? Kangna nodded slowly.

"It seems you understand," Dr. Qiyi also nodded: "The impact of other 'Apocalypse Knights' on civilization has been determined in advance. Even if those blessings and curses take effect in the real dimension, they themselves will still be trapped in Subspace, but 'The End of Reincarnation' is different. He will directly intervene in the real space from the subspace in the fiftieth year after signing the contract. This will inevitably lead to the balance between the real dimension and the virtual dimension being broken, and the extinction of the civilization that signed the contract. Relatively speaking, it’s just a small thing.”

"...Subspace storm?"

"It is a super-large-scale, super-long-duration subspace storm. Not only will the mass effect channel be unusable, but the buoy network and any technology related to subspace and element zero will also be ineffective," Dr. Qiyi replied: "Moreover, a large number of The unknown existences living in subspace will be 'lifted' to the real dimension, and eventually the two dimensions will overlap with each other. At that time, the subjective consciousness of all living things will be annihilated, and no one will know what terrible disaster will happen next... .”

"In that case, why didn't you stop [The End of Reincarnation] from taking action?" Kangna questioned.

"Because we can't do it, the strength gap is too big," Dr. Qiyi said with his hands: "We can't solve the problem, but we can solve the people who created the problem."

"What an incompetent 'Supreme Mage'." Kangna looked at him with contempt.

"It's the 'Agent of the Supreme Master'," Doctor Strange seemed to want to protect the reputation of the "Supreme Master": "Since you are only a conscious body now, you cannot stay in 'Kama Taj' for a long time. You can go back after a cup of tea."

Um? Already arrived?

Kangna turned her head and looked in the direction of the airship.

Directly ahead, the boundless gray fog of subspace suddenly dispersed at the bow of the ship, revealing endless snow-capped mountains, and between the snow-capped mountains, a group of wonderful buildings full of East Asian style, like temples and academies.

"Welcome to 'Kama Taj'." Dr. Qiyi straightened his back with some inexplicable pride.

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