The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-three, fission of the earth (3)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


World God Galaxy, Second Fleet Vanguard Battle Group.

On the battleship "Amazon", an impromptu military meeting was being held.

It was chaired by the commander of the battle group, William Drescher, and attended by remote communications by Commander-in-Chief of the Second Fleet, Caster Drescher.

Governor Jin Gu of Nethergarde Keep, SSR representative Jack Harper, and Ao Yuyu, who somehow managed to participate, were present.

The main topic of this meeting is about the next move of the vanguard fleet.

Although this attack on the World God Galaxy initially achieved its goal, due to an unexpected incident, the Pioneer Battle Group had to make an immediate decision.

Should they retreat decisively back to the human-controlled area, or take advantage of the victory and pursue them to Batari's home star of Ka Shi.

After all, on the surface, the Batarians' act of brazenly detonating the space fortress in an attempt to perish with the human fleet was too obvious. It was even broadcast live. The Second Fleet, who had survived the disaster, angrily decided to retaliate, even if it was the Citadel. It's hard to say anything, because this behavior is equivalent to using "weapons of mass destruction" expressly prohibited by the "Citadel Convention".

If we retreat at this point, we should be able to gain the favor of the three major governing civilizations of the Citadel, and receive compensation from the Galaxy Alliance after a period of time. Batarians and other things will naturally be sanctioned by the Citadel.

But it couldn't be withdrawn.

No matter what the outside world thinks, or how this explosion looks like, Star Alliance and Batarian side all know clearly that the so-called explosion of the space fortress is just two things: "ultra-long-distance transmission" and "detonating a nuclear bomb in an area with many civilians" It is just an appearance created by chance of something that cannot be easily uncovered.

For the Star Alliance, the Batarians, who possess such dangerous technology and do not mind committing dangerous acts, must not give them a chance to breathe, otherwise they may throw nuclear bombs to other more important planets next time. Went there, like Europa 7, like Earth.

Although the Batarian side is cruel and greedy, their IQ should not have been lost too much. They can undoubtedly guess that the Star Alliance has guessed these facts, and they will definitely pull out their first and only space fleet in advance. Get defensive.

Therefore, this meeting is not about "whether to fight", but "how to fight".

Since there was no plan to launch a "war of annihilation" in advance, various resources and logistics were not deployed in time. Relying only on the support of the Skilian galaxy, they wanted to fight against the Kashan star cluster with four galaxies and their first fleet. , even if those ships are all made of scrap metal, it's still quite bad.

"That is to say, the nuclear bomb of the Watch Fort was placed there in advance? The attached 'portal' only has the function of teleporting the controller away, but not to the past? Mr. Jin Gu, do you have anything to explain?" William Drescher put one hand on the conference table and just stared at the green-haired young man opposite.

This blond man, about thirty years old, is the only son of Admiral Caster Drescher, commander of the Second Fleet. Participating in this seemingly easy battle and gaining seniority will give him a promotion in the future, if not gold plating. paving.

From the perspective of fleet command, it cannot be said that he has no talent, it can only be said that he has some ability on paper.

Jack has read the battle report of this battle. All the commands were in order, and all situations were handled and developed in a textbook way.

That is to say, this operation was overwhelming in terms of strength, and the captains of the fleet were flexible enough to avoid causing too much damage.

But character... Jack glanced at the aggressive Drescher. Is now the time to hold him accountable?

"Obviously, this must have been done by an insider, and the person who is most likely to do this after Fort Watch enters martial law is me as the governor, so I stay here to be examined," Jin Gu said with a natural expression , and spread his hands: "However, the behavior of passing through the portal with a nuclear bomb that is about to detonate does not look like the mastermind behind it."

His explanation was nodded and approved by most of the officers present.

"That's right," Ao Yuyu jumped out directly: "He even blocked the explosion for our flagship."

"..." Drescher seemed to want to say something, but looked at Ao Yuyu and hesitated: "Miss Ao, the content of this meeting cannot be discussed in the live broadcast, you know that, right?"

"Don't worry, just pretend I don't exist." The girl host waved her hand casually.

Then your sense of existence is really weak.

Speaking of which, what is the background of this girl who was specifically told by the Nine-tailed Fox to "don't worry about her, just let her do whatever she wants"?

"[Okay, back to the topic, Will,]" the virtual image of General Caster Drescher said: "[We can't give the Batarians time to react. Even if we can't capture their home planet in one fell swoop, at least We also have to occupy the Omega Galaxy and strangle them by the neck——Mr. 'Illusive Man', what does the SSR say about this?】"

He was not asking SSR at all, but intended to get the opinions of other SCP bosses through himself and Ms. Nine-tailed Fox.

From this perspective, he should not be a member of SCP.

But fortunately, the nine-tailed fox had already told him how to deal with it in advance.

"The SSR's opinion is," Jack put on a serious and inscrutable expression: "You can fight, but you must fight. If it's too late, you won't be able to fight." what does this sentence mean?


At the same time, on the Kronos space carrier, the temporary "Overwatch" team and all non-staff personnel gathered.

They will decide on their own after the Second Fleet makes a decision.

Some people are meeting each other for the first time, while others have never spoken to each other before and are taking the time to get to know each other.

"It seems we all have an unreliable boss, Ms. Pepper."

"No, my name is not Pepper...Miss Driver."

"Don't worry about that, should I just call the driver?"

Eva Kuhl and Siduri are roasting their bosses.

"Hello, Ms. Anna, your sniper skills are impressive. I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Your fighting ability is also, uh...Mr. Bucky."

"No, Bucky is the nickname given by the captain. You can call me Doomfist."

Anna and Bedivere are discussing tactical cooperation.

"Ms. Gwen, have you ever considered developing more uses for spider silk? For example, using it to knit sweaters or use it as piano strings?"

"If I use them to tie you into a rice dumpling and hang you up, is that considered a use?"

"Well...that's a very sad thing."

Gwen Stacy and Tristan appear to be having a discussion about biology.

"Sharon? Are you sleepy? If you are tired, go to bed." Ella passed by the lounge and poked Sharon who was sitting in the corner holding a shield.

"No," Sharon winked at her, "I'm trying not to laugh."

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